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Is PDF2HTML available as an SDK for integration with third party applications?

For developers who are looking for a software development component to integrate into their applications, Apryse offers a PDF to HTML conversion API.

For more details, please vist or contact a Apryse representative for more information.

Does PDF2HTML have any dependencies on third party components/software?

PDF2HTML is a completely stand-alone application and does not include any dependencies on third-party components or software.

How do I save converted files in a given folder?

By default, PDF2HTML saves converted files in the same folder as the input. To specify another output location, use the '-out' (or '-o') parameter with an absolute file name. For example:

pdf2html -in myIn.pdf -out "c:\My Output\myOut.html"

How can I control the output name for converted files?

The output filename can be changed using the '-out' (or '-o') option. For example, the following command-line generates an output document named outdoc.html:

pdf2html -in indoc.pdf -out outdoc.html

How do I specify which pages to convert?

By default, PDF2HTML will convert all PDF pages into an output HTML or HTM file. You can specify a subset of pages to convert using the '-pages' option. For example:

pdf2html -pages 2 -in in.pdf -out out.html

will convert only page 2.

To specify a range of pages, use a dash character between numbers. For example:

pdf2html -pages 1-3 -in in.pdf -out out.html

will convert pages 1 to 3.

How do I batch convert files?

PDF2HTML supports batch conversion of many PDF files in a single pass. For example, to convert three PDFs, a.pdf, b.pdf and c.pdf, to a.htm, b.htm and c.htm, you could use the following line:

pdf2html -in a.pdf b.pdf c.pdf -out a.htm b.htm c.htm

The number of input file names must match the number of output file names.

For Windows (not available for Linux and Mac), you can convert all PDF files in a given folder to HTML by using wildcards and omitting the '-out' parameter. For example:

pdf2html -in "c:\My Input\*.pdf"

will take all PDF files in "c:\My Input" and generate HTML output files in the same folder as the input.

How do I convert to HTM?

You can convert PDF to HTM by specifying the file extension as ".htm" in the output file name. The following command-line would generate output as mydoc.htm:

pdf2html -in mydoc.pdf -out mydoc.htm

How do I specify the Title of the HTML output?

PDF2HTML allows you to freely set the Title (<TITLE>) of the output HTML file. Please make sure that you enclose the title text in double quotes. With the '-title' option, the following command-line will set "My Title" as the Title of the output file:

pdf2html -title "My Title" -in my.pdf -out my.html

How do I specify the resolution of the output images?

Output image resolution can be specified in dots per inch (dpi) using the '-resolution' (or '-res') parameter option.

By default, PDF2HTML uses a resolution of 96 dpi. Smaller dpi numbers result in smaller images while larger dpi numbers generate larger but higher quality images. For example, to convert all images in a PDF at 200 dpi, use the following syntax:

pdf2html -resolution 200 -in images.pdf -out images.html

How do I specify the output image type?

PDF2HTML can convert all images in a PDF to either JPEG or PNG format using the '-compress' (or '-compression') parameter option. The default output image type is JPEG. For example:

pdf2html -compress jpeg -in in.pdf -out jpg.html

will output images as JPEG.

Follow this example to convert images to PNG format:

pdf2html -compress png -in in.pdf -out png.html

How do I convert a PDF with images into a self-contained HTML file?

PDF2HTML can convert a PDF with images into a self-contained HTML file by embedding the images. The following command-line will embed all images and create a self-contained single.html output file:

pdf2html -embedImages on -in images.pdf -out single.html

How do I convert a password protected PDF?

PDF2HTML will, without user intervention, convert documents secured with a master/owner password.

For unattended conversion, specify the master/owner password directly on the command-line using the '-password' parameter option. The password provided must give unrestricted content extraction permissions. For example, to convert a password protected secured.pdf with the master password, 'secret', use the following syntax:

pdf2html -password secret -in secured.pdf -out secured.html

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