Class: LineControlHandle

Annotations. LineControlHandle

A control handle for the Annotations.LineAnnotation.

new LineControlHandle(x, y, width, height, isEnd)

Creates a line control handle.
Name Type Description
x number the x coordinate of the point
y number the y coordinate of the point
width number the width of the handle
height number the height of the handle
isEnd boolean true if the handle is for the start point, false if the handle is for the end point



draw(ctx, annotation, selectionBox, zoom)

Draws the control handle's appearance on the provided canvas context
Name Type Description
ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D the annotation canvas context
annotation Annotations.Annotation the annotation to modify
selectionBox CoreControls.Math.Rect the selection rect
zoom number the current zoom level of the document
Inherited From:

testSelection(annotation, selectionBox, zoom, x, y)

Determines if the provided point is a hit on the control handle. See Annotations.SelectionAlgorithm for usuable selection algorithms.
Name Type Description
annotation Annotations.Annotation the annotation
selectionBox CoreControls.Math.Rect the selection rect
zoom number the current zoom level of the document
x number the x-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
y number the y-coordinate of the point to test, in page coordinates
Inherited From:
true if the provided point is a hit