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PDF interactive forms (AcroForms) in PHP

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Sample PHP code for using Apryse SDK with interactive forms (also known as AcroForms). Capabilities include programatically creating new fields and widget annotations, form filling, modifying existing field values, form templating, and flattening form fields. Learn more about our PHP PDF Library and PDF Form Filler SDK.

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2023 by Apryse Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Consult LICENSE.txt regarding license information.

// Relative path to the folder containing the test files.
$input_path = getcwd()."/../../TestFiles/";
$output_path = $input_path."Output/";

// This sample illustrates basic PDFNet capabilities related to interactive 
// forms (also known as AcroForms). 

function RenameAllFields($doc, $name, $field_nums = 1)
	$itr = $doc->GetFieldIterator($name);
	for ($counter = 1; $itr->HasNext(); $itr = $doc->GetFieldIterator($name), ++$counter) {
		$f = $itr->Current();
		$tmp = (int)ceil($counter*1.0/$field_nums);


// Note: The visual appearance of check-marks and radio-buttons in PDF documents is 
// not limited to CheckStyle-s. It is possible to create a visual appearance using 
// arbitrary glyph, text, raster image, or path object. Although most PDF producers 
// limit the options to the above 'standard' styles, using PDFNet you can generate 
// arbitrary appearances.

function CreateCheckmarkAppearance($doc) 
	// Create a checkmark appearance stream ------------------------------------
	$build = new ElementBuilder();
	$writer = new ElementWriter();

	$symbol = "4";
	# other options are circle ("l"), diamond ("H"), cross ("\x35")
	# See section D.4 "ZapfDingbats Set and Encoding" in PDF Reference Manual for 
	# the complete graphical map for ZapfDingbats font.

	$checkmark = $build->CreateTextRun($symbol, Font::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), Font::e_zapf_dingbats), 1.0);

	$stm = $writer->End();
	$stm->PutRect("BBox", -0.2, -0.2, 1.0, 1.0); // Clip
	$stm->PutName("Subtype", "Form");
	return $stm;

function CreateCustomButtonAppearance($doc, $button_down) 
	// Create a button appearance stream ------------------------------------
	$build = new ElementBuilder();
	$writer = new ElementWriter();

	// Draw background
	$element = $build->CreateRect(0, 0, 101, 37);
	$element->GetGState()->SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0.75, 0.0, 0.0));

	// Draw 'Submit' text
	$text = "Submit";
	$element = $build->CreateTextRun($text, Font::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), Font::e_helvetica_bold), 12.0);
	$element->GetGState()->SetFillColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

	if ($button_down) 
		$element->SetTextMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 33.0, 10.0);
		$element->SetTextMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 30.0, 13.0);

	$stm = $writer->End(); 

	// Set the bounding box
	$stm->PutRect("BBox", 0, 0, 101, 37);
	return $stm;

	PDFNet::GetSystemFontList();    // Wait for fonts to be loaded if they haven't already. This is done because PHP can run into errors when shutting down if font loading is still in progress.

	// Example 1: Programatically create new Form Fields and Widget Annotations.

	$doc = new PDFDoc();

	// Create a blank new page and add some form fields.
	$blank_page = $doc->PageCreate();

	// Text Widget Creation 
	// Create an empty text widget with black text.
	$text1 = TextWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(110.0, 700.0, 380.0, 730.0));
	$text1->SetText("Basic Text Field");
	// Create a vertical text widget with blue text and a yellow background.
	$text2 = TextWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(50.0, 400.0, 90.0, 730.0));
	// Set the text content.
	$text2->SetText("    ****Lucky Stars!****");
	// Set the font type, text color, font size, border color and background color.
	$text2->SetFont(Font::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), Font::e_helvetica_oblique));
	$text2->SetTextColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 3);
	$text2->SetBorderColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3);
	$text2->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 3);
	// Add the annotation to the page.
	// Create two new text widget with Field names and
	// This logic shows how these widgets can be created using either a field name string or
	// a Field object
	$text3 = TextWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(110.0, 660.0, 380.0, 690.0), "");
	$text3->SetFont(Font::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), Font::e_times_bold));
	$emp_last_name = $doc->FieldCreate("", Field::e_text, "Ackerman"); 
	$text4 = TextWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(110.0, 620.0, 380.0, 650.0), $emp_last_name);
	$text4->SetFont(Font::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), Font::e_times_bold));

	// Signature Widget Creation (unsigned)
	$signature1 = SignatureWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(110.0, 560.0, 260.0, 610.0));

	// CheckBox Widget Creation
	// Create a check box widget that is not checked.
	$check1 = CheckBoxWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(140.0, 490.0, 170.0, 520.0));
	// Create a check box widget that is checked.
	$check2 = CheckBoxWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(190.0, 490.0, 250.0, 540.0), "");
	$check2->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 3);
	$check2->SetBorderColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3);
	// Check the widget (by default it is unchecked).

	// PushButton Widget Creation
	$pushbutton1 = PushButtonWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(380.0, 490.0, 520.0, 540.0));
	$pushbutton1->SetTextColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 3);
	$pushbutton1->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3);
	// Add a caption for the pushbutton.

	// ComboBox Widget Creation
	$combo1 = ComboBoxWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(280.0, 560.0, 580.0, 610.0));
	// Add options to the combobox widget.
	$combo1->AddOption("Combo Box No.1");
	$combo1->AddOption("Combo Box No.2");
	$combo1->AddOption("Combo Box No.3");
	// Make one of the options in the combo box selected by default.
	$combo1->SetSelectedOption("Combo Box No.2");
	$combo1->SetTextColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3);

	// ListBox Widget Creation
	$list1 = ListBoxWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(400.0, 620.0, 580.0, 730.0));
	// Add one option to the listbox widget.
	$list1->AddOption("List Box No.1");
	// Add multiple options to the listbox widget in a batch.
	$list_options = array("List Box No.2", "List Box No.3");		
	// Select some of the options in list box as default options
	// Enable list box to have multi-select when editing. 
	$list1->GetField()->SetFlag(Field::e_multiselect, true);
	$list1->SetFont(Font::Create($doc->GetSDFDoc(), Font::e_times_italic));
	$list1->SetTextColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3);
	$list1->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 3);

	// RadioButton Widget Creation
	// Create a radio button group and add three radio buttons in it. 
	$radio_group = RadioButtonGroup::Create($doc, "RadioGroup");
	$radiobutton1 = $radio_group->Add(new Rect(140.0, 410.0, 190.0, 460.0));
	$radiobutton1->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 3);
	$radiobutton2 = $radio_group->Add(new Rect(310.0, 410.0, 360.0, 460.0));
	$radiobutton2->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 3);
	$radiobutton3 = $radio_group->Add(new Rect(480.0, 410.0, 530.0, 460.0));
	// Enable the third radio button. By default the first one is selected
	$radiobutton3->SetBackgroundColor(new ColorPt(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 3);

	// Custom push button annotation creation
	$custom_pushbutton1 = PushButtonWidget::Create($doc, new Rect(260.0, 320.0, 360.0, 360.0));
	// Set the annotation appearance.
	$custom_pushbutton1->SetAppearance(CreateCustomButtonAppearance($doc, false), Annot::e_normal);
	// Create 'SubmitForm' action. The action will be linked to the button.
	$url = FileSpec::CreateURL($doc->GetSDFDoc(), "");
	$button_action = Action::CreateSubmitForm($url);
	// Associate the above action with 'Down' event in annotations action dictionary.
	$annot_action = $custom_pushbutton1->GetSDFObj()->PutDict("AA");
	$annot_action->Put("D", $button_action->GetSDFObj());

	$doc->PagePushBack($blank_page);	// Add the page as the last page in the document.

	// If you are not satisfied with the look of default auto-generated appearance 
	// streams you can delete "AP" entry from the Widget annotation and set 
	// "NeedAppearances" flag in AcroForm dictionary:
	//    $doc->GetAcroForm()->PutBool("NeedAppearances", true);
	// This will force the viewer application to auto-generate new appearance streams 
	// every time the document is opened.
	// Alternatively you can generate custom annotation appearance using ElementWriter 
	// and then set the "AP" entry in the widget dictionary to the new appearance
	// stream.
	// Yet another option is to pre-populate field entries with dummy text. When 
	// you edit the field values using PDFNet the new field appearances will match 
	// the old ones.


	$doc->Save($output_path."forms_test1.pdf", 0);
	echo "Done.\n";

	// Example 2: 
	// Fill-in forms / Modify values of existing fields.
	// Traverse all form fields in the document (and print out their names). 
	// Search for specific fields in the document.

	$doc = new PDFDoc($output_path."forms_test1.pdf");

	$itr = $doc->GetFieldIterator();
        $field_names = array();
	for(; $itr->HasNext(); $itr->Next()) 
		$cur_field_name = $itr->Current()->GetName();
		// Add one to the count for this field name for later processing
		if(isset($field_names [$cur_field_name])){
			$field_names [$cur_field_name] += 1;
		    $field_names [$cur_field_name] = 1;
		echo nl2br("Field name: ".$itr->Current()->GetName()."\n");
		echo nl2br("Field partial name: ".$itr->Current()->GetPartialName()."\n");

		echo "Field type: ";
		$type = $itr->Current()->GetType();
		$str_val = $itr->Current()->GetValueAsString();

		case Field::e_button: 
			echo nl2br("Button\n"); 
		case Field::e_radio: 
			echo nl2br("Radio button: Value = ".$str_val."\n"); 
		case Field::e_check: 
			echo nl2br("Check box: Value = ".$str_val."\n"); 
		case Field::e_text: 
				echo nl2br("Text\n");
				// Edit all variable text in the document
				$itr->Current()->SetValue("This is a new value. The old one was: ".$str_val);
		case Field::e_choice: echo nl2br("Choice\n"); break;
		case Field::e_signature: echo nl2br("Signature\n"); break;

		echo "------------------------------\n";
	// Search for a specific field
	$f = $doc->GetField("");
	if ($f) 
		echo nl2br("Field search for ".$f->GetName()." was successful\n");
		echo nl2br("Field search failed\n");

	// Regenerate field appearances.
	$doc->Save(($output_path."forms_test_edit.pdf"), 0);
	echo nl2br("Done.\n");

	// Sample: Form templating
	// Replicate pages and form data within a document. Then rename field names to make 
	// them unique.
	// Sample: Copying the page with forms within the same document
	$doc = new PDFDoc($output_path."forms_test1.pdf");

	$src_page = $doc->GetPage(1);
	$doc->PagePushBack($src_page);  // Append several copies of the first page
	$doc->PagePushBack($src_page);	 // Note that forms are successfully copied

	// Now we rename fields in order to make every field unique.
	// You can use this technique for dynamic template filling where you have a 'master'
	// form page that should be replicated, but with unique field names on every page. 

        foreach($field_names as $key => $val){
		RenameAllFields($doc, $key, $val);

	$doc->Save($output_path."forms_test1_cloned.pdf", 0);
	echo nl2br("Done.\n");

	// Sample: 
	// Flatten all form fields in a document.
	// Note that this sample is intended to show that it is possible to flatten
	// individual fields. PDFNet provides a utility function PDFDoc.FlattenAnnotations()
	// that will automatically flatten all fields.
	$doc = new PDFDoc($output_path."forms_test1.pdf");

	// Traverse all pages
	if (false) {
	else // Manual flattening
		for ($pitr = $doc->GetPageIterator(); $pitr->HasNext(); $pitr->Next())  
			$page = $pitr->Current();
			for ($i = (int)($page->GetNumAnnots())-1; $i>=0; --$i)
				$annot = $page->GetAnnot($i);
				if ($annot->GetType() == Annot::e_Widget)

	$doc->Save(($output_path."forms_test1_flattened.pdf"), 0);
	echo nl2br("Done.\n");	