This guide requires an SVG to PDF conversion tool to create the PDF file containing your custom sticky note icons.
In this guide, we'll add a new Right Arrow icon to the sticky note icon picker. The source code for this sample can be found at our Apryse Android Samples GitHub repository.
containing your icons. Each page of the PDF will contain a vector icon and a page label that we'll use as a reference later.Using the existing default file stickynote_icons.pdf
, we'll add a new page containing our custom vector icon and give it a page label called RightArrow
. For reference, get the resulting stickynote_icons.pdf
file.Afterwards, add this to the /res/raw
folder in your Android project.You can modify the page labels in a PDF file using the Apryse SDK. Find more in this sample code .
folder in your Android projectannotation_note_icon_
and suffixed with _fill
.For example. annotation_note_icon_rightarrow_fill.xml
and suffixed with _outline
.For example annotation_note_icon_rightarrow_outline.xml
called stickynote_icons
that references the page labels in stickynote_icons.pdf
. This list defines the available icons in the sticky note icon picker.You can reorder, add, or remove items from this string array to further customize your sticky note icon picker.Did you find this helpful?
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