Sample code for using Apryse SDK to remove potentially sensitive content within PDF documents. Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor' makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics is contained in a redaction region, that portion is destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. Sample code provided in Python, C++, C#, Java, Node.js (JavaScript), PHP, Ruby and VB.
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2// Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
6using System;
7using System.IO;
8using System.Collections;
10using pdftron;
11using pdftron.Common;
12using pdftron.Filters;
13using pdftron.SDF;
14using pdftron.PDF;
16namespace PDFNetSamples
18 // PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
19 // (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
20 // With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
21 // the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
22 // redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
23 // safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
24 // customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
25 //
26 // The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
27 //
28 // a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
29 // pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
30 // can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
31 // as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
32 // or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
33 // can see, move and redefine these annotations.
34 // b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
35 // PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
36 // by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
37 // options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
38 // font, border, transparency, etc.).
39 //
40 // PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
41 // is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
42 // destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
43 // be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
44 // document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
45 // Platform (XMP) content.
46 class Class1
47 {
48 private static pdftron.PDFNetLoader pdfNetLoader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance();
49 static Class1() {}
51 static void Redact(string input, string output, ArrayList rarr, Redactor.Appearance app)
52 {
53 using (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input))
54 {
55 doc.InitSecurityHandler();
56 Redactor.Redact(doc, rarr, app, false, true);
57 doc.Save(output, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
58 }
59 }
61 /// <summary>
62 /// The following sample illustrates how to redact a PDF document using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor'.
63 /// </summary>
64 static void Main(string[] args)
65 {
66 PDFNet.Initialize(PDFTronLicense.Key);
68 string input_path = "../../../../TestFiles/";
69 string output_path = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/";
70 try
71 {
72 ArrayList rarr = new ArrayList();
73 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(1, new Rect(100, 100, 550, 600), false, "Top Secret"));
74 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(30, 30, 450, 450), true, "Negative Redaction"));
75 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), false, "Positive"));
76 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(100, 100, 200, 200), false, "Positive"));
77 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(300, 300, 400, 400), false, ""));
78 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(500, 500, 600, 600), false, ""));
79 rarr.Add(new Redactor.Redaction(3, new Rect(0, 0, 700, 20), false, ""));
81 Redactor.Appearance app = new Redactor.Appearance();
82 app.RedactionOverlay = true;
83 app.Border = false;
84 app.ShowRedactedContentRegions = true;
86 Redact(input_path + "newsletter.pdf", output_path + "redacted.pdf", rarr, app);
88 Console.WriteLine("Done...");
89 }
90 catch (PDFNetException e)
91 {
92 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
93 }
94 PDFNet.Terminate();
95 }
96 }
2// Copyright (c) 2001-2021 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.
6package main
7import (
8 "fmt"
9 . "pdftron"
12import "pdftron/Samples/LicenseKey/GO"
14// PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
15// (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
16// With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
17// the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
18// redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
19// safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
20// customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
22// The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
24// a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
25// pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
26// can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
27// as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
28// or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
29// can see, move and redefine these annotations.
30// b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
31// PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
32// by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
33// options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
34// font, border, transparency, etc.).
36// PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
37// is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
38// destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
39// be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
40// document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
41// Platform (XMP) content.
43func Redact(input string, output string, vec VectorRedaction, app Appearance){
44 doc := NewPDFDoc(input)
45 if doc.InitSecurityHandler(){
46 RedactorRedact(doc, vec, app, false, true)
47 doc.Save(output, uint(SDFDocE_linearized))
48 }
51func main(){
53 // Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
54 inputPath := "../../TestFiles/"
55 outputPath := "../../TestFiles/Output/"
57 PDFNetInitialize(PDFTronLicense.Key)
59 vec := NewVectorRedaction()
60 vec.Add(NewRedaction(1, NewRect(100.0, 100.0, 550.0, 600.0), false, "Top Secret"))
61 vec.Add(NewRedaction(2, NewRect(30.0, 30.0, 450.0, 450.0), true, "Negative Redaction"))
62 vec.Add(NewRedaction(2, NewRect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0), false, "Positive"))
63 vec.Add(NewRedaction(2, NewRect(100.0, 100.0, 200.0, 200.0), false, "Positive"))
64 vec.Add(NewRedaction(2, NewRect(300.0, 300.0, 400.0, 400.0), false, ""))
65 vec.Add(NewRedaction(2, NewRect(500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 600.0), false, ""))
66 vec.Add(NewRedaction(3, NewRect(0.0, 0.0, 700.0, 20.0), false, ""))
68 app := NewAppearance()
69 app.SetRedactionOverlay(true)
70 app.SetBorder(false)
71 app.SetShowRedactedContentRegions(true)
72 Redact(inputPath + "newsletter.pdf", outputPath + "redacted.pdf", vec, app)
74 PDFNetTerminate()
75 fmt.Println("Done...")
2// Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
6import java.lang.*;
7import java.awt.*;
9import com.pdftron.pdf.*;
10import com.pdftron.sdf.SDFDoc;
13// PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
14// (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
15// With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
16// the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
17// redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
18// safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
19// customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
21// The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
23// a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
24// pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
25// can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
26// as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
27// or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
28// can see, move and redefine these annotations.
29// b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
30// PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
31// by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
32// options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
33// font, border, transparency, etc.).
35// PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
36// is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
37// destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
38// be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
39// document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
40// Platform (XMP) content.
41public class PDFRedactTest {
43 public static void redact(String input, String output, Redactor.Redaction[] vec, Redactor.Appearance app) {
44 try (PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(input)) {
45 if (doc.initSecurityHandler()) {
46 Redactor.redact(doc, vec, app, false, true);
47, SDFDoc.SaveMode.REMOVE_UNUSED, null);
48 }
49 } catch (Exception e) {
50 e.printStackTrace();
51 }
52 }
54 public static void main(String[] args) {
55 // Relative paths to folders containing test files.
56 String input_path = "../../TestFiles/";
57 String output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";
59 PDFNet.initialize(PDFTronLicense.Key());
61 try {
62 Redactor.Redaction[] vec = new Redactor.Redaction[7];
63 vec[0] = new Redactor.Redaction(1, new Rect(100, 100, 550, 600), false, "Top Secret");
64 vec[1] = new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(30, 30, 450, 450), true, "Negative Redaction");
65 vec[2] = new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), false, "Positive");
66 vec[3] = new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(100, 100, 200, 200), false, "Positive");
67 vec[4] = new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(300, 300, 400, 400), false, "");
68 vec[5] = new Redactor.Redaction(2, new Rect(500, 500, 600, 600), false, "");
69 vec[6] = new Redactor.Redaction(3, new Rect(0, 0, 700, 20), false, "");
71 Redactor.Appearance app = new Redactor.Appearance();
72 app.redactionOverlay = true;
73 app.border = false;
74 app.showRedactedContentRegions = true;
76 redact(input_path + "newsletter.pdf", output_path + "redacted.pdf", vec, app);
78 System.out.println("Done...");
79 } catch (Exception e) {
80 e.printStackTrace();
81 }
82 PDFNet.terminate();
83 }
2// Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
6#include <PDF/PDFNet.h>
7#include <PDF/PDFDoc.h>
8#include <PDF/Redactor.h>
10#include <iostream>
11#include <vector>
12#include "../../LicenseKey/CPP/LicenseKey.h"
14using namespace std;
16using namespace pdftron;
17using namespace Common;
18using namespace SDF;
19using namespace PDF;
21// PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
22// (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
23// With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
24// the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
25// redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
26// safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
27// customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
29// The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
31// a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
32// pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
33// can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
34// as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
35// or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
36// can see, move and redefine these annotations.
37// b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
38// PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
39// by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
40// options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
41// font, border, transparency, etc.).
43// PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
44// is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
45// destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
46// be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
47// document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
48// Platform (XMP) content.
50static void Redact(const string& input, const string& output, const vector<Redactor::Redaction>& vec, Redactor::Appearance app)
52 PDFDoc doc(input);
53 if (doc.InitSecurityHandler()) {
54 Redactor::Redact(doc, vec, app, false, true);
55 doc.Save(output, SDFDoc::e_linearized, 0);
56 }
59int main(int argc, char *argv[])
61 int ret = 0;
63 // Relative paths to folders containing test files.
64 string input_path = "../../TestFiles/";
65 string output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/";
67 PDFNet::Initialize(LicenseKey);
69 try
70 {
71 vector<Redactor::Redaction> vec;
72 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(1, Rect(100, 100, 550, 600), false, "Top Secret"));
73 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(2, Rect(30, 30, 450, 450), true, "Negative Redaction"));
74 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(2, Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), false, "Positive"));
75 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(2, Rect(100, 100, 200, 200), false, "Positive"));
76 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(2, Rect(300, 300, 400, 400), false, ""));
77 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(2, Rect(500, 500, 600, 600), false, ""));
78 vec.push_back(Redactor::Redaction(3, Rect(0, 0, 700, 20), false, ""));
80 Redactor::Appearance app;
81 app.RedactionOverlay = true;
82 app.Border = false;
83 app.ShowRedactedContentRegions = true;
85 Redact(input_path + "newsletter.pdf", output_path + "redacted.pdf", vec, app);
87 cout << "Done..." << endl;
88 }
89 catch(Common::Exception& e)
90 {
91 cout << e << endl;
92 ret = 1;
93 }
94 catch(...)
95 {
96 cout << "Unknown Exception" << endl;
97 ret = 1;
98 }
100 PDFNet::Terminate();
101 return ret;
2// Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.
6// PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
7// (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
8// With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
9// the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
10// redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
11// safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
12// customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
14// The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
16// a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
17// pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
18// can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
19// as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
20// or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
21// can see, move and redefine these annotations.
22// b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
23// PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
24// by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
25// options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
26// font, border, transparency, etc.).
28// PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
29// is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
30// destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
31// be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
32// document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
33// Platform (XMP) content.
35const { PDFNet } = require('@pdftron/pdfnet-node');
36const PDFTronLicense = require('../LicenseKey/LicenseKey');
38((exports) => {
40 exports.runPDFRedactTest = () => {
41 const redact = async(input, output, vec, app) => {
42 const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.createFromFilePath(input);
43 if (await doc.initSecurityHandler()) {
44 PDFNet.Redactor.redact(doc, vec, app, false, true);
45 await, PDFNet.SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized);
46 }
47 };
49 const main = async() => {
50 // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
51 const inputPath = '../TestFiles/';
52 try {
53 const redactionArray = []; // we will contain a list of redaction objects in this array
54 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(1, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(100, 100, 550, 600)), false, 'Top Secret'));
55 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(2, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(30, 30, 450, 450)), true, 'Negative Redaction'));
56 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(2, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(0, 0, 100, 100)), false, 'Positive'));
57 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(2, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(100, 100, 200, 200)), false, 'Positive'));
58 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(2, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(300, 300, 400, 400)), false, ''));
59 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(2, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(500, 500, 600, 600)), false, ''));
60 redactionArray.push(await PDFNet.Redactor.redactionCreate(3, (await PDFNet.Rect.init(0, 0, 700, 20)), false, ''));
62 const appear = { redaction_overlay: true, border: false, show_redacted_content_regions: true };
63 await redact(inputPath + 'newsletter.pdf', inputPath + 'Output/redacted.pdf', redactionArray, appear);
65 console.log('Done...');
66 } catch (err) {
67 console.log(err.stack);
68 }
69 };
70 PDFNet.runWithCleanup(main, PDFTronLicense.Key).catch(function(error){console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));}).then(function(){return PDFNet.shutdown();});
71 };
72 exports.runPDFRedactTest();
74// eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment
75//# sourceURL=PDFRedactTest.js
2# Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3# Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.
6import site
8import sys
9from PDFNetPython import *
12from LicenseKey import *
15# PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
16# (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
17# With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
18# the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
19# redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
20# safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
21# customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
23# The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
25# a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
26# pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
27# can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
28# as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
29# or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
30# can see, move and redefine these annotations.
31# b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
32# PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
33# by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
34# options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
35# font, border, transparency, etc.).
37# PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
38# is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
39# destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
40# be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
41# document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
42# Platform (XMP) content.
44def Redact(input, output, vec, app):
45 doc = PDFDoc(input)
46 if doc.InitSecurityHandler():
47 Redactor.Redact(doc, vec, app, False, True)
48 doc.Save(output, SDFDoc.e_linearized)
51def main():
52 # Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
53 input_path = "../../TestFiles/"
54 output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/"
56 PDFNet.Initialize(LicenseKey)
58 vec = VectorRedaction()
59 vec.append(Redaction(1, Rect(100, 100, 550, 600), False, "Top Secret"))
60 vec.append(Redaction(2, Rect(30, 30, 450, 450), True, "Negative Redaction"))
61 vec.append(Redaction(2, Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), False, "Positive"))
62 vec.append(Redaction(2, Rect(100, 100, 200, 200), False, "Positive"))
63 vec.append(Redaction(2, Rect(300, 300, 400, 400), False, ""))
64 vec.append(Redaction(2, Rect(500, 500, 600, 600), False, ""))
65 vec.append(Redaction(3, Rect(0, 0, 700, 20), False, ""))
67 app = Appearance()
68 app.RedactionOverlay = True
69 app.Border = False
70 app.ShowRedactedContentRegions = True
71 Redact(input_path + "newsletter.pdf", output_path + "redacted.pdf", vec, app)
73 PDFNet.Terminate()
74 print("Done...")
76if __name__ == '__main__':
77 main()
3// Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4// Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.
10// PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
11// (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
12// With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
13// the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
14// redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
15// safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
16// customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
18// The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
20// a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
21// pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
22// can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
23// as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
24// or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
25// can see, move and redefine these annotations.
26// b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
27// PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
28// by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
29// options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
30// font, border, transparency, etc.).
32// PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
33// is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
34// destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
35// be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
36// document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
37// Platform (XMP) content.
39function Redact($input, $output, $vec, $app) {
40 $doc = new PDFDoc($input);
41 if ($doc->InitSecurityHandler()) {
42 Redactor::Redact($doc, $vec, $app, false, true);
43 $doc->Save($output, SDFDoc::e_linearized);
44 }
48 # Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
49 $input_path = getcwd()."/../../TestFiles/";
50 $output_path = $input_path."Output/";
52 PDFNet::Initialize($LicenseKey);
53 PDFNet::GetSystemFontList(); // Wait for fonts to be loaded if they haven't already. This is done because PHP can run into errors when shutting down if font loading is still in progress.
55 $vec = new VectorRedaction();
56 $vec->push(new Redaction(1, new Rect(100.0, 100.0, 550.0, 600.0), false, "Top Secret"));
57 $vec->push(new Redaction(2, new Rect(30.0, 30.0, 450.0, 450.0), true, "Negative Redaction"));
58 $vec->push(new Redaction(2, new Rect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0), false, "Positive"));
59 $vec->push(new Redaction(2, new Rect(100.0, 100.0, 200.0, 200.0), false, "Positive"));
60 $vec->push(new Redaction(2, new Rect(300.0, 300.0, 400.0, 400.0), false, ""));
61 $vec->push(new Redaction(2, new Rect(500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 600.0), false, ""));
62 $vec->push(new Redaction(3, new Rect(0.0, 0.0, 700.0, 20.0), false, ""));
64 $app = new Appearance();
65 $app->RedactionOverlay = true;
66 $app->Border = false;
67 $app->ShowRedactedContentRegions = true;
68 Redact($input_path."newsletter.pdf", $output_path."redacted.pdf", $vec, $app);
69 PDFNet::Terminate();
70 echo "Done...\n";
2# Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3# Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.
6require '../../../PDFNetC/Lib/PDFNetRuby'
7include PDFNetRuby
8require '../../LicenseKey/RUBY/LicenseKey'
10$stdout.sync = true
13# PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
14# (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
15# With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
16# the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
17# redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
18# safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
19# customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
21# The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
23# a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
24# pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
25# can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
26# as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
27# or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
28# can see, move and redefine these annotations.
29# b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact' the user instructs
30# PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
31# by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
32# options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
33# font, border, transparency, etc.).
35# PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
36# is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
37# destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
38# be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
39# document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
40# Platform (XMP) content.
42def Redact(input, output, vec, app)
43 doc =
44 if doc.InitSecurityHandler
45 Redactor.Redact(doc, vec, app, false, true)
46 doc.Save(output, SDFDoc::E_linearized)
47 end
50 # Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
51 input_path = "../../TestFiles/"
52 output_path = "../../TestFiles/Output/"
54 PDFNet.Initialize(PDFTronLicense.Key)
56 vec = [,, 100, 550, 600), false, "Top Secret"),
57,, 30, 450, 450), true, "Negative Redaction"),
58,, 0, 100, 100), false, "Positive"),
59,, 100, 200, 200), false, "Positive"),
60,, 300, 400, 400), false, ""),
61,, 500, 600, 600), false, ""),
62,, 0, 700, 20), false, "")]
64 app =
65 app.RedactionOverlay = true
66 app.Border = false
67 app.ShowRedactedContentRegions = true
69 Redact(input_path + "newsletter.pdf", output_path + "redacted.pdf", vec, app)
70 PDFNet.Terminate
71 puts "Done..."
2' Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5Imports System
6Imports System.Collections
8Imports pdftron
9Imports pdftron.Common
10Imports pdftron.Filters
11Imports pdftron.SDF
12Imports pdftron.PDF
14Module PDFRedactTestVB
15 Dim pdfNetLoader As PDFNetLoader
16 Sub New()
17 pdfNetLoader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance()
18 End Sub
20 ' PDF Redactor is a separately licensable Add-on that offers options to remove
21 ' (not just covering or obscuring) content within a region of PDF.
22 ' With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of
23 ' the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF,
24 ' redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for
25 ' safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media,
26 ' customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
27 '
28 ' The redaction process in PDFNet consists of two steps:
29 '
30 ' a) Content identification: A user applies redact annotations that specify the
31 ' pieces or regions of content that should be removed. The content for redaction
32 ' can be identified either interactively (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.PDFViewCtrl'
33 ' as shown in PDFView sample) or programmatically (e.g. using 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch'
34 ' or 'pdftron.PDF.TextExtractor'). Up until the next step is performed, the user
35 ' can see, move and redefine these annotations.
36 ' b) Content removal: Using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor.Redact()' the user instructs
37 ' PDFNet to apply the redact regions, after which the content in the area specified
38 ' by the redact annotations is removed. The redaction function includes number of
39 ' options to control the style of the redaction overlay (including color, text,
40 ' font, border, transparency, etc.).
41 '
42 ' PDFTron Redactor makes sure that if a portion of an image, text, or vector graphics
43 ' is contained in a redaction region, that portion of the image or path data is
44 ' destroyed and is not simply hidden with clipping or image masks. PDFNet API can also
45 ' be used to review and remove metadata and other content that can exist in a PDF
46 ' document, including XML Forms Architecture (XFA) content and Extensible Metadata
47 ' Platform (XMP) content.
48 '
49 ' The following sample illustrates how to redact a PDF document using 'pdftron.PDF.Redactor'.
50 Sub Main()
51 PDFNet.Initialize(PDFTronLicense.Key)
53 Dim input_path As String = "../../../../TestFiles/"
54 Dim output_path As String = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/"
55 Dim input_filename As String = "newsletter.pdf"
57 Try
58 Dim rarr As ArrayList = New ArrayList
59 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(1, New Rect(100, 100, 550, 600), False, "Top Secret"))
60 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(2, New Rect(30, 30, 450, 450), True, "Negative Redaction"))
61 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(2, New Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), False, "Positive"))
62 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(2, New Rect(100, 100, 200, 200), False, "Positive"))
63 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(2, New Rect(300, 300, 400, 400), False, ""))
64 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(2, New Rect(500, 500, 600, 600), False, ""))
65 rarr.Add(New Redactor.Redaction(3, New Rect(0, 0, 700, 20), False, ""))
68 Dim app As Redactor.Appearance = New Redactor.Appearance()
69 app.RedactionOverlay = True
70 app.Border = False
71 app.ShowRedactedContentRegions = True
73 Redact(input_path + "newsletter.pdf", output_path + "redacted.pdf", rarr, app)
75 Console.WriteLine("Done...")
76 Catch ex As PDFNetException
77 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)
78 Catch ex As Exception
79 MsgBox(ex.Message)
80 End Try
81 PDFNet.Terminate()
82 End Sub
84 Sub Redact(ByVal input As String, ByVal output As String, ByVal rarr As ArrayList, ByVal app As Redactor.Appearance)
85 Try
86 Using doc As PDFDoc = New PDFDoc(input)
87 doc.InitSecurityHandler()
89 Redactor.Redact(doc, rarr, app, False, True)
90 doc.Save(output, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)
91 End Using
92 Catch ex As PDFNetException
93 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)
94 Catch ex As Exception
95 MsgBox(ex.Message)
96 End Try
97 End Sub
99End Module
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