Pages from multiple input documents can be sequentially inserted (or appended) into a new output document. Users can optionally specify a range of pages to use from each input document.
pagemaster (-i or \--insert) \<file to insert\> \<input files\>
By default, the inserted file is appended to the input files, but otherwise the following options can be used:
--before <page number>
causes the inserted file to be inserted before page <page number>
--after <page number>
causes the inserted file to be inserted after page <page number>
Insert toinsert.pdf before page 4 in inserted.pdf:
pagemaster -i toinsert.pdf --before 4 inserted.pdf
Append toinsert.pdf to append.pdf:
pagemaster -i toinsert.pdf append.pdf
Prepend toinsert.pdf to prepend.pdf:
pagemaster -i toinsert.pdf --before 1 prepend.pdf
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