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ElementGetBBox Method

Obtains the bounding box for a graphical element. Calculates the bounding box for a graphical element (i.e. an Element that belongs to one of following types: e_path, e_text, e_image, e_inline_image, e_shading e_form). The returned bounding box is guaranteed to encompass the Element, but is not guaranteed to be the smallest box that could contain the element. For example, for Bezier curves the bounding box will enclose all control points, not just the curve itself.

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public bool GetBBox(
	Rect bbox


Type: pdftron.PDFRect
(Filled by the method) A reference to a rectangle specifying the bounding box of Element (a rectangle that surrounds the entire element). The coordinates are represented in the default PDF page coordinate system and are using units called points (1 point = 1/72 inch = 2.54 /72 centimeter). The bounding box already accounts for the effects of current transformation matrix (CTM), text matrix, font size, and other properties in the graphics state. If this is a non-graphical element (i.e. the method returns false) the bounding box is undefined.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
Rect if this is a graphical element and the bounding box can be calculated; null for non-graphical elements which don't have bounding box. The coordinates are represented in the default PDF page coordinate system and are using units called points (1 point = 1/72 inch = 2.54 /72 centimeter). The bounding box already accounts for the effects of current transformation matrix (CTM), text matrix, font size, and other properties in the graphics state. If this is a non-graphical element (i.e. the method returns false) the bounding box is undefined.
See Also