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RubberStampIcon Enumeration

Icon type of the RubberStamp annotation

Namespace:  pdftron.PDF.Annots
Assembly:  pdftron (in pdftron.dll) Version:
public enum RubberStampIcon
  Member nameValueDescription
e_Approved0a stamp with the text "Approved"
e_Experimental1a stamp with the text "Experimental"
e_NotApproved2a stamp with the text "NotApproved"
e_AsIs3a stamp with the text "AsIs"
e_Expired4a stamp with the text "Expired"
e_NotForPublicRelease5a stamp with the text "NotForPublicRelease"
e_Confidential6a stamp with the text "Confidential"
e_Final7a stamp with the text "Final"
e_Sold8a stamp with the text "Sold"
e_Departmental9a stamp with the text "Departmental"
e_ForComment10a stamp with the text "ForComment"
e_TopSecret11a stamp with the text "TopScret"
e_ForPublicRelease12a stamp with the text "ForPublicRelease"
e_Draft13a stamp with the text "Draft"
e_Unknown14User defined or invalid.
See Also