This guide is a demo for using our C interface binding and is not a production version of the Go wrapper. Please visit our Apryse SDK for Go documentation for more information on using our production version of Go.
This guide will help you integrate a free trial of the Apryse SDK with Go using Apryse Headers on macOS, Linux or Windows in a new Go app. (Or see instructions for incorporation with an existing project.) Your free trial includes unlimited trial usage and support from solution engineers.
Make sure Go is installed at /usr/local/go
and /usr/local/go/bin
Apryse collects some data regarding your usage of the SDK for product improvement.
If you wish to continue without data collection, contact us and we will email you a no-tracking trial key for you to get started.
The trial of Apryse SDK requires a trial license key, which is provided in the box titled "License Key". A commercial license key is required for use in a production environment. Please contact sales to purchase a commercial key or if you need any other license key assistance.
License keys are uniquely generated. Please make sure that it is not publicly available (e.g. in your public GitHub).
package as a folder into your project directory.myApp.go
Add the following code inside:Save and close the file.Your folder should look similar to:myApp
executable file.Make sure Go is part of your path
Apryse collects some data regarding your usage of the SDK for product improvement.
If you wish to continue without data collection, contact us and we will email you a no-tracking trial key for you to get started.
The trial of Apryse SDK requires a trial license key, which is provided in the box titled "License Key". A commercial license key is required for use in a production environment. Please contact sales to purchase a commercial key or if you need any other license key assistance.
License keys are uniquely generated. Please make sure that it is not publicly available (e.g. in your public GitHub).
folder. Call it myApp
By default it should be at this location:src/myApp/PDFNetC(64)/Lib/PDFNet.dll
into src/myApp/
Add the following code inside:Save and close the file.Your folder should look similar to:Make sure Go is installed at `/usr/local/go` and `/usr/local/go/bin`.
Apryse collects some data regarding your usage of the SDK for product improvement.
If you wish to continue without data collection, contact us and we will email you a no-tracking trial key for you to get started.
The trial of Apryse SDK requires a trial license key, which is provided in the box titled "License Key". A commercial license key is required for use in a production environment. Please contact sales to purchase a commercial key or if you need any other license key assistance.
License keys are uniquely generated. Please make sure that it is not publicly available (e.g. in your public GitHub).
package as a folder into your project directory.Your files and folders should look similar to:
Add the following code inside:Save and close the file.Your files and folders should look similar to:myApp
executable file.You can generate bindings for Apryse SDK APIs using various methods. It is recommended to use SWIG to generate these bindings. The header files to include can be found in PDFNET_BASE\Headers\
and the library can be found in PDFNET_BASE\Lib\
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