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Dotnet / Guides / Rotate pages

Rotating a PDF page in C# .NET

To rotate a page in a PDF document.

PDFDoc doc = new PDFDoc(filename);

// Rotate the first page 90 degrees clockwise.
Page page = doc.GetPage(1);
Page.Rotate originalRotation = page.GetRotation();
Page.Rotate rotation;
switch (originalRotation)
  case Page.Rotate.e_0:   rotation = Page.Rotate.e_90;  break;
  case Page.Rotate.e_90:  rotation = Page.Rotate.e_180; break;
  case Page.Rotate.e_180: rotation = Page.Rotate.e_270; break;
  case Page.Rotate.e_270: rotation = Page.Rotate.e_0;   break;
  default:                rotation = Page.Rotate.e_0;   break;

About rotating pages

A page can be rotated clockwise, by 90 degrees, when displayed or printed. The Page.GetRotation() method returns the Page.Rotate enum specifying the current rotation. Similarly, Page.SetRotation() sets the current rotation.

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