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Linux Dependency Instructions

HTML2PDF Linux - Missing Dependency Installation

The new HTML2PDF module for the Apryse SDK is based on Chromium and requires some of the same dependencies as the Chromium browser that may not be installed in your specific Linux distribution. The following describes how to determine what required shared object dependencies are not installed in your system and how to install them using AWS Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS image as an example.

Once you have downloaded and extracted the HTM2PDF module to your local environment you can use “ldd” to list the module shared object dependencies. Here is the result of running ldd on the HTML2PDF module on a fresh Ubuntu virtual machine.

ldd ./

Linux - Missing Dependencies

On this particular Linux distribution, the Network Security Service (libnss3) libraries are not installed by default and must be installed manually. You can install them on Ubuntu with the following command:

apt install libnss3

Once you have installed the missing dependencies the output from ldd should look like this:
Linux - Resolved Missing Dependencies

The list of missing dependencies will vary across the different Linux distributions, but ldd should list packages that need to be installed.
Note: The example depicted here was created on a Debian based distribution and therefore uses apt to install software packages, use yum with RHEL systems.

Font Configuration Installation
The module also requires the Fontconfig library be installed on all distributions. It can be installed with the following command(s).

apt install fontconfig

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