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FieldFindInheritedAttribute Method

Some of the Field attributes are designated as inheritable. If such an attribute is omitted from a Field object, its value is inherited from an ancestor node in the Field tree. If the attribute is a required one, a value must be supplied in an ancestor node; if it is optional and no inherited value is specified, the default value should be used. The function walks up the Field inhritance tree in search for specified attribute.

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public Obj FindInheritedAttribute(
	string attrib


Type: SystemString
the attrib

Return Value

Type: Obj
The attribute value if the given attribute name was found or a NULL object if the given attribute name was not found. Resources dictionary (Required; inheritable) MediaBox rectangle (Required; inheritable) CropBox rectangle (Optional; inheritable) Rotate integer (Optional; inheritable)
See Also