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Android / FAQ / How do I run the sample projects in Android Studio?

How do I run Apryse sample projects in Android Studio?

  1. First, be sure you have the latest version of Android Studio. You can download the latest Android Studio version here. If you already have Android Studio, check for the latest stable version by clicking Help > Check for Updates (on Mac: Android Studio > Check for Updates).

  2. Download the Apryse Android SDK which contains the sample projects, along side the open source Tools library.

  3. In the Welcome to Android Studio window, click Import project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.).

android_studio_welcome image
  1. Select the project folder containing the settings.gradle file and click OK.

    • For CompleteReader:
    android_studio_import_1 image
    • For MiscellaneousSamples:
    android_studio_import_2 image
  2. Run the project.

android_studio_play image

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