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Android / FAQ / How do I use the standard version of Apryse Android?

How do I use the standard version of Apryse Android?

The standard version has lighter set of features to reduce the size of the APK. You can find out more about the differences between the two versions here .

Integrating standard version of Apryse using Gradle

  1. First integrate the Apryse libraries are described in this guide .

  2. Open the build.gradle file in your app module's directory and edit it to add a dependency for the standard version of Apryse:

dependencies {
    // ...
-   implementation "com.pdftron:pdftron:10.12.0"
+   implementation "com.pdftron:pdftron-standard:10.12.0"
    implementation "com.pdftron:tools:10.12.0"

    implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1'

Integrating standard version of Apryse using AAR

  1. First integrate the Apryse libraries are described in this guide .

  2. Instead of copying pdftron.aar from /lib/full/pdftron.aar, copy it from /lib/standard/pdftron.aar.

Update ViewerConfig

To use the standard version together with DocumentActivity or PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2, change the ViewerConfig:

ViewerConfig config = new ViewerConfig.Builder()

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