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ConvertFromText Method

Convert the specified plain text file to PDF and append converted pages to the specified PDF document.

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public static void FromText(
	PDFDoc in_pdfdoc,
	string in_filename,
	Obj options


Type: pdftron.PDFPDFDoc
the PDFDoc to append to
Type: SystemString
the path to the plain text document to convert
Type: pdftron.SDFObj
the conversion options
in_options the conversion options. The availble options are:

| Option Name | Type | Note |


| BytesPerBite | Integer | In bytes. Use for streaming conversion only. |

| FontFace | String | Set the font face used for the conversion. |

| FontSize | Integer | Set the font size used for the conversion. |

| LineHeightMultiplier | Double | Set the line height multiplier used for the conversion. |

| MarginBottom | Double | In inches. Set the bottom margin of the page. |

| MarginLeft | Double | In inches. Set the left margin of the page. |

| MarginRight | Double | In inches. Set the right margin of the page. |

| MarginTop | Double | In inches. Set the top margin of the page. |

| PageHeight | Double | In inches. Set the page height. |

| PageWidth | Double | In inches. Set the page width. |

| UseSourceCodeFormatting | Boolean | Set whether to use mono font for the conversion. |

See Also