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SoundSetIcon Method (SoundIcon)

Sets the sub type of the Sound annotation. (Optional)

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF.Annots
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public void SetIcon(
	SoundIcon type


Type: pdftron.PDF.AnnotsSoundIcon
An entry in the "GetIcon" enum indicating the subtype of the Sound annotation.
The Icon indicates name of an icon that shall be used in displaying the annotation. Conforming readers shall provide predefined icon appearances for at least the standard types e_Speaker and e_Mic. Additional types may be supported as well. However, user defined sub types has to be represented by string. In the enum"Icon", it will just show as "e_Unknow". Default value: e_Speaker. The annotation dictionary’s AP entry, if present, shall take precedence over the Name entry; see Table 168 and 12.5.5, “Appearance Streams.”
See Also