Class: Field

Annotations.Forms. Field

new Field(name [, options])

Represents a PDF Form field.
Name Type Argument Description
name string The field's full name.
options Annotations.Forms.Field | object <optional>
The options with which to construct the field. If options is a Field, the constructor returns the existing object.
Name Type Argument Description
type string <optional>
The field's type. One of ('Tx', 'Btn', 'Ch' or 'Sig').
value string <optional>
The value of the field
flags Annotations.WidgetFlags <optional>
The flags for the field
children Array.<Annotations.Forms.Field> <optional>
The field's children.
widgets Array.<Annotations.WidgetAnnotation> <optional>
The field's child widgets.
fieldManager Annotations.Forms.FieldManager <optional>
The field's field manager.
font Annotations.Font <optional>
The font that is used by the field.
maxLen number <optional>
The field's maximum length. -1 means infinite.
tooltipName string <optional>
The text to be displayed when hovering over the field and the userName property is not defined.
Name Type Argument Default Description
type string Returns the field's type. One of ('Tx', 'Btn', 'Ch' or 'Sig')
children Array.<Annotations.Forms.Field> <optional>
[] The field's children
widgets Array.<Annotations.WidgetAnnotation> <optional>
[] The field's child widgets
actions object.<string, Array.<Actions.Action>> <optional>
{} Gets the field's actions.
defaultValue number | string <optional>
null The field's default value
exportValue number | string <optional>
null The field's export value. Defaults to the field's value if not set.
flags Annotations.WidgetFlags <optional>
new Annotations.WidgetFlags() The field's flags object
font Annotations.Font <optional>
new Annotations.Font() Returns the field's associated font object
IsModified boolean <optional>
false Is field is modified?
maxLen number <optional>
-1 The field's maximum length. -1 means infinite.
name string The full name of the field.
options Array.<object> <optional>
[] The field's options (or permanently null if the field type does not support options).
quadding string <optional>
'Left-justified' Returns the field's quadding. (One of 'Left-justified', 'Right-justified', 'Centered')
value number | string <optional>
null The field's value.
userName string The text to be displayed when hovering over the field.
tooltipName string The text to be displayed when hovering over the field and the userName property is not defined.
Mixes In:
Listens to Events:


commit(event, value [, widget])

Commits the new value to the field (triggers Validate action, and updates all widgets)
Name Type Argument Description
event * Ignored.
value string | number <nullable>
The new value.
widget Annotations.WidgetAnnotation <optional>
Optionally a particular widget annotation associated with the field


Gets the field's value
The value of the field
string | number


Checks whether the current field is a terminal/leaf node (no children).
Whether this field is terminal/leaf node


Set all field properties form the given object.
Name Type Description
options Annotations.Forms.Field | object The object to set properties from.


Sets the field's type. Tries to retain as much type-specific information as possible across type changes.
Name Type Description
type string The new field type, one of Tx, Ch, Btn or Sig.

setValue(value [, widget])

Sets the field's value, following any type-specific constraints, and updating all widgets.
Name Type Argument Description
value string | number <nullable>
The value to set.
widget Annotations.WidgetAnnotation <optional>
Optionally a particular widget annotation associated with the field


Sets the visibility of all child widgets
Name Type Description
visible boolean Should the field be visible?



A signal that the field should fire its own calculation events.
Name Type Description
source Annotations.Forms.Field The field that caused the calculation event.
Listeners of This Event:


An event that represents a field's value having changed.
Name Type Description
field Annotations.Forms.Field The field that has changed.


The field's value has been changed by the user. Sets a new value.
Name Type Argument Description
value string | number <nullable>
The new field value.
Listeners of This Event: