Split PDF pages on iOS

To split a PDF document into multiple pages.

1PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath: filename];
2int page_num = [doc GetPageCount];
3for (int i=1; i<=page_num; ++i)
5 PTPDFDoc *new_doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] init];
6 [new_doc InsertPages: 0 src_doc: doc start_page: i end_page: i flag: e_ptinsert_none];
7 [new_doc SaveToFile: [output_filename stringByAppendingFormat: @"_split_page_%d.pdf", i] flags: e_ptlinearized];

Merge, Copy, Delete, and Rearrange PDF Pages
Full code sample which illustrates how to copy pages from one document to another, how to delete, and rearrange pages and how to use ImportPages().

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