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/ Initialize / Why is Apryse starting in evaluation/demo mode?

I have purchased a license but I appear to be in demo mode

Verify the following conditions are true:

  1. Make sure you are using the entire key string_ that you received, but with no whitespace included. For instance, at the end of the string, which can happen when you copy/paste out of an email. For example, if your key is MyCompany:OEM:1234, then you would call PDFNet.Initialize("MyCompany:OEM:1234");
  2. Make sure you are running on the licensed OS/platform. See below for current platforms.
  3. Check your code to make sure you are only calling PDFNet.Initializeonce, on the main thread.
  4. Remove any calls to PDFNet.Terminate, this is very rarely needed.
  5. You call PDFNet.Initializebefore any other calls to PDFNet functions or constructors.

Finally, if the above doesn't help, then the key might not be compatible with the version of PDFNet you are trying. To download the latest version of PDFNet and go to the downloads page .


To see which OS/platform your license is for, in your license key you will see a string such as ::IAR:AMS(20160509): The letters I, A and R are the platforms in this example.

Below are some of the most common.

W - Windows
L - Linux
M - Mac
I - iOS
A - Android
B - Web (PDFNetJS)

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