Apryse SDK on Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux is a minimalist Linux distribution built around musl libc, which makes it small and very resource efficient. However this results in binary incompatibility with regular Linux operating systems. This page lists things to take into account when using Apryse SDK on the Alpine Linux platform.

  • Apryse SDK supports Alpine Linux version ≥ 3.12 (includes GCC ≥ 9) on Intel x64; Arm64 platform is not currently supported. It can be obtained from the official Web site
  • Apryse SDK includes .NET Core support for Alpine Linux. To run the Apryse .NET samples and integrate the Apryse SDK into .NET applications, the Alpine Linux environment must additionally meet Microsoft requirements for .NET
  • Alpine Linux is often recommended as a Docker base image. Docker images based on Alpine Linux are exceptionally lightweight because they contain only the essential components needed to build and to run the applications. Compatible Alpine based Docker image can be obtained from various repositories, like the Docker hub. A Docker image with pre-configured .NET support can be pulled or derived from mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0-alpine.
  • The steps for running Apryse samples and integrating Apryse SDK into applications on Alpine Linux are identical to those described in the general Linux guide.

Download the SDK

download Alpine Linux compatible 64-bit Apryse SDK

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