Fill form fields (Android)

There are two options to fill form fields. First is using a UI component that can edit or create form fields. Second is an API guide to programmatically fill form fields.

Fill form fields UI in Android

This tutorial only applies to Xamarin.Android.

Interactive form filling for form fields such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, signatures, etc. is supported by the Apryse Android SDK.

Apryse Docs Image

Disable form filling

You can disable form field editing altogether by configuring ToolManager using the ToolManagerBuilder and disabling the FORM_FILL:


1// Create a custom ToolManager with disabled form field creation
2ToolManager.ToolMode[] toolModes = { ToolManager.ToolMode.FormFill };
3var tmBuilder = ToolManagerBuilder.From()
4 .DisableToolModes(toolModes);
6// Add ToolManagerBuilder to your ViewerConfig
7var config = new ViewerConfig.Builder()
8 .FullscreenModeEnabled(true)
9 .MultiTabEnabled(true)
10 // ...
11 .ToolManagerBuilder(tmBuilder)
12 .Build();

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