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JavaScript use OCR to make searchable PDFs and extract text

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Sample JavaScript code shows how to use the Apryse OCR module on scanned documents in multiple languages. The OCR module can make searchable PDFs and extract scanned text for further indexing. Learn more about our JavaScript PDF Library.

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information.

const { PDFNet } = require('@pdftron/pdfnet-node');
const PDFTronLicense = require('../LicenseKey/LicenseKey');

((exports) => {
  'use strict';

  // The following sample illustrates how to use OCR module
  exports.runOCRTest = () => {
    const main = async () => {
      try {


        const useIRIS = await PDFNet.OCRModule.isIRISModuleAvailable();
        if (!(await PDFNet.OCRModule.isModuleAvailable())) {
          console.log('\nUnable to run OCRTest: Apryse SDK OCR module not available.');
          console.log('The OCR module is an optional add-on, available for download');
          console.log('at If you have already downloaded this');
          console.log('module, ensure that the SDK is able to find the required files');
          console.log('using the PDFNet.addResourceSearchPath() function.\n');


        // Relative path to the folder containing test files.
        const input_path = '../TestFiles/OCR/';
        const output_path = '../TestFiles/Output/';

        // Example 1) Process image without specifying options, default language - English - is used
        try {

          // A) Setup empty destination doc
          const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.create();
          await doc.initSecurityHandler();

          const opts = new PDFNet.OCRModule.OCROptions();
          if(useIRIS) opts.setOCREngine('iris');

          // B) Run OCR on the .png with options
          await PDFNet.OCRModule.imageToPDF(doc, input_path + 'psychomachia_excerpt.png', opts);

          // C) check the result
          await + 'psychomachia_excerpt.pdf', 0);

          console.log('Example 1: psychomachia_excerpt.png');

        } catch (err) {

        // Example 2) Process document using multiple languages
        try {
          // A) Setup empty destination doc
          const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.create();
          await doc.initSecurityHandler();

          // B) Setup options with multiple target languages, English will always be considered as secondary language
          const opts = new PDFNet.OCRModule.OCROptions();
          if(useIRIS) opts.setOCREngine('iris');

          // C) Run OCR on the .jpg with options
          await PDFNet.OCRModule.imageToPDF(doc, input_path + 'multi_lang.jpg', opts);

          // D) check the result
          await + 'multi_lang.pdf', 0);

          console.log('Example 2: multi_lang.jpg');
        } catch (err) {

        // Example 3) Process a .pdf specifying a language - German - and ignore zone comprising a sidebar image 
        try {
          // A) Open the .pdf document
          const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.createFromFilePath(input_path + 'german_kids_song.pdf');

          // B) Setup options with a single language and an ignore zone
          const opts = new PDFNet.OCRModule.OCROptions();
          if(useIRIS) opts.setOCREngine('iris');

          const ignore_zones = [];
          ignore_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(424, 163, 493, 730));
          opts.addIgnoreZonesForPage(ignore_zones, 1);

          // C) Run OCR on the .pdf with options
          await PDFNet.OCRModule.processPDF(doc, opts);

          // D) check the result
          await + 'german_kids_song.pdf', 0);

          console.log('Example 3: german_kids_song.pdf');
        } catch (err) {

        // Example 4) Process multipage tiff with text/ignore zones specified for each page, optionally provide English as the target language
        try {
          // A) Setup empty destination doc
          const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.create();
          await doc.initSecurityHandler();

          // B) Setup options with a single language plus text/ignore zones
          const opts = new PDFNet.OCRModule.OCROptions();
          if(useIRIS) opts.setOCREngine('iris');

          var ignore_zones = [];
          // ignore signature box in the first 2 pages
          ignore_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(1492, 56, 2236, 432));
          opts.addIgnoreZonesForPage(ignore_zones, 1);

          ignore_zones = [];
          ignore_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(1492, 56, 2236, 432));
          opts.addIgnoreZonesForPage(ignore_zones, 2);

          // can use a combination of ignore and text boxes to focus on the page area of interest,
          // as ignore boxes are applied first, we remove the arrows before selecting part of the diagram
          ignore_zones = [];
          ignore_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(992, 1276, 1368, 1372));
          opts.addIgnoreZonesForPage(ignore_zones, 3);

          const text_zones = [];
          // we only have text zones selected in page 3

          // select horizontal BUFFER ZONE sign
          text_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(900, 2384, 1236, 2480));
          // select right vertical BUFFER ZONE sign
          text_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(1960, 1976, 2016, 2296));
          // select Lot No.
          text_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(696, 1028, 1196, 1128));

          // select part of the plan inside the BUFFER ZONE
          text_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(428, 1484, 1784, 2344));
          text_zones.push(new PDFNet.Rect(948, 1288, 1672, 1476));
          opts.addTextZonesForPage(text_zones, 3);

          // C) Run OCR on the .tif with options
          await PDFNet.OCRModule.imageToPDF(doc, input_path + 'bc_environment_protection.tif', opts);

          // D) check the result
          await + 'bc_environment_protection.pdf', 0);

          console.log('Example 4: bc_environment_protection.tif');
        } catch (err) {

        // Example 5) Alternative workflow for extracting OCR result JSON, postprocessing (e.g., removing words not in the dictionary or filtering special
        // out special characters), and finally applying modified OCR JSON to the source PDF document 
        try {
          // A) Open the .pdf document
          const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.createFromFilePath(input_path + 'zero_value_test_no_text.pdf');
          await doc.initSecurityHandler();

          const opts = new PDFNet.OCRModule.OCROptions();
          if(useIRIS) opts.setOCREngine('iris');

          // B) Run OCR on the .pdf with default English language
          const json = await PDFNet.OCRModule.getOCRJsonFromPDF(doc, opts);

          // C) Post-processing step (whatever it might be)
          console.log('Have OCR result JSON, re-applying to PDF ');

          // D) Apply potentially modified OCR JSON to the PDF
          await PDFNet.OCRModule.applyOCRJsonToPDF(doc, json);

          // E) Check the result
          await + 'zero_value_test_no_text.pdf', 0);

          console.log('Example 5: extracting and applying OCR JSON from zero_value_test_no_text.pdf');
        } catch (err) {

        // Example 6) The postprocessing workflow has also an option of extracting OCR results in XML format, similar to the one used by TextExtractor
        try {

          // A) Setup empty destination doc
          const doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.create();
          await doc.initSecurityHandler();

          const opts = new PDFNet.OCRModule.OCROptions();
          if(useIRIS) opts.setOCREngine('iris');

          // B) Run OCR on the .tif with default English language, extracting OCR results in XML format. Note that
          // in the process we convert the source image into PDF. We reuse this PDF document later to add hidden text layer to it.
          const xml = await PDFNet.OCRModule.getOCRXmlFromImage(doc, input_path + 'physics.tif', opts);

          // C) Post-processing step (whatever it might be)
          console.log('Have OCR result XML, re-applying to PDF');

          // D) Apply potentially modified OCR XML to the PDF
          await PDFNet.OCRModule.applyOCRXmlToPDF(doc, xml);

          // E) Check the result
          await + 'physics.pdf', 0);

          console.log('Example 6: extracting and applying OCR XML from physics.tif');
        } catch (err) {
      } catch (err) {
    PDFNet.runWithCleanup(main, PDFTronLicense.Key).catch(function(error) {
      console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));
    }).then(function(){ return PDFNet.shutdown(); });
// eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment
//# sourceURL=OCRTest.js