File coordination is a system of ensuring that no two processes (or threads within a single process) can change a commonly accessed file in a way the other does not expect, which could result in unexpected behavior and data loss.
iOS provides the UIDocument
abstract base class which enables a subclass to be notified of any changes to the file or its state, which in turn allows an adopting app the ability to coordinate its actions with others.
Apryse provides PTCoordinatedDocument
, a concrete subclass of UIDocument
, to coordinate reading and writing of PDF files (both locally and cloud stored) with other apps. PTCoordinatedDocument
is compatible with both the DocumentViewer
and TabbedViewer
, and is used by our sample project Complete Reader. It is recommended to use a PTCoordinatedDocument
to open a document whenever the document could be written to by another app.
Below is sample code showing how to open a coordinated document in a new PTDocumentController
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