
Sample Java code for using Apryse SDK to search text on PDF pages using regular expressions. The TextSearch utility class builds on functionality available in TextExtractor to simplify most common search operations. Learn more about our Android SDK and PDF Indexed Search Library.

2// Copyright (c) 2001-2019 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
6package com.pdftron.android.pdfnetsdksamples.samples;
8import com.pdftron.android.pdfnetsdksamples.OutputListener;
9import com.pdftron.android.pdfnetsdksamples.PDFNetSample;
10import com.pdftron.android.pdfnetsdksamples.R;
11import com.pdftron.android.pdfnetsdksamples.util.Utils;
12import com.pdftron.common.PDFNetException;
13import com.pdftron.pdf.Action;
14import com.pdftron.pdf.Highlights;
15import com.pdftron.pdf.PDFDoc;
16import com.pdftron.pdf.Page;
17import com.pdftron.pdf.Rect;
18import com.pdftron.pdf.TextSearch;
19import com.pdftron.pdf.TextSearchResult;
20import com.pdftron.sdf.SDFDoc;
22import java.util.ArrayList;
24public class TextSearchTest extends PDFNetSample {
26 private static OutputListener mOutputListener;
28 private static ArrayList<String> mFileList = new ArrayList<>();
30 public TextSearchTest() {
31 setTitle(R.string.sample_textsearch_title);
32 setDescription(R.string.sample_textsearch_description);
33 }
35 @Override
36 public void run(OutputListener outputListener) {
37 super.run(outputListener);
38 mOutputListener = outputListener;
39 mFileList.clear();
40 printHeader(outputListener);
42 try (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(Utils.getAssetTempFile(INPUT_PATH + "credit card numbers.pdf").getAbsolutePath())) {
43 doc.initSecurityHandler();
45 TextSearch txt_search = new TextSearch();
46 int mode = TextSearch.e_whole_word | TextSearch.e_page_stop;
48 String pattern = "joHn sMiTh";
50 //PDFDoc doesn't allow simultaneous access from different threads. If this
51 //document could be used from other threads (e.g., the rendering thread inside
52 //PDFView/PDFViewCtrl, if used), it is good practice to lock it.
53 //Notice: don't forget to call doc.Unlock() to avoid deadlock.
54 doc.lock();
56 //call Begin() method to initialize the text search.
57 txt_search.begin(doc, pattern, mode, -1, -1);
59 int step = 0;
61 //call Run() method iteratively to find all matching instances.
62 while (true) {
63 TextSearchResult result = txt_search.run();
65 if (result.getCode() == TextSearchResult.e_found) {
66 if (step == 0) {
67 //step 0: found "John Smith"
68 //note that, here, 'ambient_string' and 'hlts' are not written to,
69 //as 'e_ambient_string' and 'e_highlight' are not set.
70 mOutputListener.println(result.getResultStr() + "'s credit card number is: ");
72 //now switch to using regular expressions to find John's credit card number
73 mode = txt_search.getMode();
74 mode |= TextSearch.e_reg_expression | TextSearch.e_highlight;
75 txt_search.setMode(mode);
76 String new_pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}"; //or "(\\d{4}-){3}\\d{4}"
77 txt_search.setPattern(new_pattern);
79 step = step + 1;
80 } else if (step == 1) {
81 //step 1: found John's credit card number
82 mOutputListener.println(" " + result.getResultStr());
84 //note that, here, 'hlts' is written to, as 'e_highlight' has been set.
85 //output the highlight info of the credit card number
86 Highlights hlts = result.getHighlights();
87 hlts.begin(doc);
88 while (hlts.hasNext()) {
89 mOutputListener.println("The current highlight is from page: " + hlts.getCurrentPageNumber());
90 hlts.next();
91 }
93 //see if there is an AMEX card number
94 String new_pattern = "\\d{4}-\\d{6}-\\d{5}";
95 txt_search.setPattern(new_pattern);
97 step = step + 1;
98 } else if (step == 2) {
99 //found an AMEX card number
100 mOutputListener.println("\nThere is an AMEX card number:");
101 mOutputListener.println(" " + result.getResultStr());
103 //change mode to find the owner of the credit card; supposedly, the owner's
104 //name proceeds the number
105 mode = txt_search.getMode();
106 mode |= TextSearch.e_search_up;
107 txt_search.setMode(mode);
108 String new_pattern = "[A-z]++ [A-z]++";
109 txt_search.setPattern(new_pattern);
111 step = step + 1;
112 } else if (step == 3) {
113 //found the owner's name of the AMEX card
114 mOutputListener.println("Is the owner's name:");
115 mOutputListener.println(" " + result.getResultStr() + "?");
117 //add a link annotation based on the location of the found instance
118 Highlights hlts = result.getHighlights();
119 hlts.begin(doc);
120 while (hlts.hasNext()) {
121 Page cur_page = doc.getPage(hlts.getCurrentPageNumber());
122 double[] q = hlts.getCurrentQuads();
123 int quad_count = q.length / 8;
124 for (int i = 0; i < quad_count; ++i) {
125 //assume each quad is an axis-aligned rectangle
126 int offset = 8 * i;
127 double x1 = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(q[offset + 0], q[offset + 2]), q[offset + 4]), q[offset + 6]);
128 double x2 = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(q[offset + 0], q[offset + 2]), q[offset + 4]), q[offset + 6]);
129 double y1 = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(q[offset + 1], q[offset + 3]), q[offset + 5]), q[offset + 7]);
130 double y2 = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(q[offset + 1], q[offset + 3]), q[offset + 5]), q[offset + 7]);
131 com.pdftron.pdf.annots.Link hyper_link = com.pdftron.pdf.annots.Link.create(doc, new Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), Action.createURI(doc, "http://www.pdftron.com"));
132 cur_page.annotPushBack(hyper_link);
133 }
134 hlts.next();
135 }
136 doc.save(Utils.createExternalFile("credit card numbers_linked.pdf", mFileList).getAbsolutePath(), SDFDoc.SaveMode.LINEARIZED, null);
137 break;
138 }
139 } else if (result.getCode() == TextSearchResult.e_page) {
140 //you can update your UI here, if needed
141 } else {
142 break;
143 }
144 }
146 doc.unlock();
147 } catch (PDFNetException e) {
148 mOutputListener.printError(e.getStackTrace());
149 }
151 for (String file : mFileList) {
152 addToFileList(file);
153 }
154 printFooter(outputListener);
155 }

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