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Convert Office documents (Excel word PowerPoint) to PDF using VB

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Sample VB code for using Apryse SDK to convert Office documents to PDF (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher) without needing any external dependencies or MS Office licenses. Office to PDF conversion can be performed on a Linux or Windows server to automate Office-centric workflows, or entirely in the user's client (web browser, mobile device). The conversion functionality can be combined with our Viewer to display or annotate Office files (docx, xlsx, pptx) on all major platforms, including Web, Android, iOS, Xamarin, UWP, and Windows. Learn more about our VB PDF Library and Office Document Conversion Library.

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' Copyright (c) 2001-2024 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Imports System

Imports pdftron
Imports pdftron.Common
Imports pdftron.Filters
Imports pdftron.SDF
Imports pdftron.PDF

' The following sample illustrates how to use the PDF::Convert utility class to convert 
' .docx files to PDF
' This conversion is performed entirely within the PDFNet and has *no* external or
' system dependencies dependencies 
' Please contact us if you have any questions.	
Module OfficeToPDFTestVB
    Dim pdfNetLoader As PDFNetLoader
    Sub New()
        pdfNetLoader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance()
    End Sub

    ' Relative path to the folder containing test files.
    Dim input_path As String = "../../../../TestFiles/"
    Dim output_path As String = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/"

    Private Sub SimpleConvert(ByVal input_filename As String, ByVal output_filename As String)
        ' Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
        Using pdfdoc As PDFDoc = New PDFDoc

            ' perform the conversion with no optional parameters
            pdftron.PDF.Convert.OfficeToPDF(pdfdoc, input_path + input_filename, Nothing)

            ' save the result
            pdfdoc.Save(output_path + output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)

            ' And we're done!
            Console.WriteLine("Saved " + (output_path + output_filename))
        End Using
    End Sub

    Private Sub FlexibleConvert(ByVal input_filename As String, ByVal output_filename As String)
        ' Start with a PDFDoc (the conversion destination)
        Using pdfdoc As PDFDoc = New PDFDoc
            Dim options As OfficeToPDFOptions = New OfficeToPDFOptions
            ' perform the conversion with no optional parameters
            Using conversion As DocumentConversion = pdftron.PDF.Convert.StreamingPDFConversion(pdfdoc, input_path + input_filename, options)

                If conversion.TryConvert() = DocumentConversionResult.e_document_conversion_success Then
                    Dim num_warnings As Integer = conversion.GetNumWarnings()
                    For i As Integer = 0 To num_warnings - 1
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning: " + conversion.GetWarningString(i))
                    Next i

                    ' save the result
                    pdfdoc.Save(output_path + output_filename, SDFDoc.SaveOptions.e_linearized)

                    ' And we're done!
                    Console.WriteLine("Saved " + (output_path + output_filename))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + conversion.GetErrorString())
                End If
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub

    Sub Main()


            ' first the one-line conversion method
            SimpleConvert("Fishermen.docx", "Fishermen.pdf")

            ' Then the more flexible conversion process
            FlexibleConvert("simple-word_2007.docx", "simple-word_2007_b.pdf")

            ' conversion of RTL content
            FlexibleConvert("factsheet_Arabic.docx", "factsheet_Arabic.pdf")

        Catch ex As PDFNetException


        Catch ex As Exception


        End Try


    End Sub

End Module