Code samples to optimize & compress PDFs in Android

Compress & optimize PDF files
The sample shows how to use 'pdftron.PDF.Optimizer' to reduce PDF file size by removing redundant information and compressing data streams using the latest in image compression technology.

PDF image JBIG2 compression
The sample project illustrates how to recompress bitonal (black and white) images in existing PDF documents using JBIG2 compression. The sample is intended to show how to specify hint information for image encoder and is not meant to be a generic PDF optimization tool.

UI samples

Please note that native code is being used in the following showcase app(s). Apryse SDK for Xamarin provides the same features but the source code for the showcase application(s) is only available in native languages.

Android showcase sample app
The showcase demonstrates some features of the SDK. To view the optimization demo, select Optimizer found under Advanced in the app.

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