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Windows / Guides / Samples

PDF viewer code samples on Windows

To compile and use the samples provided in the links, we recommend downloading and using the samples archive. The WPF samples also refer to a few other classes defined in a separate project. These are all included in the samples package. The samples are part of the SDK Download .

PDFViewWPF Class
This sample shows how to use PDFViewWPF class.

PDFViewWPF Class MainWindow.xaml
This sample shows how to use PDFViewWPF class with interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml.

PDF Viewer Control (Advanced)
This sample shows how to customize the viewer control by implementing a number of custom tools (such as freehand tool, link creation tool, rectangular zoom etc) and custom GUI elements (such as custom navigation and printing).

PDF Viewer Control (Simple)
This sample shows how to use PDF viewer control in a basic project.

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