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SDFDocSaveAsync Method (String, SDFDocSaveOptions, String)

Saves the document to a specified file.

Namespace:  pdftron.SDF
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public IAsyncAction SaveAsync(
	string filePath,
	SDFDocSaveOptions flags,
	string header


Type: SystemString
The full path to the file where to save the document at.
Type: pdftron.SDFSDFDocSaveOptions
Options for saving the document.
Type: SystemString
The file header to use.

Return Value

Type: IAsyncAction
An object that is used to manage the asynchronous operation.

The SaveAsync method only works when saving a file to a location within the app's storage. Saving directly outside of the app's storage using this method is discouraged. Use the SaveAsync method that takes in an IStorageFile instance instead.

In a multi-threaded environment, the user is expected to acquire a write lock before attempting to save the document.

The save options can be combined using bitwise OR operations.

The new file header is only set when performing a full save.

A full save with remove unused or linearization option may re-arrange object in the cross reference table. Therefore all pointers and references to document objects and resources should be re-acquired in order to continue document editing.

If the original pdf has a corrupt xref table (see HasRepairedXref or, then it can not be saved using the e_incremental flag.

See Also