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DigitalSignatureFieldCalculateDigest Method (DigestAlgorithm)

Calculates the digest of the relevant bytes of the document for this signature field, in order to allow the caller to perform custom signing/processing. Signature field must first be prepared using one of the non-sign overloads (CreateSigDictForCustomSigning/Certification), and then the document must be saved; after that, this function can be called. The ByteRanges that the most recent save has entered into the signature dictionary within this signature field will be used to calculate the digest.

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public byte[] CalculateDigest(
	DigestAlgorithm in_digest_algorithm_type


Type: pdftron.CryptoDigestAlgorithm
the enumerated type of digest algorithm to use for the calculation.

Return Value

Type: Byte
an array of bytes containing the digest value
See Also