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PDFViewCtrlSetupThumbnails Method

Enables or disables thumbnail view features. Thumbnail view is used before a PDF page is fully rendered. If runtime thumb view generation is enabled, PDFViewCtrl generates thumbnail views at runtime. If a PDF file already contains the thumbnail views, runtime thumb view generation can be turned off, which is more efficient. If runtime thumb view generation is enabled, the thumbMaxSideLength will be used as a reference to calculate the thumbnail resolution.

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public void SetupThumbnails(
	bool use_embedded_thumbs,
	bool generate_thumbs_at_runtime,
	bool use_persistent_cache,
	int thumb_max_side_length,
	uint max_abs_cache_size,
	double max_perc_cache_size


Type: SystemBoolean
Enables or disables using thumbnails embedded in the PDF document as a preview of the rendered page. This flag is currently ignored, but functionality may be added to support embedded thumbnails in the future.
Type: SystemBoolean
Enables or disables generating thumbnails at runtime. Default is enabled.
Type: SystemBoolean

[Missing <param name="use_persistent_cache"/> documentation for "M:pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl.SetupThumbnails(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.UInt32,System.Double)"]

Type: SystemInt32
The maximum size, in pixels, of a dimension of generated thumbnails.
Type: SystemUInt32
The maximum absolute size, in bytes, the thumbnail cache file may take up on disk.
Type: SystemDouble
The maximum percentage of free disk space, in the range 0 - 1.0, the thumbnail cache file may take up.
See Also