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Sample VB code for using Apryse SDK to programmatically convert generic PDF documents into ISO-compliant, VeraPDF-valid PDF/A files, or to validate PDF/A compliance. Supports all three PDF/A parts (PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2, PDF/A-3), and covers all conformance levels (A, B, U). Learn more about our VB PDF Library and PDF/A Library. A command-line tool for batch conversion and validation is also available.
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Imports System
Imports pdftron
Imports pdftron.PDF
Imports pdftron.PDF.PDFA
' The sample illustrates how to use PDF/A related API-s.
Module mainModule
Dim pdfNetLoader As PDFNetLoader
Sub New()
pdfNetLoader = pdftron.PDFNetLoader.Instance()
End Sub
' The main entry point for the application.
Sub Main()
PDFNet.SetColorManagement(PDFNet.CMSType.e_lcms) 'Required for PDFA validation.
'Relative path to the folder containing test files.
Dim input_path As String = "../../../../TestFiles/"
Dim filename As String = "newsletter.pdf"
Dim output_path As String = "../../../../TestFiles/Output/"
'// Example 1: PDF/A Validation
filename = "newsletter.pdf"
Dim pdf_a As PDFACompliance = New PDFACompliance(False, input_path + filename, Nothing, PDFACompliance.Conformance.e_Level2B, Nothing, 10, False)
PrintResults(pdf_a, filename)
Catch e As PDFTRON.Common.PDFNetException
End Try
'// Example 2: PDF/A Conversion
filename = "fish.pdf"
Using pdf_a As PDFACompliance = New PDFACompliance(True, input_path + filename, Nothing, PDFACompliance.Conformance.e_Level2B, Nothing, 10, False)
filename = "pdfa.pdf"
pdf_a.SaveAs(output_path + filename, False)
End Using
'// Re-validate the document after the conversion...
filename = "pdfa.pdf"
Using pdf_a As PDFACompliance = New PDFACompliance(False, output_path + filename, Nothing, PDFACompliance.Conformance.e_Level2B, Nothing, 10, False)
PrintResults(pdf_a, filename)
End Using
Catch e As pdftron.Common.PDFNetException
End Try
Console.WriteLine("PDFACompliance test completed.")
End Sub
Function PrintResults(ByRef pdf_a As PDFACompliance, ByVal filename As String) As Int32
PrintResults = 0
Dim err_cnt As Int32 = pdf_a.GetErrorCount()
If err_cnt = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("{0}: OK.", filename)
Dim i As Int32
Console.WriteLine("{0} is NOT a valid PDFA.", filename)
For i = 0 To err_cnt - 1 Step 1
Dim c As PDFACompliance.ErrorCode = pdf_a.GetError(i)
Console.WriteLine(" - e_PDFA {0}: {1}.", Int(c), PDFACompliance.GetPDFAErrorMessage(c))
If True Then
Dim num_refs As Int32 = pdf_a.GetRefObjCount(c)
If num_refs > 0 Then
Console.Write(" Objects: ")
Dim j As Int32
For j = 0 To num_refs - 1 Step 1
Console.Write("{0}", pdf_a.GetRefObj(c, j))
If Not (j + 1) = num_refs Then
Console.Write(", ")
End If
Next j
End If
End If
Next i
End If
End Function
End Module