Sample code to use Apryse SDK's built-in rasterizer to render PDF images on the fly and save the resulting images in various raster image formats (such as PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF). Samples provided in Python, C++, C#, Java, Node.js (JavaScript), PHP, Ruby, Go and VB. Learn more about our Server SDK and PDF Conversion Library.

2// Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
6using System;
7using System.Drawing;
8using System.Drawing.Imaging;
9using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
11using pdftron;
12using pdftron.Common;
13using pdftron.PDF;
14using pdftron.SDF;
16namespace PDFDrawTestCS
18 /// <summary>
19 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // The following sample illustrates how to convert PDF documents to various raster image
21 // formats (such as PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF), as well as how to convert a PDF page to GDI+ Bitmap
22 // for further manipulation and/or display in WinForms applications.
23 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 /// </summary>
25 class Class1
26 {
27 private static pdftron.PDFNetLoader pdfNetLoader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance();
28 static Class1() {}
30 /// <summary>
31 /// The main entry point for the application.
32 /// </summary>
33 static void Main(string[] args)
34 {
35 // The first step in every application using PDFNet is to initialize the
36 // library and set the path to common PDF resources. The library is usually
37 // initialized only once, but calling Initialize() multiple times is also fine.
38 PDFNet.Initialize(PDFTronLicense.Key);
40 try
41 {
42 // Optional: Set ICC color profiles to fine tune color conversion
43 // for PDF 'device' color spaces. You can use your own ICC profiles.
44 // Standard Adobe color profiles can be download from Adobes site:
45 // http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/iccprofiles/iccprofiles_win.html
46 //
47 // Simply drop all *.icc files in PDFNet resource folder or you specify
48 // the full pathname.
49 //---
50 // PDFNet.SetResourcesPath("../../../../../resources");
51 // PDFNet.SetColorManagement();
52 // PDFNet.SetDefaultDeviceCMYKProfile("USWebCoatedSWOP.icc"); // will search in PDFNet resource folder.
53 // PDFNet.SetDefaultDeviceRGBProfile("AdobeRGB1998.icc");
55 // Optional: Set predefined font mappings to override default font
56 // substitution for documents with missing fonts. For example:
57 //---
58 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst("StoneSans-Semibold", "C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/comic.ttf");
59 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst("StoneSans", "comic.ttf"); // search for 'comic.ttf' in PDFNet resource folder.
60 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Identity, "C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialuni.ttf");
61 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Japan1, "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 7.0/Resource/CIDFont/KozMinProVI-Regular.otf");
62 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Japan2, "c:/myfonts/KozMinProVI-Regular.otf");
63 //
64 // If fonts are in PDFNet resource folder, it is not necessary to specify
65 // the full path name. For example,
66 //---
67 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_Korea1, "AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium.otf");
68 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_CNS1, "AdobeSongStd-Light.otf");
69 // PDFNet.AddFontSubst(PDFNet.CharacterOrdering.e_GB1, "AdobeMingStd-Light.otf");
70 }
71 catch (Exception)
72 {
73 Console.WriteLine("The specified color profile was not found.");
74 }
76 // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
77 string input_path = "../../../../TestFiles/";
78 string output_path = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/";
81 using (PDFDraw draw = new PDFDraw())
82 {
83 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 // Example 1) Convert the first PDF page to PNG at 92 DPI.
85 // A three step tutorial to convert PDF page to an image.
86 try
87 {
88 // A) Open the PDF document.
89 using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "tiger.pdf"))
90 {
91 // Initialize the security handler, in case the PDF is encrypted.
92 doc.InitSecurityHandler();
94 // B) The output resolution is set to 92 DPI.
95 draw.SetDPI(92);
97 // C) Rasterize the first page in the document and save the result as PNG.
98 Page pg = doc.GetPage(1);
99 draw.Export(pg, output_path + "tiger_92dpi.png");
101 Console.WriteLine("Example 1: tiger_92dpi.png");
103 // Export the same page as TIFF
104 draw.Export(pg, output_path + "tiger_92dpi.tif", "TIFF");
105 }
106 }
107 catch (PDFNetException e) {
108 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
109 }
111 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 // Example 2) Convert the all pages in a given document to JPEG at 72 DPI.
113 ObjSet hint_set=new ObjSet(); // A collection of rendering 'hits'.
114 Console.WriteLine("Example 2:");
115 try
116 {
117 using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "newsletter.pdf"))
118 {
119 // Initialize the security handler, in case the PDF is encrypted.
120 doc.InitSecurityHandler();
122 draw.SetDPI(72); // Set the output resolution is to 72 DPI.
124 // Use optional encoder parameter to specify JPEG quality.
125 Obj encoder_param = hint_set.CreateDict();
126 encoder_param.PutNumber("Quality", 80);
128 // Traverse all pages in the document.
129 for (PageIterator itr=doc.GetPageIterator(); itr.HasNext(); itr.Next())
130 {
131 string output_filename = string.Format("newsletter{0:d}.jpg", itr.GetPageNumber());
132 Console.WriteLine("newsletter{0:d}.jpg", itr.GetPageNumber());
133 draw.Export(itr.Current(), output_path + output_filename, "JPEG", encoder_param);
134 }
135 }
137 Console.WriteLine("Done.");
138 }
139 catch (PDFNetException e)
140 {
141 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
142 }
144 try // Examples 3-6
145 {
146 // Common code for remaining samples.
147 using (PDFDoc tiger_doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "tiger.pdf"))
148 {
149 // Initialize the security handler, in case the PDF is encrypted.
150 tiger_doc.InitSecurityHandler();
151 Page page = tiger_doc.GetPage(1);
153 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 // Example 3) Convert the first page to GDI+ Bitmap. Also, rotate the
155 // page 90 degrees and save the result as RAW.
156 draw.SetDPI(100); // Set the output resolution is to 100 DPI.
157 draw.SetRotate(Page.Rotate.e_90); // Rotate all pages 90 degrees clockwise.
159 Bitmap bmp = draw.GetBitmap(page);
161 // Save the raw RGB data to disk.
162 string filename = "tiger_100dpi_rot90.raw";
164 System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(output_path + filename, BitmapToByteArray(bmp));
166 Console.WriteLine("Example 3: tiger_100dpi_rot90.raw");
167 draw.SetRotate(Page.Rotate.e_0); // Disable image rotation for remaining samples.
169 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 // Example 4) Convert PDF page to a fixed image size. Also illustrates some
171 // other features in PDFDraw class such as rotation, image stretching, exporting
172 // to grayscale, or monochrome.
174 // Initialize render 'gray_hint' parameter, that is used to control the
175 // rendering process. In this case we tell the rasterizer to export the image as
176 // 1 Bit Per Component (BPC) image.
177 Obj mono_hint=hint_set.CreateDict();
178 mono_hint.PutNumber("BPC", 1);
180 // SetImageSize can be used instead of SetDPI() to adjust page scaling
181 // dynamically so that given image fits into a buffer of given dimensions.
182 draw.SetImageSize(1000, 1000); // Set the output image to be 1000 wide and 1000 pixels tall
183 draw.Export(page, output_path + "tiger_1000x1000.png", "PNG", mono_hint);
184 Console.WriteLine("Example 4: tiger_1000x1000.png");
186 draw.SetImageSize(200, 400); // Set the output image to be 200 wide and 300 pixels tall
187 draw.SetRotate(Page.Rotate.e_180); // Rotate all pages 90 degrees clockwise.
189 // 'gray_hint' tells the rasterizer to export the image as grayscale.
190 Obj gray_hint=hint_set.CreateDict();
191 gray_hint.PutName("ColorSpace", "Gray");
193 draw.Export(page, output_path + "tiger_200x400_rot180.png", "PNG", gray_hint);
194 Console.WriteLine("Example 4: tiger_200x400_rot180.png");
196 draw.SetImageSize(400, 200, false); // The third parameter sets 'preserve-aspect-ratio' to false.
197 draw.SetRotate(Page.Rotate.e_0); // Disable image rotation.
198 draw.Export(page, output_path + "tiger_400x200_stretch.jpg", "JPEG");
199 Console.WriteLine("Example 4: tiger_400x200_stretch.jpg");
201 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 // Example 5) Zoom into a specific region of the page and rasterize the
203 // area at 200 DPI and as a thumbnail (i.e. a 50x50 pixel image).
204 page.SetCropBox(new Rect(216, 522, 330, 600)); // Set the page crop box.
206 // Select the crop region to be used for drawing.
207 draw.SetPageBox(Page.Box.e_crop);
208 draw.SetDPI(900); // Set the output image resolution to 900 DPI.
209 draw.Export(page, output_path + "tiger_zoom_900dpi.png", "PNG");
210 Console.WriteLine("Example 5: tiger_zoom_900dpi.png");
212 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 // Example 6)
214 draw.SetImageSize(50, 50); // Set the thumbnail to be 50x50 pixel image.
215 draw.Export(page, output_path + "tiger_zoom_50x50.png", "PNG");
216 Console.WriteLine("Example 6: tiger_zoom_50x50.png");
217 }
218 }
219 catch (PDFNetException e)
220 {
221 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
222 }
224 Obj cmyk_hint = hint_set.CreateDict();
225 cmyk_hint.PutName("ColorSpace", "CMYK");
227 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 // Example 7) Convert the first PDF page to CMYK TIFF at 92 DPI.
229 // A three step tutorial to convert PDF page to an image.
230 try
231 {
232 // A) Open the PDF document.
233 using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "tiger.pdf"))
234 {
235 // Initialize the security handler, in case the PDF is encrypted.
236 doc.InitSecurityHandler();
238 // B) The output resolution is set to 92 DPI.
239 draw.SetDPI(92);
241 // C) Rasterize the first page in the document and save the result as TIFF.
242 Page pg = doc.GetPage(1);
243 draw.Export(pg, output_path + "out1.tif", "TIFF", cmyk_hint);
244 Console.WriteLine("Example 7: out1.tif");
245 }
246 }
247 catch (PDFNetException e)
248 {
249 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
250 }
252 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 // Example 8) Export raster content to PNG using different image smoothing settings.
254 try
255 {
256 // A) Open the PDF document.
257 using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "tiger.pdf"))
258 {
259 // Initialize the security handler, in case the PDF is encrypted.
260 doc.InitSecurityHandler();
262 // B) Get the page matrix
263 Page pg = doc.GetPage(1);
264 Page.Box box = Page.Box.e_crop;
265 Matrix2D mtx = pg.GetDefaultMatrix(true, box);
266 // We want to render a quadrant, so use half of width and height
267 double pg_w = pg.GetPageWidth(box) / 2;
268 double pg_h = pg.GetPageHeight(box) / 2;
270 // C) Scale matrix from PDF space to buffer space
271 double dpi = 96.0;
272 double scale = dpi / 72.0; // PDF space is 72 dpi
273 int buf_w = (int) (Math.Floor(scale * pg_w));
274 int buf_h = (int) (Math.Floor(scale * pg_h));
275 int bytes_per_pixel = 4; // BGRA buffer
276 int buf_size = buf_w * buf_h * bytes_per_pixel;
277 mtx.Translate(0, -pg_h); // translate by '-pg_h' since we want south-west quadrant
278 mtx = new Matrix2D(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0) * mtx;
280 // D) Rasterize page into memory buffer, according to our parameters
281 byte[] buf;
282 PDFRasterizer rast = new PDFRasterizer();
283 buf = rast.Rasterize(pg, buf_w, buf_h, buf_w * bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_pixel, true, mtx);
285 // buf now contains raw BGRA bitmap.
286 Console.WriteLine("Example 8: Successfully rasterized into memory buffer.");
287 }
288 }
289 catch (PDFNetException e)
290 {
291 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
292 }
293 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
294 // Example 9) Export raster content to PNG using different image smoothing settings.
295 try
296 {
297 using (PDFDoc text_doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "lorem_ipsum.pdf"))
298 {
299 text_doc.InitSecurityHandler();
301 draw.SetImageSmoothing(false, false);
302 string filename = "raster_text_no_smoothing.png";
303 draw.Export(text_doc.GetPageIterator().Current(), output_path + filename);
304 Console.WriteLine("Example 9 a): " + filename + ". Done.");
306 filename = "raster_text_smoothed.png";
307 draw.SetImageSmoothing(true, false /*default quality bilinear resampling*/);
308 draw.Export(text_doc.GetPageIterator().Current(), output_path + filename);
309 Console.WriteLine("Example 9 b): " + filename + ". Done.");
311 filename = "raster_text_high_quality.png";
312 draw.SetImageSmoothing(true, true /*high quality area resampling*/);
313 draw.Export(text_doc.GetPageIterator().Current(), output_path + filename);
314 Console.WriteLine("Example 9 c): " + filename + ". Done.");
315 }
316 }
317 catch (Exception e)
318 {
319 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
320 }
322 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 // Example 10) Export separations directly, without conversion to an output colorspace
324 try
325 {
326 using (PDFDoc separation_doc = new PDFDoc(input_path + "op_blend_test.pdf"))
327 {
328 separation_doc.InitSecurityHandler();
329 Obj separation_hint = hint_set.CreateDict();
330 separation_hint.PutName("ColorSpace", "Separation");
331 draw.SetDPI(96);
332 draw.SetImageSmoothing(true, true);
333 draw.SetOverprint(PDFRasterizer.OverprintPreviewMode.e_op_on);
335 string filename = "merged_separations.png";
336 draw.Export(separation_doc.GetPageIterator().Current(), output_path + filename, "PNG");
337 Console.WriteLine("Example 10 a): " + filename + ". Done.");
339 filename = "separation";
340 draw.Export(separation_doc.GetPageIterator().Current(), output_path + filename, "PNG", separation_hint);
341 Console.WriteLine("Example 10 b): " + filename + "_[ink].png. Done.");
343 filename = "separation_NChannel.tif";
344 draw.Export(separation_doc.GetPageIterator().Current(), output_path + filename, "TIFF", separation_hint);
345 Console.WriteLine("Example 10 c): " + filename + ". Done.");
346 }
347 }
348 catch (PDFNetException e)
349 {
350 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
351 }
353 } // using PDFDraw
354 PDFNet.Terminate();
355 }
357 public static byte[] BitmapToByteArray(Bitmap bitmap)
358 {
360 BitmapData bmpdata = null;
362 try
363 {
364 bmpdata = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
365 int numbytes = bmpdata.Stride * bitmap.Height;
366 byte[] bytedata = new byte[numbytes];
367 IntPtr ptr = bmpdata.Scan0;
369 Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytedata, 0, numbytes);
371 return bytedata;
372 }
373 finally
374 {
375 if (bmpdata != null)
376 bitmap.UnlockBits(bmpdata);
377 }
378 } // end
379 }

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