Sample Java code to use Apryse SDK's page writing API to generate new pages, embed fonts & images, and copy graphical elements from one page to another. Learn more about our Android SDK and PDF Editing & Manipulation Library.
2// Copyright (c) 2001-2019 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
12import com.pdftron.common.Matrix2D;
13import com.pdftron.filters.MappedFile;
14import com.pdftron.pdf.ColorPt;
15import com.pdftron.pdf.ColorSpace;
16import com.pdftron.pdf.Element;
17import com.pdftron.pdf.ElementBuilder;
18import com.pdftron.pdf.ElementReader;
19import com.pdftron.pdf.ElementWriter;
20import com.pdftron.pdf.Font;
21import com.pdftron.pdf.GState;
22import com.pdftron.pdf.Image;
23import com.pdftron.pdf.PDFDoc;
24import com.pdftron.pdf.Page;
25import com.pdftron.pdf.Rect;
26import com.pdftron.sdf.SDFDoc;
31import java.util.ArrayList;
33public class ElementBuilderTest extends PDFNetSample {
35 private static OutputListener mOutputListener;
37 private static ArrayList<String> mFileList = new ArrayList<>();
39 public ElementBuilderTest() {
40 setTitle(R.string.sample_elementbuilder_title);
41 setDescription(R.string.sample_elementbuilder_description);
42 }
44 @Override
45 public void run(OutputListener outputListener) {
47 mOutputListener = outputListener;
48 mFileList.clear();
49 printHeader(outputListener);
51 InputStream stream = null;
52 try (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc()) {
53 ElementBuilder eb = new ElementBuilder(); // ElementBuilder is used to build new
54 // Element objects
55 ElementWriter writer = new ElementWriter(); // ElementWriter is used to write
56 // Elements to the page
58 Element element;
59 GState gstate;
61 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
62 Page page = doc.pageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));
64 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to the page
66 // Create an Image that can be reused in the document or on the
67 // same page.
68 Image img = Image.create(doc.getSDFDoc(), (Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "peppers.jpg").getAbsolutePath()));
70 element = eb.createImage(img, new Matrix2D(img.getImageWidth() / 2, -145, 20, img.getImageHeight() / 2, 200, 150));
71 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
73 gstate = element.getGState(); // use the same image (just
74 // change its matrix)
75 gstate.setTransform(200, 0, 0, 300, 50, 450);
76 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
78 // use the same image again (just change its matrix).
79 writer.writePlacedElement(eb.createImage(img, 300, 600, 200, -150));
81 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
82 doc.pagePushBack(page);
84 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
85 // Construct and draw a path object using different styles
86 page = doc.pageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));
88 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to this page
89 eb.reset(); // Reset the GState to default
91 eb.pathBegin(); // start constructing the path
92 eb.moveTo(306, 396);
93 eb.curveTo(681, 771, 399.75, 864.75, 306, 771);
94 eb.curveTo(212.25, 864.75, -69, 771, 306, 396);
95 eb.closePath();
96 element = eb.pathEnd(); // the path is now finished
97 element.setPathFill(true); // the path should be filled
99 // Set the path color space and color
100 gstate = element.getGState();
101 gstate.setFillColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceCMYK());
102 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0, 0)); // cyan
103 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, -20, 300);
104 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
106 // Draw the same path using a different stroke color
107 element.setPathStroke(true); // this path is should be
108 // filled and stroked
109 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1, 0)); // yellow
110 gstate.setStrokeColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB());
111 gstate.setStrokeColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0)); // red
112 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 280, 300);
113 gstate.setLineWidth(20);
114 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
116 // Draw the same path with with a given dash pattern
117 element.setPathFill(false); // this path is should be only
118 // stroked
119 gstate.setStrokeColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1)); // blue
120 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 280, 0);
121 double[] dash_pattern = {30};
122 gstate.setDashPattern(dash_pattern, 0);
123 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
125 // Use the path as a clipping path
126 writer.writeElement(eb.createGroupBegin()); // Save the graphics
127 // state
128 // Start constructing the new path (the old path was lost when
129 // we created
130 // a new Element using CreateGroupBegin()).
131 eb.pathBegin();
132 eb.moveTo(306, 396);
133 eb.curveTo(681, 771, 399.75, 864.75, 306, 771);
134 eb.curveTo(212.25, 864.75, -69, 771, 306, 396);
135 eb.closePath();
136 element = eb.pathEnd(); // path is now constructed
137 element.setPathClip(true); // this path is a clipping path
138 element.setPathStroke(true); // this path should be
139 // filled and stroked
140 gstate = element.getGState();
141 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, -20, 0);
143 writer.writeElement(element);
145 writer.writeElement(eb.createImage(img, 100, 300, 400, 600));
147 writer.writeElement(eb.createGroupEnd()); // Restore the
148 // graphics state
150 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
151 doc.pagePushBack(page);
153 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
154 page = doc.pageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 612, 794));
156 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to this page
157 eb.reset(); // Reset the GState to default
159 // Begin writing a block of text
160 element = eb.createTextBegin(Font.create(doc, Font.e_times_roman), 12);
161 writer.writeElement(element);
163 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!");
164 element.setTextMatrix(10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 600);
165 element.getGState().setLeading(15); // Set the spacing
166 // between lines
167 writer.writeElement(element);
169 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()); // New line
171 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!");
172 gstate = element.getGState();
173 gstate.setTextRenderMode(GState.e_stroke_text);
174 gstate.setCharSpacing(-1.25);
175 gstate.setWordSpacing(-1.25);
176 writer.writeElement(element);
178 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()); // New line
180 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!");
181 gstate = element.getGState();
182 gstate.setCharSpacing(0);
183 gstate.setWordSpacing(0);
184 gstate.setLineWidth(3);
185 gstate.setTextRenderMode(GState.e_fill_stroke_text);
186 gstate.setStrokeColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB());
187 gstate.setStrokeColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0)); // red
188 gstate.setFillColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceCMYK());
189 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0, 0)); // cyan
190 writer.writeElement(element);
192 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()); // New line
194 // Set text as a clipping path to the image.
195 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!");
196 gstate = element.getGState();
197 gstate.setTextRenderMode(GState.e_clip_text);
198 writer.writeElement(element);
200 // Finish the block of text
201 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextEnd());
203 // Draw an image that will be clipped by the above text
204 writer.writeElement(eb.createImage(img, 10, 100, 1300, 720));
206 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
207 doc.pagePushBack(page);
209 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
210 //
211 // The example illustrates how to embed the external font in a
212 // PDF document.
213 // The example also shows how ElementReader can be used to copy
214 // and modify
215 // Elements between pages.
217 ElementReader reader = new ElementReader();
219 // Start reading Elements from the last page. We will copy all
220 // Elements to
221 // a new page but will modify the font associated with text.
222 reader.begin((doc.getPage(doc.getPageCount())));
224 page = doc.pageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 1300, 794));
226 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to this page
227 eb.reset(); // Reset the GState to default
229 // Embed an external font in the document.
230 Font font;
231 File file = Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "font.ttf");
232 stream = new FileInputStream(file);
233 font = Font.createTrueTypeFont(doc, stream);
234 //Alternatively, the font can be created from the file path.
235 //font = Font.createTrueTypeFont(doc, (Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "font.ttf").getAbsolutePath()));
237 while ((element = != null) // Read page
238 // contents
239 {
240 if (element.getType() == Element.e_text) {
241 element.getGState().setFont(font, 12);
242 }
244 writer.writeElement(element);
245 }
247 reader.end();
248 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
250 doc.pagePushBack(page);
252 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
253 //
254 // The example illustrates how to embed the external font in a
255 // PDF document.
256 // The example also shows how ElementReader can be used to copy
257 // and modify
258 // Elements between pages.
260 // Start reading Elements from the last page. We will copy all
261 // Elements to
262 // a new page but will modify the font associated with text.
263 reader.begin(((doc.getPage(doc.getPageCount()))));
265 page = doc.pageCreate(new Rect(0, 0, 1300, 794));
267 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to this page
268 eb.reset(); // Reset the GState to default
270 // Embed an external font in the document.
271 Font font2 = Font.createType1Font(doc, (Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "Misc-Fixed.pfa").getAbsolutePath()));
273 while ((element = != null) // Read page contents
274 {
275 if (element.getType() == Element.e_text) {
276 element.getGState().setFont(font2, 12);
277 }
279 writer.writeElement(element);
280 }
282 reader.end();
283 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
284 doc.pagePushBack(page);
286 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
287 page = doc.pageCreate();
288 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to this page
289 eb.reset(); // Reset the GState to default
291 // Begin writing a block of text
292 element = eb.createTextBegin(Font.create(doc, Font.e_times_roman), 12);
293 element.setTextMatrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 50, 600);
294 element.getGState().setLeading(15); // Set the spacing between
295 // lines
296 writer.writeElement(element);
298 String para = "A PDF text object consists of operators that can show " +
299 "text strings, move the text position, and set text state and certain " +
300 "other parameters. In addition, there are three parameters that are " +
301 "defined only within a text object and do not persist from one text " +
302 "object to the next: Tm, the text matrix, Tlm, the text line matrix, " +
303 "Trm, the text rendering matrix, actually just an intermediate result " +
304 "that combines the effects of text state parameters, the text matrix " +
305 "(Tm), and the current transformation matrix";
307 int para_end = para.length();
308 int text_run = 0;
309 int text_run_end;
311 double para_width = 300; // paragraph width is 300 units
312 double cur_width = 0;
314 while (text_run < para_end) {
315 text_run_end = para.indexOf(' ', text_run);
316 if (text_run_end < 0)
317 text_run_end = para_end - 1;
319 String text = para.substring(text_run, text_run_end + 1);
320 element = eb.createTextRun(text);
321 if (cur_width + element.getTextLength() < para_width) {
322 writer.writeElement(element);
323 cur_width += element.getTextLength();
324 } else {
325 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()); // New
326 text = para.substring(text_run, text_run_end + 1); // line
327 element = eb.createTextRun(text);
328 cur_width = element.getTextLength();
329 writer.writeElement(element);
330 }
332 text_run = text_run_end + 1;
333 }
335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
336 // The following code snippet illustrates how to adjust
337 // spacing between
338 // characters (text runs).
339 element = eb.createTextNewLine();
340 writer.writeElement(element); // Skip 2 lines
341 writer.writeElement(element);
343 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextRun("An example of space adjustments between inter-characters:"));
344 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine());
346 // Write string "AWAY" without space adjustments between
347 // characters.
348 element = eb.createTextRun("AWAY");
349 writer.writeElement(element);
351 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine());
353 // Write string "AWAY" with space adjustments between
354 // characters.
355 element = eb.createTextRun("A");
356 writer.writeElement(element);
358 element = eb.createTextRun("W");
359 element.setPosAdjustment(140);
360 writer.writeElement(element);
362 element = eb.createTextRun("A");
363 element.setPosAdjustment(140);
364 writer.writeElement(element);
366 element = eb.createTextRun("Y again");
367 element.setPosAdjustment(115);
368 writer.writeElement(element);
370 // Draw the same strings using direct content output...
371 writer.flush(); // flush pending Element writing operations.
373 // You can also write page content directly to the content
374 // stream using
375 // ElementWriter.WriteString(...) and
376 // ElementWriter.WriteBuffer(...) methods.
377 // Note that if you are planning to use these functions you need
378 // to be familiar
379 // with PDF page content operators (see Appendix A in PDF
380 // Reference Manual).
381 // Because it is easy to make mistakes during direct output we
382 // recommend that
383 // you use ElementBuilder and Element interface instead.
385 writer.writeString("T* T* "); // Skip 2 lines
386 writer.writeString("(Direct output to PDF page content stream:) Tj T* ");
387 writer.writeString("(AWAY) Tj T* ");
388 writer.writeString("[(A)140(W)140(A)115(Y again)] TJ ");
390 // Finish the block of text
391 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextEnd());
393 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
394 doc.pagePushBack(page);
396 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
398 // Image Masks
399 //
400 // In the opaque imaging model, images mark all areas they
401 // occupy on the page as
402 // if with opaque paint. All portions of the image, whether
403 // black, white, gray,
404 // or color, completely obscure any marks that may previously
405 // have existed in the
406 // same place on the page.
407 // In the graphic arts industry and page layout applications,
408 // however, it is common
409 // to crop or 'mask out' the background of an image and then
410 // place the masked image
411 // on a different background, allowing the existing background
412 // to show through the
413 // masked areas. This sample illustrates how to use image masks.
415 page = doc.pageCreate();
416 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to the page
418 // Create the Image Mask
419 MappedFile imgf=new MappedFile(Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "imagemask.dat").getAbsolutePath());
420 com.pdftron.filters.FilterReader mask_read=new com.pdftron.filters.FilterReader(imgf);
422 ColorSpace device_gray = ColorSpace.createDeviceGray();
423 Image mask = Image.create(doc, mask_read, 64, 64, 1, device_gray, Image.e_ascii_hex);
425 mask.getSDFObj().putBool("ImageMask", true);
427 element = eb.createRect(0, 0, 612, 794);
428 element.setPathStroke(false);
429 element.setPathFill(true);
430 element.getGState().setFillColorSpace(device_gray);
431 element.getGState().setFillColor(new ColorPt(0.8,0,0));
432 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
434 element = eb.createImage(mask, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 40, 680));
435 element.getGState().setFillColor(new ColorPt(0.1,0,0));
436 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
438 element.getGState().setFillColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB());
439 element.getGState().setFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0));
440 element = eb.createImage(mask, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 320, 680));
441 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
443 element.getGState().setFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 0));
444 element = eb.createImage(mask, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 40, 380));
445 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
447 {
448 // This sample illustrates Explicit Masking.
449 img = Image.create(doc, (Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "peppers.jpg").getAbsolutePath()));
451 // mask is the explicit mask for the primary (base) image
452 img.setMask(mask);
454 element = eb.createImage(img, new Matrix2D(200, 0, 0, -200, 320, 380));
455 writer.writePlacedElement(element);
456 }
458 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
459 doc.pagePushBack(page);
461 // Transparency sample ----------------------------------
463 // Start a new page -------------------------------------
464 page = doc.pageCreate();
465 writer.begin(page); // begin writing to this page
466 eb.reset(); // Reset the GState to default
468 // Write some transparent text at the bottom of the page.
469 element = eb.createTextBegin(Font.create(doc, Font.e_times_roman), 100);
471 // Set the text knockout attribute. Text knockout must be set
472 // outside of
473 // the text group.
474 gstate = element.getGState();
475 gstate.setTextKnockout(false);
476 gstate.setBlendMode(GState.e_bl_difference);
477 writer.writeElement(element);
479 element = eb.createTextRun("Transparency");
480 element.setTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 30, 30);
481 gstate = element.getGState();
482 gstate.setFillColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceCMYK());
483 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0, 0));
485 gstate.setFillOpacity(0.5);
486 writer.writeElement(element);
488 // Write the same text on top the old; shifted by 3 points
489 element.setTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 33, 33);
490 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 0, 0));
491 gstate.setFillOpacity(0.5);
493 writer.writeElement(element);
494 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextEnd());
496 // Draw three overlapping transparent circles.
497 eb.pathBegin(); // start constructing the path
498 eb.moveTo(459.223, 505.646);
499 eb.curveTo(459.223, 415.841, 389.85, 343.04, 304.273, 343.04);
500 eb.curveTo(218.697, 343.04, 149.324, 415.841, 149.324, 505.646);
501 eb.curveTo(149.324, 595.45, 218.697, 668.25, 304.273, 668.25);
502 eb.curveTo(389.85, 668.25, 459.223, 595.45, 459.223, 505.646);
503 element = eb.pathEnd();
504 element.setPathFill(true);
506 gstate = element.getGState();
507 gstate.setFillColorSpace(ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB());
508 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 0, 1)); // Blue
509 // Circle
511 gstate.setBlendMode(GState.e_bl_normal);
512 gstate.setFillOpacity(0.5);
513 writer.writeElement(element);
515 // Translate relative to the Blue Circle
516 gstate.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 113, -185);
517 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(0, 1, 0)); // Green
518 // Circle
519 gstate.setFillOpacity(0.5);
520 writer.writeElement(element);
522 // Translate relative to the Green Circle
523 gstate.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -220, 0);
524 gstate.setFillColor(new ColorPt(1, 0, 0)); // Red
525 // Circle
526 gstate.setFillOpacity(0.5);
527 writer.writeElement(element);
529 writer.end(); // save changes to the current page
530 doc.pagePushBack(page);
532 // End page ------------------------------------
534"element_builder.pdf", mFileList).getAbsolutePath()), SDFDoc.SaveMode.REMOVE_UNUSED, null);
535 mOutputListener.println("Done. Result saved in element_builder.pdf...");
536 } catch (Exception e) {
537 mOutputListener.printError(e.getStackTrace());
538 } finally {
539 if (stream != null) {
540 try {
541 stream.close();
542 } catch (Exception ignored) {
543 }
544 }
545 }
547 for (String file : mFileList) {
548 addToFileList(file);
549 }
550 printFooter(outputListener);
551 }
2// Copyright (c) 2001-2019 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
12import com.pdftron.common.Matrix2D
13import com.pdftron.filters.FilterReader
14import com.pdftron.filters.MappedFile
15import com.pdftron.pdf.*
16import com.pdftron.sdf.SDFDoc
19import java.util.*
21class ElementBuilderTest : PDFNetSample() {
23 init {
24 setTitle(R.string.sample_elementbuilder_title)
25 setDescription(R.string.sample_elementbuilder_description)
26 }
28 override fun run(outputListener: OutputListener?) {
30 mOutputListener = outputListener
31 mFileList.clear()
32 printHeader(outputListener!!)
33 var stream: InputStream? = null
34 try {
35 PDFDoc().use { doc ->
36 val eb = ElementBuilder() // ElementBuilder is used to build new
37 // Element objects
38 val writer = ElementWriter() // ElementWriter is used to write
39 // Elements to the page
40 var element: Element?
41 var gstate: GState
43 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
44 var page = doc.pageCreate(Rect(0.0, 0.0, 612.0, 794.0))
45 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to the page
47 // Create an Image that can be reused in the document or on the
48 // same page.
49 var img = Image.create(doc.sdfDoc, Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "peppers.jpg")!!.absolutePath)
50 element = eb.createImage(img, Matrix2D((img.imageWidth / 2).toDouble(), (-145).toDouble(), 20.0, (img.imageHeight / 2).toDouble(), 200.0, 150.0))
51 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
52 gstate = element!!.gState // use the same image (just
53 // change its matrix)
54 gstate.setTransform(200.0, 0.0, 0.0, 300.0, 50.0, 450.0)
55 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
57 // use the same image again (just change its matrix).
58 writer.writePlacedElement(eb.createImage(img, 300.0, 600.0, 200.0, -150.0))
59 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
60 doc.pagePushBack(page)
62 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
63 // Construct and draw a path object using different styles
64 page = doc.pageCreate(Rect(0.0, 0.0, 612.0, 794.0))
65 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to this page
66 eb.reset() // Reset the GState to default
67 eb.pathBegin() // start constructing the path
68 eb.moveTo(306.0, 396.0)
69 eb.curveTo(681.0, 771.0, 399.75, 864.75, 306.0, 771.0)
70 eb.curveTo(212.25, 864.75, -69.0, 771.0, 306.0, 396.0)
71 eb.closePath()
72 element = eb.pathEnd() // the path is now finished
73 element!!.setPathFill(true) // the path should be filled
75 // Set the path color space and color
76 gstate = element!!.gState
77 gstate.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceCMYK()
78 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // cyan
79 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -20.0, 300.0)
80 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
82 // Draw the same path using a different stroke color
83 element!!.setPathStroke(true) // this path is should be
84 // filled and stroked
85 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // yellow
86 gstate.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB()
87 gstate.strokeColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) // red
88 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 280.0, 300.0)
89 gstate.lineWidth = 20.0
90 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
92 // Draw the same path with with a given dash pattern
93 element!!.setPathFill(false) // this path is should be only
94 // stroked
95 gstate.strokeColor = ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) // blue
96 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 280.0, 0.0)
97 val dash_pattern = doubleArrayOf(30.0)
98 gstate.setDashPattern(dash_pattern, 0.0)
99 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
101 // Use the path as a clipping path
102 writer.writeElement(eb.createGroupBegin()) // Save the graphics
103 // state
104 // Start constructing the new path (the old path was lost when
105 // we created
106 // a new Element using CreateGroupBegin()).
107 eb.pathBegin()
108 eb.moveTo(306.0, 396.0)
109 eb.curveTo(681.0, 771.0, 399.75, 864.75, 306.0, 771.0)
110 eb.curveTo(212.25, 864.75, -69.0, 771.0, 306.0, 396.0)
111 eb.closePath()
112 element = eb.pathEnd() // path is now constructed
113 element!!.setPathClip(true) // this path is a clipping path
114 element!!.setPathStroke(true) // this path should be
115 // filled and stroked
116 gstate = element!!.gState
117 gstate.setTransform(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, -20.0, 0.0)
118 writer.writeElement(element)
119 writer.writeElement(eb.createImage(img, 100.0, 300.0, 400.0, 600.0))
120 writer.writeElement(eb.createGroupEnd()) // Restore the
121 // graphics state
122 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
123 doc.pagePushBack(page)
125 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
126 page = doc.pageCreate(Rect(0.0, 0.0, 612.0, 794.0))
127 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to this page
128 eb.reset() // Reset the GState to default
130 // Begin writing a block of text
131 element = eb.createTextBegin(Font.create(doc, Font.e_times_roman), 12.0)
132 writer.writeElement(element)
133 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!")
134 element!!.setTextMatrix(10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 600.0)
135 element!!.gState.leading = 15.0 // Set the spacing
136 // between lines
137 writer.writeElement(element)
138 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()) // New line
139 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!")
140 gstate = element!!.gState
141 gstate.textRenderMode = GState.e_stroke_text
142 gstate.charSpacing = -1.25
143 gstate.wordSpacing = -1.25
144 writer.writeElement(element)
145 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()) // New line
146 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!")
147 gstate = element!!.gState
148 gstate.charSpacing = 0.0
149 gstate.wordSpacing = 0.0
150 gstate.lineWidth = 3.0
151 gstate.textRenderMode = GState.e_fill_stroke_text
152 gstate.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB()
153 gstate.strokeColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) // red
154 gstate.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceCMYK()
155 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // cyan
156 writer.writeElement(element)
157 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()) // New line
159 // Set text as a clipping path to the image.
160 element = eb.createTextRun("Hello World!")
161 gstate = element!!.gState
162 gstate.textRenderMode = GState.e_clip_text
163 writer.writeElement(element)
165 // Finish the block of text
166 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextEnd())
168 // Draw an image that will be clipped by the above text
169 writer.writeElement(eb.createImage(img, 10.0, 100.0, 1300.0, 720.0))
170 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
171 doc.pagePushBack(page)
173 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
174 //
175 // The example illustrates how to embed the external font in a
176 // PDF document.
177 // The example also shows how ElementReader can be used to copy
178 // and modify
179 // Elements between pages.
180 val reader = ElementReader()
182 // Start reading Elements from the last page. We will copy all
183 // Elements to
184 // a new page but will modify the font associated with text.
185 reader.begin(doc.getPage(doc.pageCount))
186 page = doc.pageCreate(Rect(
187 0.0,
188 0.0,
189 1300.0,
190 794.0
191 ))
192 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to this page
193 eb.reset() // Reset the GState to default
195 // Embed an external font in the document.
196 val font: Font
197 val file = Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "font.ttf")
198 stream = FileInputStream(file)
199 font = Font.createTrueTypeFont(doc, stream!!)
200 //Alternatively, the font can be created from the file path.
201 //font = Font.createTrueTypeFont(doc, (Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "font.ttf").getAbsolutePath()));
202 while ( { element = it } != null) // Read page
203 // contents
204 {
205 if (element!!.type == Element.e_text) {
206 element!!.gState.setFont(font, 12.0)
207 }
208 writer.writeElement(element)
209 }
210 reader.end()
211 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
212 doc.pagePushBack(page)
214 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
215 //
216 // The example illustrates how to embed the external font in a
217 // PDF document.
218 // The example also shows how ElementReader can be used to copy
219 // and modify
220 // Elements between pages.
222 // Start reading Elements from the last page. We will copy all
223 // Elements to
224 // a new page but will modify the font associated with text.
225 reader.begin(doc.getPage(doc.pageCount))
226 page = doc.pageCreate(Rect(0.0, 0.0, 1300.0, 794.0))
227 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to this page
228 eb.reset() // Reset the GState to default
230 // Embed an external font in the document.
231 val font2 = Font.createType1Font(doc, Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "Misc-Fixed.pfa")!!.absolutePath)
232 while ( { element = it } != null) // Read page contents
233 {
234 if (element!!.type == Element.e_text) {
235 element!!.gState.setFont(font2, 12.0)
236 }
237 writer.writeElement(element)
238 }
239 reader.end()
240 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
241 doc.pagePushBack(page)
243 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
244 page = doc.pageCreate()
245 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to this page
246 eb.reset() // Reset the GState to default
248 // Begin writing a block of text
249 element = eb.createTextBegin(Font.create(doc, Font.e_times_roman), 12.0)
250 element!!.setTextMatrix(1.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 50.0, 600.0)
251 element!!.gState.leading = 15.0 // Set the spacing between
252 // lines
253 writer.writeElement(element)
254 val para = "A PDF text object consists of operators that can show " +
255 "text strings, move the text position, and set text state and certain " +
256 "other parameters. In addition, there are three parameters that are " +
257 "defined only within a text object and do not persist from one text " +
258 "object to the next: Tm, the text matrix, Tlm, the text line matrix, " +
259 "Trm, the text rendering matrix, actually just an intermediate result " +
260 "that combines the effects of text state parameters, the text matrix " +
261 "(Tm), and the current transformation matrix"
262 val para_end = para.length
263 var text_run = 0
264 var text_run_end: Int
265 val para_width = 300.0 // paragraph width is 300 units
266 var cur_width = 0.0
267 while (text_run < para_end) {
268 text_run_end = para.indexOf(' ', text_run)
269 if (text_run_end < 0) text_run_end = para_end - 1
270 var text = para.substring(text_run, text_run_end + 1)
271 element = eb.createTextRun(text)
272 if (cur_width + element!!.textLength < para_width) {
273 writer.writeElement(element)
274 cur_width += element!!.textLength
275 } else {
276 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine()) // New
277 text = para.substring(text_run, text_run_end + 1) // line
278 element = eb.createTextRun(text)
279 cur_width = element!!.textLength
280 writer.writeElement(element)
281 }
282 text_run = text_run_end + 1
283 }
285 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
286 // The following code snippet illustrates how to adjust
287 // spacing between
288 // characters (text runs).
289 element = eb.createTextNewLine()
290 writer.writeElement(element) // Skip 2 lines
291 writer.writeElement(element)
292 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextRun("An example of space adjustments between inter-characters:"))
293 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine())
295 // Write string "AWAY" without space adjustments between
296 // characters.
297 element = eb.createTextRun("AWAY")
298 writer.writeElement(element)
299 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextNewLine())
301 // Write string "AWAY" with space adjustments between
302 // characters.
303 element = eb.createTextRun("A")
304 writer.writeElement(element)
305 element = eb.createTextRun("W")
306 element!!.posAdjustment = 140.0
307 writer.writeElement(element)
308 element = eb.createTextRun("A")
309 element!!.posAdjustment = 140.0
310 writer.writeElement(element)
311 element = eb.createTextRun("Y again")
312 element!!.posAdjustment = 115.0
313 writer.writeElement(element)
315 // Draw the same strings using direct content output...
316 writer.flush() // flush pending Element writing operations.
318 // You can also write page content directly to the content
319 // stream using
320 // ElementWriter.WriteString(...) and
321 // ElementWriter.WriteBuffer(...) methods.
322 // Note that if you are planning to use these functions you need
323 // to be familiar
324 // with PDF page content operators (see Appendix A in PDF
325 // Reference Manual).
326 // Because it is easy to make mistakes during direct output we
327 // recommend that
328 // you use ElementBuilder and Element interface instead.
329 writer.writeString("T* T* ") // Skip 2 lines
330 writer.writeString("(Direct output to PDF page content stream:) Tj T* ")
331 writer.writeString("(AWAY) Tj T* ")
332 writer.writeString("[(A)140(W)140(A)115(Y again)] TJ ")
334 // Finish the block of text
335 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextEnd())
336 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
337 doc.pagePushBack(page)
339 // Start a new page ------------------------------------
341 // Image Masks
342 //
343 // In the opaque imaging model, images mark all areas they
344 // occupy on the page as
345 // if with opaque paint. All portions of the image, whether
346 // black, white, gray,
347 // or color, completely obscure any marks that may previously
348 // have existed in the
349 // same place on the page.
350 // In the graphic arts industry and page layout applications,
351 // however, it is common
352 // to crop or 'mask out' the background of an image and then
353 // place the masked image
354 // on a different background, allowing the existing background
355 // to show through the
356 // masked areas. This sample illustrates how to use image masks.
357 page = doc.pageCreate()
358 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to the page
360 // Create the Image Mask
361 val imgf = MappedFile(Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "imagemask.dat")!!.absolutePath)
362 val mask_read = FilterReader(imgf)
363 val device_gray = ColorSpace.createDeviceGray()
364 val mask = Image.create(doc, mask_read, 64, 64, 1, device_gray, Image.e_ascii_hex)
365 mask.sdfObj.putBool("ImageMask", true)
366 element = eb.createRect(0.0, 0.0, 612.0, 794.0)
367 element!!.setPathStroke(false)
368 element!!.setPathFill(true)
369 element!!.gState.fillColorSpace = device_gray
370 element!!.gState.fillColor = ColorPt(0.8, 0.0, 0.0)
371 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
372 element = eb.createImage(mask, Matrix2D(200.0, 0.0, 0.0, (-200).toDouble(), 40.0, 680.0))
373 element!!.gState.fillColor = ColorPt(0.1, 0.0, 0.0)
374 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
375 element!!.gState.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB()
376 element!!.gState.fillColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
377 element = eb.createImage(mask, Matrix2D(200.0, 0.0, 0.0, (-200).toDouble(), 320.0, 680.0))
378 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
379 element!!.gState.fillColor = ColorPt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
380 element = eb.createImage(mask, Matrix2D(200.0, 0.0, 0.0, (-200).toDouble(), 40.0, 380.0))
381 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
382 run {
384 // This sample illustrates Explicit Masking.
385 img = Image.create(doc, Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "peppers.jpg")!!.absolutePath)
387 // mask is the explicit mask for the primary (base) image
388 img.setMask(mask)
389 element = eb.createImage(img, Matrix2D(200.0, 0.0, 0.0, (-200).toDouble(), 320.0, 380.0))
390 writer.writePlacedElement(element)
391 }
392 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
393 doc.pagePushBack(page)
395 // Transparency sample ----------------------------------
397 // Start a new page -------------------------------------
398 page = doc.pageCreate()
399 writer.begin(page) // begin writing to this page
400 eb.reset() // Reset the GState to default
402 // Write some transparent text at the bottom of the page.
403 element = eb.createTextBegin(Font.create(doc, Font.e_times_roman), 100.0)
405 // Set the text knockout attribute. Text knockout must be set
406 // outside of
407 // the text group.
408 gstate = element!!.gState
409 gstate.isTextKnockout = false
410 gstate.blendMode = GState.e_bl_difference
411 writer.writeElement(element)
412 element = eb.createTextRun("Transparency")
413 element!!.setTextMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 30.0, 30.0)
414 gstate = element!!.gState
415 gstate.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceCMYK()
416 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
417 gstate.fillOpacity = 0.5
418 writer.writeElement(element)
420 // Write the same text on top the old; shifted by 3 points
421 element!!.setTextMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 33.0, 33.0)
422 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
423 gstate.fillOpacity = 0.5
424 writer.writeElement(element)
425 writer.writeElement(eb.createTextEnd())
427 // Draw three overlapping transparent circles.
428 eb.pathBegin() // start constructing the path
429 eb.moveTo(459.223, 505.646)
430 eb.curveTo(459.223, 415.841, 389.85, 343.04, 304.273, 343.04)
431 eb.curveTo(218.697, 343.04, 149.324, 415.841, 149.324, 505.646)
432 eb.curveTo(149.324, 595.45, 218.697, 668.25, 304.273, 668.25)
433 eb.curveTo(389.85, 668.25, 459.223, 595.45, 459.223, 505.646)
434 element = eb.pathEnd()
435 element!!.setPathFill(true)
436 gstate = element!!.gState
437 gstate.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.createDeviceRGB()
438 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) // Blue
439 // Circle
440 gstate.blendMode = GState.e_bl_normal
441 gstate.fillOpacity = 0.5
442 writer.writeElement(element)
444 // Translate relative to the Blue Circle
445 gstate.setTransform(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 113.0, -185.0)
446 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // Green
447 // Circle
448 gstate.fillOpacity = 0.5
449 writer.writeElement(element)
451 // Translate relative to the Green Circle
452 gstate.setTransform(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -220.0, 0.0)
453 gstate.fillColor = ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) // Red
454 // Circle
455 gstate.fillOpacity = 0.5
456 writer.writeElement(element)
457 writer.end() // save changes to the current page
458 doc.pagePushBack(page)
460 // End page ------------------------------------
461"element_builder.pdf", mFileList).absolutePath, SDFDoc.SaveMode.REMOVE_UNUSED, null)
462 mOutputListener!!.println("Done. Result saved in element_builder.pdf...")
463 }
464 } catch (e: Exception) {
465 mOutputListener!!.printError(e.stackTrace)
466 } finally {
467 if (stream != null) {
468 try {
469 stream!!.close()
470 } catch (ignored: Exception) {
471 }
472 }
473 }
474 for (file in mFileList) {
475 addToFileList(file)
476 }
477 printFooter(outputListener)
478 }
480 companion object {
481 private var mOutputListener: OutputListener? = null
482 private val mFileList = ArrayList<String>()
483 }
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