CADConvertOptions |
CADConvertOptions.LayoutSortOrder |
Layout sorting options
CADModule |
The class CADModule. |
Caret |
A Caret annotation (PDF 1.5) is a visual symbol that indicates
the presence of text edits. |
CharData |
CharData is a data structure returned by CharIterator that is
used to provide extra information about a character within
a text run. |
CharIterator |
CharIterator is an iterator type that can be used to traverse CharData
in the current e_text element. |
CheckBoxWidget |
An object representing a check box used in a PDF Form. |
Circle |
Square and circle annotations (PDF 1.3) shall display,
respectively, a rectangle or an ellipse on the page. |
ClassMap |
The Class ClassMap. |
CMSSignatureOptions |
Optional data for CMS creation. |
ColorPt |
ColorPt is an array of colorants (or tint values) representing a color point
in an associated color space. |
ColorSpace |
This abstract class is used to serve as a color space tag to identify the specific
color space of a Color object. |
ComboBoxWidget |
An object representing a Combo Box used in a PDF Form. |
CommonCompat |
Compatibility layer for older API. |
CommonCompat.Matrix2D |
CommonCompat.PDFNetIterator |
CommonCompat.RecentlyUsedCache |
Config |
The OCG::Config object represents an optional-content (OC) configuration
structure (see section 4.10.3 in PDF Reference), used to persist a set
of visibility states and other optional-content information in a PDF file
A document has a default configuration, saved in the D entry in the
'OCProperties' dictionary (that can be obtained using pdfdoc.GetOCConfig()),
and can have a list of other configurations, saved as an array in the
'Configs' entry in the OCProperties dictionary. |
ConnectionErrorProc |
ConnectionErrorProc is an interface for a custom handler that
that can be passed into SetConnectionErrorProc. |
ContentElement |
Base class for all content elements in the document content tree. |
ContentItem |
Content items are graphical objects that exist in the document independently
of the structure tree but are associated with structure elements. |
ContentNode |
Base class for all elements in the document content tree that can contain
other content elements. |
ContentNodeIterator |
ContentNodeIterator is an iterator type that can be used to traverse the
children of a content node object. |
ContentReplacer |
ContentReplacer is a utility class for replacing content (text and images)
in existing PDF (template) documents. |
Context |
The OCG::Context object represents an optional-content context in a document, within which
document objects such as words or annotations are visible or hidden. |
ConversionOptions |
Convert |
Converter is a utility class used to convert documents and files to PDF. |
Convert.EPUBOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to ToEpub functions
Convert.ExcelOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to toExcel functions
Convert.HTMLOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to ToHtml and ToEpub functions
Convert.OutputOptionsOCR |
A class containing OCR options common to the ToHtml, ToWord, ToExcel, ToPowerPoint functions
Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.LanguageChoice |
Convert.OutputOptionsOCR.PreferredOCREngine |
Convert.PowerPointOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to toPowerPoint functions
Convert.StructuredOutputOptions |
A class containing StructuredOutput options
Convert.StructuredOutputOptions.SectionConversionSetting |
Convert.SVGOutputOptions |
A class containing options for ToSvg functions
Convert.TiffOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to ToTiff functions
Convert.WordOutputOptions |
A class containing options common to toWord functions
Convert.XODOutputOptions |
A class containing options for ToXod functions
Convert.XPSOutputCommonOptions |
A class containing options common to ToXps and ToXod functions
Convert.XPSOutputOptions |
A class containing options for ToXps functions
ConvertPrinter |
The ConvertPrinter class contains static member functions for installing and
uninstalling a Windows OS printer for conversion of document formats by
the Convert class. |
CubicCurveBuilder |
The class CubicCurveBuilder. |
CurrentPageProc |
The Interface CurrentPageProc. |
CustomFilter |
CustomFilter allows for customizing the reading and writing process. |
Element |
Element is the abstract interface used to access graphical elements used to build the
display list. |
ElementBuilder |
ElementBuilder is used to build new PDF.Elements (e.g. |
ElementReader |
ElementReader can be used to parse and process content streams. |
ElementWriter |
ElementWriter can be used to assemble and write new content to a page, Form XObject,
Type3 Glyph stream, pattern stream, or any other content stream. |
EmbeddedTimestampVerificationResult |
This class represents the result of verifying a secure embedded
timestamp digital signature. |
ErrorReportProc |
ErrorReportProc is an interface for a custom handler that
that can be used to report potential rendering errors in PDFViewCtrl,
PDFDraw, or PDFRasterizer. |
ExternalAnnotManager |
The class ExternalAnnotManager. |
Page |
Page is a high-level class representing PDF page object (see 'Page Objects' in
Section 3.6.2, 'Page Tree,' in PDF Reference Manual). |
PageIterator |
PageIterator is an iterator type that can be used to traverse a list
pages in a PDF document. |
PageLabel |
PDF page labels can be used to describe a page. |
PageSet |
PageSet is a container of page numbers ordered following a linear sequence. |
Paragraph |
A Paragraph is a content node that contains a list of TextRun objects. |
Paragraph.TextJustification |
PathData |
Contains the information required to draw the path. |
PatternColor |
Patterns are quite general, and have many uses; for example, they can be used
to create various graphical textures, such as weaves, brick walls, sunbursts,
and similar geometrical and chromatic effects. |
PDF2HtmlReflowParagraphsModule |
The class PDF2HtmlReflowParagraphsModule. |
PDF2WordModule |
The class PDF2WordModule. |
PDFACompat |
Compatibility layer for older API. |
PDFACompat.PDFACompliance |
PDFACompliance |
PDFACompliance class is used to validate PDF documents for PDF/A (ISO 19005:1/2/3)
compliance or to convert existing PDF files to PDF/A compliant documents. |
PDFAOptions |
PDFCompat |
Compatibility layer for older API. |
PDFCompat.Action |
PDFCompat.Annot |
PDFCompat.Bookmark |
PDFCompat.CharData |
PDFCompat.ColorPt |
PDFCompat.ColorSpace |
PDFCompat.ContentReplacer |
PDFCompat.Convert |
PDFCompat.ConvertPrinter |
PDFCompat.Date |
PDFCompat.Destination |
PDFCompat.Element |
PDFCompat.ElementBuilder |
PDFCompat.ElementReader |
PDFCompat.ElementWriter |
PDFCompat.Field |
PDFCompat.FileSpec |
PDFCompat.Flattener |
PDFCompat.Font |
PDFCompat.Function |
PDFCompat.GState |
PDFCompat.Highlights |
PDFCompat.Image |
PDFCompat.Image2RGB |
PDFCompat.Image2RGBA |
PDFCompat.Optimizer |
PDFCompat.Page |
PDFCompat.PageLabel |
PDFCompat.PageSet |
PDFCompat.PatternColor |
PDFCompat.PDFDoc |
PDFCompat.PDFDocInfo |
PDFCompat.PDFDocViewPrefs |
PDFCompat.PDFDraw |
PDFCompat.PDFNet |
PDFCompat.PDFRasterizer |
PDFCompat.PDFViewCtrl |
PDFCompat.Print |
PDFCompat.Rect |
PDFCompat.Redactor |
PDFCompat.Shading |
PDFCompat.Stamper |
PDFCompat.TextExtractor |
PDFCompat.TextRange |
PDFCompat.TextSearch |
PDFDoc |
PDFDoc is a high-level class describing a single PDF (Portable Document
Format) document. |
PDFDoc.ActionTriggerMode |
PDFDoc.FlattenMode |
PDFDoc.InsertBookmarkMode |
PDFDoc.SignaturesVerificationStatus |
PDFDocGenerator |
The class PDFDocGenerator. |
PDFDocInfo |
PDFDocInfo is a high-level utility class that can be used to read and modify
document's metadata. |
PDFDocViewPrefs |
PDFDocViewPrefs is a high-level utility class that can be used to control the
way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print. |
PDFDraw |
PDFDraw contains methods for converting PDF pages to images and to Bitmap
objects. |
PDFDraw.IntBufferData |
PDFNet |
PDFNet contains global library initialization, registration, configuration,
and termination methods. |
PDFNetException |
PDFNetException is derived from the standard exception class and it is a superclass
for all PDFNet library exceptions. |
PDFNetInternalTools |
The class PDFNetInternalTools. |
PDFNetIterator<T> |
Supports a simple iteration over a non-generic collection. |
PDFRasterizer |
PDFRasterizer is a low-level PDF rasterizer. |
PDFTronCustomSecurityHandler |
This class represents PDFTron Custom Security handler that applies PDFTron's custom encryption method on save. |
PDFViewCtrl |
PDFViewCtrl is a utility class that can be used for interactive rendering of
PDF documents. |
PDFViewCtrl.ColorPostprocessMode |
PDFViewCtrl.LinkInfo |
A class that holds information for a link. |
PDFViewCtrl.PagePresentationMode |
PagePresentationMode lists common modes of presenting PDF pages. |
PDFViewCtrl.PageViewMode |
PageViewMode lists common modes of viewing PDF pages. |
PDFViewCtrl.Selection |
A class representing the current text selection. |
PDFViewScrollPane |
A scrolling panel. |
Point |
The Class Point. |
Polygon |
The Polygon class. |
PolyLine |
Polyline annotations (PDF 1.5) display (open or closed) shapes of multiple edges on the page. |
Popup |
A pop-up annotation (PDF 1.3) displays text in a pop-up window for entry and
editing. |
Print |
Print is a utility class used to print PDF documents. |
PrinterMode |
PrinterMode is a utility class used to set printer options for printing PDF
documents. |
PrintToPdfModule |
The class PrintToPdfModule. |
PrintToPdfOptions |
ProgressMonitor |
ProgressMonitor is an interface that an application can use to indicate the
progress of a lengthy operation (such as PDFDoc.Save()). |
PushButtonWidget |
An object representing a push button used in a PDF Form. |
RadioButtonGroup |
An object representing a Group of Radio Buttons that can be used to create new Radio Buttons. |
RadioButtonWidget |
An object representing a Radio Button used in a PDF Form. |
RecentlyUsedCache |
RecentlyUsedCache is a persistent cache that provides thumbnails for recently
used documents in PDFNet. |
Rect |
Rect is a utility class used to manipulate PDF rectangle objects (refer to
section 3.8.3 of the PDF Reference Manual). |
RectCollection |
Redaction |
A redaction annotation (PDF 1.7) identifies content that is intended to
be removed from the document. |
Redactor |
PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
(not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF. |
Redactor.Appearance |
Class used to customize the appearance of the optional redaction overlay. |
Redactor.Redaction |
Reflow |
The class Reflow. |
RefreshOptions |
RequestRenderInWorkerThreadProc |
RequestRenderInWorkerThreadProc is an interface for a custom handler that
issues a rendering request from the UI thread. |
ResultSnapshot |
The class ResultSnapshot. |
RoleMap |
RoleMap is a dictionary that maps the names of structure types used in the
document to their approximate equivalents in the set of standard structure
types. |
Parameters for the RSASSA-PSS algorithm. |
RubberStamp |
A rubber stamp annotation (PDF 1.3) displays text or graphics intended
to look as if they were stamped on the page with a rubber stamp. |
Screen |
A screen annotation (PDF 1.5) specifies a region of a page upon which
media clips may be played. |
SDFCompat |
Compatibility layer for older API. |
SDFCompat.DictIterator |
SDFCompat.NameTree |
SDFCompat.NumberTree |
SDFCompat.Obj |
SDFCompat.ObjSet |
SDFCompat.SDFDoc |
SDFCompat.SecurityHandler |
SDFDoc |
SDFDoc is a low-level document representing a graph of SDF.Obj nodes that
can be used to build higher-level document models such as PDF (Portable Document
Format) or FDF (Forms Document Format). |
SDFDoc.SaveMode |
SecondaryFileFilter |
This class is used for creating a PDFDoc from Android content Uri. |
SecurityHandler |
Standard Security Handler is a built-in password-based security handler. |
SElement |
SElement represents PDF structural elements, which are nodes in a tree
structure, defining a PDF document's logical structure. |
Separation |
Separation contains a memory buffer and CMYK components' information about rasterized separations
used in PDFDraw.getSeparationBitmaps() and PDFRasterizer.rasterizeSeparations()
Note: This class is available on all platforms supported by PDFNet. |
Shading |
Shading is a class that represents a flat interface around all PDF shading
- In Function-based (type 1) shadings, the color at every point in the domain
is defined by a specified mathematical function. |
ShapedText |
The class ShapedText. |
ShapedText.FailureReason |
ShapedText.ShapingStatus |
SignatureHandler |
A base class for SignatureHandler. |
SignatureWidget |
An object representing a Signature used in a PDF Form. |
Sound |
A sound annotation (PDF 1.2) shall analogous to a text annotation
except that instead of a text note, it contains sound recorded from
the computer's microphone or imported from a file. |
Square |
Square and circle annotations (PDF 1.3) shall display,
respectively, a rectangle or an ellipse on the page. |
Squiggly |
TextMarkup annotations shall appear as highlights, underlines,
strikeouts (all PDF 1.3), or jagged ("squiggly") underlines (PDF 1.4)
in the text of a document. |
Stamper |
Stamper is a utility class that can be used to PDF pages with text, images,
or with other PDF content in only a few lines of code. |
STree |
STree is the root of the structure tree, which is a central repository
for information related to a PDF document's logical structure. |
StrikeOut |
TextMarkup annotations shall appear as highlights, underlines,
strikeouts (all PDF 1.3), or jagged ("squiggly") underlines (PDF 1.4)
in the text of a document. |
StrokeOutlineBuilder |
StrokeOutlineBuilder is a class used to generate a stroke outline. |
StrokeOutlineBuilder.TipOptions |
StructCompat |
Compatibility layer for older API. |
StructCompat.AttrObj |
StructCompat.ClassMap |
StructCompat.ContentItem |
StructCompat.RoleMap |
StructCompat.SElement |
StructCompat.STree |
StructuredOutputModule |
The class StructuredOutputModule. |
SVGConvertOptions |
Table |
A Table is a content node that contains a grid of cells. |
TableCell |
A class representing a table cell, which can be used during document creation. |
TableCell.CellAlignmentHorizontalVals |
TableCell.CellAlignmentVerticalVals |
TableRow |
A class representing a table row, which can be used during document creation. |
TemplateDocument |
The class TemplateDocument. |
Text |
A text annotation represents a "sticky note" attached to a point in
the PDF document. |
Text2PDFOptions |
TextDiffOptions |
TextExtractor |
TextExtractor is used to analyze a PDF page and extract words
and logical structures that are visible within a given region. |
TextExtractor.CharRange |
TextExtractor.CharRange object represents a range of text
based on Unicode character indices. |
TextExtractor.Compat |
Compatibility layer API. |
TextExtractor.Line |
TextExtractor.Style |
A class representing predominant text style associated with a
given Line, a Word, or a Glyph. |
TextExtractor.Word |
TextMarkup |
Text markup annotations shall appear as highlights, underlines,
strikeouts (all PDF 1.3), or jagged ("squiggly") underlines (PDF 1.4)
in the text of a document. |
TextRange |
The TextRange is used to store the necessary information and perform certain
It may be the result of a text search, or simply a couple of highlighted or
underlined words. |
TextRun |
A TextRun is a content element that represents a single run of text. |
TextSearch |
TextSearch searches through a PDF document for a user-given search pattern. |
TextSearchResult |
TextSearchResult is used by the TextSearch class for returning a search
result. |
TextStyledElement |
A TextStyledElement provides access to the text style properties of a
ContentElement . |
TextWidget |
An object representing a Text Box used in a PDF Form. |
ThumbAsyncHandler |
ThumbAsyncHandler is an interface for a custom handler that
that can be passed into GetThumbAsync. |
TimestampingConfiguration |
A class representing a set of options for timestamping a document. |
TimestampingResult |
A class representing the result of testing a timestamping configuration. |
TrustVerificationResult |
The detailed result of a trust verification step of a verification
operation performed on a digital signature. |