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PDFViewCtrl Methods

The PDFViewCtrl type exposes the following members.

Public methodActivate
Reactivates the PDFViewCtrl after a call to Deactivate. Rendering, FindText, thumbnail requests, etc, will not work until the PDFViewWPF has been reactivated.
Public methodAddHandler (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodAllowScrollOnKeyPresses
Tells PDFViewCtrl whether or not it should handle Scrolling when for example an arrow key is pressed
Public methodApplyTemplate (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodArrange (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodCancelAllThumbRequests
Cancels all thumbnail requests initiated by GetThumbAsync(int pageNum). See GetThumbAsync(int pageNum) for more information.
Public methodCancelDirectManipulations (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodCancelFindText
Public methodCancelRendering
Cancels rendering in progress. If PDFViewCtrl is not busy rendering the page, the function has no side effects.
Public methodCanRedo
Checks if redo operation is available
Public methodCanUndo
Checks if undo operation is available
Public methodCapturePointer (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodClearSelection
Remove any text selection.
Public methodClearThumbCache
Remove all thumbnails from the persistent disk cache.
Public methodClearValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodClose
Public methodCloseDoc
Closes the document currently opened in PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodConnectDocAndResume
This will load a document and start rendering it again without affecting the visual layout of the PDFViewCtrl. Use this after the app resumes after being suspended.
Public methodConvAnnotationCanvasPtToScreenPt
Converts a point expressed in AnnotationCanvas (GetAnnotationCanvas()) space to a point in screen space.
Public methodConvCanvasPtToPagePt
Converts a point expressed in canvas space to a point on a page space.
Public methodConvCanvasPtToScreenPt(DoubleRef, DoubleRef)
Converts a point expressed in canvas space to a point in sceen space.
Public methodConvCanvasPtToScreenPt(DoubleRef, DoubleRef, Int32)
Converts a point expressed in canvas space to a point in sceen space.
Public methodConvPagePtToCanvasPt
Converts a point expressed in a page space to a point in canvas space.
Public methodConvPagePtToScreenPt
Converts a point in a page space to a point in screen space.
Public methodConvScreenPtToAnnotationCanvasPt(DoubleRef, DoubleRef)
Converts a point expressed in screen space to a point in AnnotationCanvas (GetAnnotationCanvas()) space.
Public methodConvScreenPtToAnnotationCanvasPt(DoubleRef, DoubleRef, Int32)
Converts a point expressed in screen space to a point in AnnotationCanvas (GetAnnotationCanvas()) space.
Public methodConvScreenPtToCanvasPt(DoubleRef, DoubleRef)
Converts a point expressed in screen space to a point in canvas space.
Public methodConvScreenPtToCanvasPt(DoubleRef, DoubleRef, Int32)
Converts a point expressed in screen space to a point in canvas space.
Public methodConvScreenPtToPagePt
Converts a point in screen space to a point in a page space.
Public methodCopySelectedTextToClipboardAsUnicode
Copys the text current selected text to clipboard as unicode.
Public methodDeactivate
This will stop rendering and then remove any content that is not visible on the screen. Use Activate to reactivate the PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodDocLock
Locks the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl. Simultaneous access to a PDFDoc instance is not allowed. Since PDFViewCtrl renders a PDFDoc in a rendering thread, UI access to the same PDFDOc instance should lock the document first and then unlock it with DocUnlock afterwards.
Public methodDocLockRead
Locks the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl to prevent competing write threads (using Lock()) from accessing the document at the same time. Other reader threads however, will be allowed to access the document. Threads attempting to obtain write access to the document will wait in suspended state until the thread that owns the lock calls doc.UnlockRead().
Public methodDocTryLock
Tries to lock the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl in non-blocking manner.
Public methodDocTryLock(Int32)
Tries to lock the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl in non-blocking manner.
Public methodDocTryLockRead
Tries to obtain a read lock for the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl for reading in non-blocking manner.
Public methodDocTryLockRead(Int32)
Tries to obtain a read lock for the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl for reading in non-blocking manner.
Public methodDocUnlock
Unlocks the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl and restarts the rendering thread if it was canceled by calling DocLock.
Public methodDocUnlockRead
Removes the read lock from the PDFDoc instance used by PDFViewCtrl
Public methodEnableExternalAnnotManager(String)
Public methodEnableExternalAnnotManager(String, ExternalAnnotManagerMode)
Public methodEnableUndoRedo
Enables Undo/Redo on the document.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecuteAction(Action)
Requests action object to be executed by PDFViewCtrl. Action must belong to the document currently displayed in PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodExecuteAction(ActionParameter)
Requests action object to be executed by PDFViewCtrl. Action must belong to the document currently displayed in PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodFindName (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodFindTextAsync(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Selects text by searching for a given string of text. Note that to cancel the text search, use PDFViewCtrl.CancelFindText, as opposed to canceling the operation that is returned.
Public methodFindTextAsync(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32)
Selects text by searching for a given string of text. Note that to cancel the text search, use PDFViewCtrl.CancelFindText, as opposed to canceling the operation that is returned.
Public methodFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodFreeResources
This will clean up all native resources, as well as file handles and similar. However, managed resources will remain until cleaned up by the garbage collector.
Public methodGetAnimationBaseValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetAnnotAt(Int32, Int32)
Gets the annotation at the (x, y) position expressed in screen coordinates.
Public methodGetAnnotAt(Int32, Int32, Double, Double)
Gets the annotation at the (x, y) position expressed in screen coordinates.
Public methodGetAnnotationCanvas
Gets the canvas that floats above the PDF for use in drawing temporary annotations.
Public methodGetAnnotationCanvasHorizontalOffset
Gets the current horizontal scroll position of the AnnotationCanvas. Note: Due to a problem with the ScrollViewer, content at offsets greater than 2^21 are not shown inside the ScrollViewer Therefore, we have had to change the structure a little, while preserving the visual appearance of the ScrollViewer, the actual visual tree might look different. Therefore, when adding UI elements to the AnnotationCanvas, use this instead of GetHSrollPos() to calculate the position when, for example, converting from screen space to the Annotation canvas's space.
Public methodGetAnnotationCanvasTopLeftCorner
Gets the offset of the AnnotationCanvas from the top left of the PDFViewCtrl (Relevant if zoomed out far).
Public methodGetAnnotationCanvasVerticalOffset
Gets the current vertical scroll position of the AnnotationCanvas. Note: Due to a problem with the ScrollViewer, content at offsets greater than 2^21 are not shown inside the ScrollViewer Therefore, we have had to change the structure a little, while preserving the visual appearance of the ScrollViewer, the actual visual tree might look different. Therefore, when adding UI elements to the AnnotationCanvas, use this instead of GetVSrollPos() to calculate the position when, for example, converting from screen space to the Annotation canvas's space.
Public methodGetAnnotationListAt
Gets the list of annotations at line (x1, y1, x2, y2) expressed in screen coordinates
Public methodGetBindingExpression (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodGetCanvasHeight
Gets the height of the scrollable space.
Public methodGetCanvasWidth
Gets the width of the scrollable space.
Public methodGetColorPostProcessMode
Public methodGetContentBoundingBox
Gets a tight bounding box around all the pages on the current canvas.
Public methodGetCurrentPage
Gets the current page displayed in the view.
Public methodGetDeviceTransform
Gets device transformation matrix from current page
Public methodGetDeviceTransform(Int32)
Gets device transformation matrix from current page
Public methodGetDoc
Gets Currently associated document with this PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodGetExternalAnnotManager
Public methodGetFindTextProgress
Returns the progress of the FindTextAsync
Public methodGetFindTextProgressAsFactor
Returns the progress of the FindTextAsync
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHScrollPos
Gets the current horizontal scroll position in scrollable space.
Public methodGetLinkAt
Gets the link info at a given point, specified in client space.
Public methodGetNextRedoInfo
Obtains the meta info associated with the next Redo state.
Public methodGetNextUndoInfo
Obtains the meta info associated with the next Undo state.
Public methodGetOCGContext
Public methodGetPageBox
Gets the box used by PDFViewCtrl for rasterizing.
Public methodGetPageCount
Gets the total number of pages in the document.
Public methodGetPageNumberFromScreenPoint
Gets the number of the page located under the given screen coordinate. A positive number indicates a valid page, whereas a number less than 1 indicates no page was found.
Public methodGetPagePresentationMode
Gets the current page presentation mode.
Public methodGetPageRectForAnnot
Return the annotation rect in screen points
Public methodGetPageRefViewMode
Gets the reference page view mode. See more details about reference page view mode in SetPageRefViewMode(int).
Public methodGetPageViewMode
Gets the current page view mode. Note: It is possible for the view to appear to have a specifiv view mode, while it is in e_zoom. If this is a concern, use GetZoomForViewMode and comapre it to the current zoom.
Public methodGetPostProcessedColor
Returns the resulting color of post processing colorPoint as specified through SetColorPostProcessMode or SetColorPostProcessColors
Public methodGetProgressiveRendering
Gets whether the control will render progressively or will just draw once the entire view has been rendered.
Public methodGetRightToLeftLanguage
Returns true if the PDFViewCtrl is currently in right to left reading mode. false otherwise.
Public methodGetRotation
Gets the current rotation of this PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodGetScreenRectForAnnot
Return the annotation rect in screen points
Public methodGetScrollBarVisibility
Gets the visibility settings for the PDFViewCtrl's ScrollBars.
Public methodGetScrollEnabled
Gets if scroll is currently enabled or disabled.
Public methodGetScrollViewer
Gets the internal PDFViewCtrl ScrollViewer used to scroll the PDF pages.
Public methodGetSelection
Gets Current text selection for a given page. If there is only selection on one page, then page number does not need to be provided.
Public methodGetSelection(Int32)
Gets the selection on the given page number
Public methodGetSelectionBeginPage
Gets the first page number that has text selection on it. Useful when there are selections on multiple pages at the same time.
Public methodGetSelectionEndPage
Gets the last page number that has text selection on it. Useful when there are selections on multiple pages at the same time.
Public methodGetThumbAsync
This will request a thumbnail for the page given by pageNum. When the thumbnail is ready, the OnThumbnailGenerated event will be raised with the finished thumbnail. If multiple requests are made, the thumbnail requests will be processed starting with the last request. The exception is that the current thumbnail being rendered will always finish. It is recommended to cancel all thumbnail requests once they are not needed any more, using PDFViewCtrl.CancelAllThumbRequests(); If caching is enabled, this request will be much faster once the thumb has been rendered once. You can enable caching by using pdftron.PDFNet.SetViewerCache and pdftron.PDFNet.SetDefaultDiskCachingEnabled(true);
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodGetViewHeight
Gets the width of the main view in pixels.
Public methodGetViewWidth
Gets the width of the main view in pixels.
Public methodGetVisiblePages
Gets the pages that are currently visible on the screen
Public methodGetVScrollPos
Gets the current vertical scroll position in scrollable space.
Public methodGetZoom
Gets current zoom (or scaling) component used to display the page content.
Public methodGetZoomAnimationTarget
If IsAnimatingZoom returns true, then this function will return the zoom factor that is the target for the animation.
Public methodGetZoomEnabled
Gets if zoom is currently enabled or disabled.
Public methodGetZoomForViewMode
Calculates the zoom the current view would get if mode was used in SetPageViewMode
Public methodGotoFirstPage
Sets the current page to the first page in the document.
Public methodGotoLastPage
Sets the current page to the last page in the document.
Public methodGotoNextPage
Sets the current page to the next page in the document.
Public methodGotoPreviousPage
Sets the current page to the previous page in the document.
Public methodHasSelection
checks if there is selection
Public methodHasSelectionOnPage
checks if given page number has any text selection on it. Useful when there are selections on multiple pages at the same time.
Public methodHideAnnotation
Disable rendering of a particular annotation. This does not change the annotation itself, just how it is displayed in this viewer instance.
Public methodInvalidateArrange (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodInvalidateMeasure (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodIsAnimatingZoom
Returns true if the PDFViewCtrl is currently animating to a new positon throught SmartZoom, SetPageViewMode, or SetZoom, when the 'animate' flag is set to true.
Public methodIsFinishedRendering
checks if the rendering thread has finished.
Public methodIsFinishedRendering(Boolean)
checks if the rendering thread has finished or the current visible region has been fully rendered.
Public methodMeasure (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodOpenUniversalDocument
Sets the PDF document to be displayed.
Public methodOpenURLAsync(String)
Open a PDF file at the given url. This works best with PDF's that are linearized, as pages can be downloaded and viewed in random access order, without the need to download the entire document.
Public methodOpenURLAsync(String, String, String)
Open a PDF file at the given url. This works best with PDF's that are linearized, as pages can be downloaded and viewed in random access order, without the need to download the entire document. A viewing session can also be persisted across multiple viewing/application sessions to remove redundant downloads and improve overall performance by using the optional cache_pdf parameter.
Public methodOpenURLAsync(String, String, String, HTTPRequestOptions)
Open a PDF file at the given url. This works best with PDF's that are linearized, as pages can be downloaded and viewed in random access order, without the need to download the entire document. A viewing session can also be persisted across multiple viewing/application sessions to remove redundant downloads and improve overall performance by using the optional cache_pdf parameter.
Public methodPauseAndDisconnectDoc
This will close the document, but leave the visual appearance of the PDFViewCtrl intact. This can be used when the App is being suspended so that the Stream associated with the document can be released. Use this in conjunction with ConnectDocAndResume to repopulate the PDFViewCtrl when the app gets resumed.
Public methodPopulatePropertyInfo (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReadLocalValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodRedo
Performs Redo.
Public methodRefreshAndUpdate
Helper function that will refresh annotation and/or field appearance if needed, and then render modified page areas, all based on the content of the view_change parameter.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDependencyProperties
Occurs when the pointer device initiates a Press action within this element. (Inherited from UIElement)
Public methodRegisterPropertyChangedCallback (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodReleasePointerCapture (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodReleasePointerCaptures (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodRemoveFocusEngagement (Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRemoveHandler (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodRequestRendering
Requests that PDFViewCtrl start rendering, if necessary.
Public methodRevertAllChanges
Discards all changes.
Public methodRotateClockwise
Rotates all pages in the document 90 degrees clockwise.
Public methodRotateCounterClockwise
Rotates all pages in the document 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Public methodSelect(Highlights)
Selects texts identified by Highlights.
Public methodSelect(PDFViewCtrlSelection)
Selects a region according to a PDFViewSelection object.
Public methodSelect(Double, Double, Double, Double)
Selects text within the given region using the current text selection mode.
Public methodSelect(Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double, Int32)
Selects text using structural mode given two points on two pages.
Public methodSelectAll
Selects all text on the page.
Public methodSelectWithSmartSnapping
Public methodSelectWithSnapping
Public methodSetAntiAliasing
Enable or disable anti-aliasing. Anti-Aliasing is a technique used to improve the visual quality of images when displaying them on low resolution devices (for example, low DPI computer monitors).
Public methodSetBackgroundColor
Sets the default background color used to paint the area surrounding each page.
Public methodSetBinding (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)
Public methodSetCaching
Enables of disables caching of images, fonts, and other resources. Disabling caching can lower memory requirements at the expense of rendering speed.
Public methodSetColorPostProcessColors
Set the color post processing transformation. This transform is applied to the rasterized bitmap as the final step in the rasterization process, and is applied directly to the resulting bitmap(disregarding any color space information). Color post processing only supported for RGBA output. This mode will map the brightness of the original rasterized bitmap to a gradient between whiteColor and blackColor
Public methodSetColorPostProcessMode
Set the color post processing transformation. This transform is applied to the rasterized bitmap as the final step in the rasterization process, and is applied directly to the resulting bitmap (disregarding any color space information). Color post processing only supported for RGBA output.
Public methodSetCurrentPage
Sets the current page to the given page.
Public methodSetDefaultPageColor
Sets the default 'paper' color used to draw background of each page.
Public methodSetDoc
Associates this PDFViewCtrl with a given PDF document.
Public methodSetDrawAnnotations
Enable or disable annotation and forms rendering. By default, all annotations and form fields are rendered.
Public methodSetGamma
Sets the gamma factor used for anti-aliased rendering. Gamma correction can be used to improve the quality of anti-aliased image output and can (to some extent) decrease the appearance common anti-aliasing artifacts (such as pixel width lines between polygons).
Public methodSetHighlightFields
Enable or disable highlighting form fields. Default is disabled.
Public methodSetHorizontalAlign
Sets the horizontal alignment used for rendering pages within the view.
Public methodSetHScrollPos
Sets the horizontal scroll position in scrollable space.
Public methodSetImageSmoothing
Enable or disable image smoothing. The rasterizer allows a trade-off between rendering quality and rendering speed. This function can be used to indicate the preference between rendering speed and quality.
Public methodSetOCGContext
Public methodSetOverprint
Enable or disable support for overprint. Overprint is a device dependent feature and the results will vary depending on the output color space and supported colorants (i.e. CMYK, CMYK+spot, RGB, etc). By default overprint is enabled for only PDF/X files.
Public methodSetPageBorderVisibility
Enables or disables drawing of a thin border around each page.
Public methodSetPageBox
Selects the PageBox to rasterize. PDFViewCtrl will clip pages according to their PageBox as selected here.
Public methodSetPagePresentationMode
Sets the current page presentation mode.
Public methodSetPageRefViewMode
Sets the reference page view mode. In a non-continous page presentation mode, the reference page view mode is used to determine the page view mode upon a page change event. For example, if the reference page view mode is set to e_fit_width, the new page coming in will be displayed with width-fit mode. If the reference view mode is set to e_zoom, it means that zoom will be maintained between pages.
Public methodSetPageSpacing
Sets the vertical and horizontal padding and column spacing between adjacent pages in the view.
Public methodSetPageTransparencyGrid
Enables or disables the transparency grid (check board pattern) to reflect page transparency.
Public methodSetPageViewMode(PDFViewCtrlPageViewMode)
Sets the new page viewing mode. The default PageView mode is e_fit_width.
Public methodSetPageViewMode(PDFViewCtrlPageViewMode, Double, Double, Boolean)
Sets the new page viewing mode. The default PageView mode is e_fit_width. Will maintain the position of x, y
Public methodSetPathHinting
Enable or disable path hinting. Path hinting is used to slightly adjust paths in order to avoid or alleviate artifacts of hair line cracks between certain graphical elements. This option is turned on by default.
Public methodSetProgressiveRendering
Sets whether the control will render progressively or will just draw once the entire view has been rendered. Progressive rendering is useful when a PDF page contain lots of elements (e.g. many vector paths, text, or many little images). When progressive rendering is enabled PDFNet will use painter algorithm to draw the page. This way user may be able to see partially rendered page. If a page contains only a single large image, there would be no visible benefit from progressive rendering.
Public methodSetProgressiveRenderingInterval
Sets the interval at which the rendering will be updated
Public methodSetRelativeZoomLimits
Sets the minimum and maximum zoom bounds of PDFViewCtrl relative to referenceViewMode min_zoom and max_zoom are relative to the zoom level when the current page is displayed in referenceViewMod. For instance, if referenceViewMode is e_fit_page, min_zoom = 1.0, and max_zoom = 3, it means that the minimum zoom allowed by PDFViewCtrl is the same as the zoom when a page is fit and the maximum zoom allowed is three times that of when the page is fit.
Public methodSetRenderedContentCacheSize
Sets the suggested memory size of rendered content. PDFViewCtrl keeps invisible content in order to achieve smoother viewing experience; however, this increases memory usage. Based on the memory footprint of your app, you may want to customize it. Note that the built in controls (FlipView and ScrollView) will likely cache some content as well, meaning that the PDFViewCtrl will use more memory than this number suggests. Setting this size to 0 will cause only rendering of directly visible content.
Public methodSetRequiredFieldBorderColor
Set the border color for required fields This option only has an effect if field highlighting is turned on using `SetHighlightFields(true)`.
Public methodSetRightToLeftLanguage
Tells PDFViewCtrl the content in the viewed PDF document reads from right to left.
Public methodSetScrollBarVisibility
Sets how ScrollBars in the PDFViewCtrl should be shown. This affects both the horizontal and vertical ScrollBars. The default is Auto.
Public methodSetScrollEnabled
Sets if scroll is enabled or disabled.
Public methodSetSnappingMode
Set the snapping mode for the SnapToNearestInDoc method. The default is snap to line endpint, midpoints and intersections
Public methodSetTextSelectionMode
Selects all words that intersect the given selection rectangle.
Public methodSetThinLineAdjustment
Set thin line adjustment parameters.
Public methodSetupThumbnails
Enables or disables thumbnail view features. Thumbnail view is used before a PDF page is fully rendered. If runtime thumb view generation is enabled, PDFViewCtrl generates thumbnail views at runtime. If a PDF file already contains the thumbnail views, runtime thumb view generation can be turned off, which is more efficient. If runtime thumb view generation is enabled, the thumbMaxSideLength will be used as a reference to calculate the thumbnail resolution.
Public methodSetUrlExtraction
Enables or disables URL extraction. Default is disabled.
Public methodSetValue (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodSetVerticalAlign
Sets the vertical alignment used for rendering pages within the view.
Public methodSetVScrollPos
Sets the vertical scroll position in scrollable space.
Public methodSetZoom(Double)
Sets the zoom factor to a new value. The function zooms to a point at the center of the rendering buffer.
Public methodSetZoom(Int32, Int32, Double)
Sets the zoom factor to a new value using the given pixel coordinate (x,y) as a zoom center, which will stay fixed on the screen. The zoom point (x,y) is represented in the screen coordinate system, which starts in the upper-left corner of the client window. Should you want to move (x, y) to the center of the client window, you can use the OnScroll() subsequently:
Public methodSetZoom(Int32, Int32, Double, Boolean)
Sets the zoom factor to a new value using the given pixel coordinate (x,y) as a zoom center, which will stay fixed on the screen. The zoom point (x,y) is represented in the screen coordinate system, which starts in the upper-left corner of the client window. Should you want to move (x, y) to the center of the client window, you can use the OnScroll() subsequently:
Public methodSetZoomEnabled
Sets if zoom is enabled or disabled.
Public methodSetZoomLimits
Sets the minimum and maximum zoom bounds of PDFViewCtrl.
Public methodShowAnnotation
Enable rendering of a particular annotation. Only has an effect if HideAnnotation() has previously been called on the same annot.
Public methodShowRect
Changes the viewing area to fit a rectangle rect on page page_num. Rectangle must be specified in page coordinates. This will adjust current page and zoom appropriately.
Public methodSmartZoom(Int32, Int32)
Sets the zoom factor to a new value using the given pixel coordinate (x,y) to find an intersecting paragraph. The width of the paragraph helps to determine the zoom value, center of the paragraph is used as a zoom center. Paragraph has to contain more than one line and be wider than 1/5th of a page width. When performing a smart zoom would not significantly change the zoom level, it will be ignored. Note: This call should not be made while any pointer is interacting with the PDFViewCtrl, as that might cause some issues. If this is done on a tap, or click, you can add a delay by marshaling a callback for the UI thread.
Public methodSmartZoom(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Sets the zoom factor to a new value using the given pixel coordinate (x,y) to find an intersecting paragraph. The width of the paragraph helps to determine the zoom value, center of the paragraph is used as a zoom center. Paragraph has to contain more than one line and be wider than 1/5th of a page width. When performing a smart zoom would not significantly change the zoom level, it will be ignored. Note: This call should not be made while any pointer is interacting with the PDFViewCtrl, as that might cause some issues. If this is done on a tap, or click, you can add a delay by marshaling a callback for the UI thread.
Public methodSnapToNearestInDoc
Public methodStartAnimation (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodStartBringIntoView (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodStartBringIntoView(BringIntoViewOptions) (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodStartDragAsync (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodStopAnimation (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodTakeSnapshot
Takes snapshot of the current document state for Undo/Redo.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransformToVisual (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodTryInvokeKeyboardAccelerator (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodUndo
Performs Undo.
Public methodUnregisterPropertyChangedCallback (Inherited from DependencyObject.)
Public methodUpdate
Redraws the contents in the visible region.
Public methodUpdate(Boolean)
Redraws the contents.
Public methodUpdate(Field)
Redraws the areas covered by all Form annotations associated with the field
Public methodUpdate(Rect)
Redraws the given area in the buffer.
Public methodUpdateLayout (Inherited from UIElement.)
Public methodUpdateOCGContext
Deprecated: PDFViewCtrl does this automatically now.
Public methodUpdatePageLayout
Updates the page layout withing the view. This function must be called after document page sequence is modified (such as when a page is being added to or removed from a document) or after changes to page dimensions (e.g. after a page is rotated or resized).
Public methodUpdateWithAnnot
Redraws the area covered with the provided annotation.
See Also