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Android / FAQ / How do I use Apryse React Native with TypeScript?

How do I use Apryse React Native with TypeScript?

Our library has support for JavaScript as well as TypeScript. To use our library with either language, follow these installation instructions.

For existing users:

  • If you already use TypeScript, simply update your react-native-pdftron dependency to version 3.0.0 or higher to gain access to our typings.
  • If you want to migrate to TypeScript, see Adding TypeScript to an Existing Project.
  • If you do not use TypeScript and don't want to, you can continue to use and update our library as before. Updating to version 3.0.0 will not automatically download TypeScript as a dependency.

Note: TypeScript version 3.4.1+ is recommended. Although compilation still works with lower versions, typings may degrade to any.

For more information, see our TypeScript section.

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