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Stamp a PDF file in Obj-C

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Sample Obj-C code for using Apryse SDK to programmatically stamp PDF pages with text, images, or with other PDF pages. ElementBuilder and ElementWriter should be used for more complex PDF stamping operations. Learn more about our Obj-C PDF Library.

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.

#import <OBJC/PDFNetOBJC.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// The following sample shows how to add new content (or watermark) PDF pages
// using 'pdftron.PDF.Stamper' utility class. 
// Stamper can be used to PDF pages with text, images, or with other PDF content 
// in only a few lines of code. Although Stamper is very simple to use compared 
// to ElementBuilder/ElementWriter it is not as powerful or flexible. In case you 
// need full control over PDF creation use ElementBuilder/ElementWriter to add 
// new content to existing PDF pages as shown in the ElementBuilder sample project.
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {

        int ret = 0;
        [PTPDFNet Initialize: 0];

        // Example 1) Add text stamp to all pages, then remove text stamp from odd pages. 
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];
            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.5 b: 0.5];
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_center vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_center];
            PTColorPt *red = [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]; // set text color to red
            [s SetFontColor: red];
            PTPageSet *set = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: [doc GetPageCount] filter: e_ptall];
            [s StampText: doc src_txt: @"If you are reading this\nthis is an even page" dest_pages: set];
            //delete all text stamps in even pages
            PTPageSet *set2 = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: [doc GetPageCount] filter: e_ptodd];
            [PTStamper DeleteStamps: doc page_set: set2];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex1.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException *e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;
        // Example 2) Add Image stamp to first 2 pages. 
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.05 b: 0.05];
            PTImage *img = [PTImage Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] filename: @"../../TestFiles/peppers.jpg"];
            [s SetSize: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.5 b: 0.5];
            //set position of the image to the center, left of PDF pages
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_left vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_center];
            PTColorPt *pt = [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0];
            [s SetFontColor: pt];
            [s SetRotation: 180];
            [s SetAsBackground: NO];
            //only stamp first 2 pages
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: 2 filter: e_ptall];
            [s StampImage: doc src_img: img dest_pages: ps];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex2.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException *e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;

        // Example 3) Add Page stamp to all pages. 
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTPDFDoc *fish_doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc ] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/fish.pdf"];
            [fish_doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.5 b: 0.5];
            PTPage *src_page = [fish_doc GetPage: 1];
            PTPDFRect * page_one_crop = [src_page GetCropBox];
            // set size of the image to 10% of the original while keep the old aspect ratio
            [s SetSize: e_ptabsolute_size a: [page_one_crop Width] * 0.1  b: -1];
            [s SetOpacity: 0.4];
            [s SetRotation: -67];
            //put the image at the bottom right hand corner
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_right vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_bottom];
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 2 range_end: [doc GetPageCount] filter: e_ptall];
            [s StampPage: doc src_page: src_page dest_pages: ps];
            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex3.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException *e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;
        // Example 4) Add Image stamp to first 20 odd pages.
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptabsolute_size a: 20 b: 20];
            [s SetOpacity: 1];
            [s SetRotation: 45];                
            [s SetAsBackground: YES];
            [s SetPosition: 30 vertical_distance: 40 use_percentage: NO];
            PTImage *img = [PTImage Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] filename: @"../../TestFiles/peppers.jpg"];
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: 20 filter: e_ptodd];
            [s StampImage: doc src_img: img dest_pages: ps];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex4.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException *e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;

        // Example 5) Add text stamp to first 20 even pages
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.5 b: 0.5];
            [s SetPosition: 0 vertical_distance: 0 use_percentage: NO];
            [s SetOpacity: 0.7];
            [s SetRotation: 90];
            [s SetSize: e_pts_font_size a: 80 b: -1];
            [s SetTextAlignment: e_ptalign_center];
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: 20 filter: e_pteven];
            [s StampText: doc src_txt: @"Goodbye\nMoon" dest_pages: ps];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex5.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException* e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;
        // Example 6) Add first page as stamp to all even pages
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTPDFDoc *fish_doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc ] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/fish.pdf"];
            [fish_doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.3 b: 0.3];
            [s SetOpacity: 1];
            [s SetRotation: 270];
            [s SetAsBackground: YES];
            [s SetPosition: 0.5 vertical_distance: 0.5 use_percentage: YES];
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_left vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_bottom];
            PTPage *page_one = [fish_doc GetPage: 1];
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: [doc GetPageCount] filter: e_pteven];
            [s StampPage: doc src_page: page_one dest_pages: ps];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex6.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException* e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;

        // Example 7) Add image stamp at top right corner in every pages
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.1 b: 0.1];
            [s SetOpacity: 0.8];
            [s SetRotation: 135];
            [s SetAsBackground: NO];
            [s ShowsOnPrint: NO];
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_left vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_top];
            [s SetPosition: 10 vertical_distance: 10 use_percentage: YES];

            PTImage *img = [PTImage Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] filename: @"../../TestFiles/peppers.jpg"];
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: [doc GetPageCount] filter: e_ptall];
            [s StampImage: doc src_img: img dest_pages: ps];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex7.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException* e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;

        // Example 8) Add Text stamp to first 2 pages, and image stamp to first page.
        //          Because text stamp is set as background, the image is top of the text
        //          stamp. Text stamp on the first page is not visible.
            PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: @"../../TestFiles/newsletter.pdf"];
            [doc InitSecurityHandler];

            PTStamper *s = [[PTStamper alloc] initWithSize_type: e_ptrelative_scale a: 0.07 b: -0.1];
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_right vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_bottom];
            [s SetAlignment: e_pthorizontal_center vertical_alignment: e_ptvertical_top];
            [s SetFont: [PTFont Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] type: e_ptcourier embed: YES]];
            PTColorPt *red = [[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX: 1 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0];
            [s SetFontColor: red]; //set color to red
            [s SetTextAlignment: e_ptalign_right];
            [s SetAsBackground: YES]; //set text stamp as background
            PTPageSet *ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithRange_start: 1 range_end: 2 filter: e_ptall];
            [s StampText: doc src_txt: @"This is a title!" dest_pages: ps];

            PTImage *img = [PTImage Create: [doc GetSDFDoc] filename: @"../../TestFiles/peppers.jpg"];
            [s SetAsBackground: NO]; // set image stamp as foreground
            PTPageSet *first_page_ps = [[PTPageSet alloc] initWithOne_page: 1];
            [s StampImage: doc src_img: img dest_pages: first_page_ps];

            [doc SaveToFile: @"../../TestFiles/Output/newsletter.ex8.pdf" flags: e_ptlinearized];
        @catch (NSException* e)
            NSLog(@"%@", e.reason);
            ret = 1;
        [PTPDFNet Terminate: 0];        
        return ret;