
Options and customizations for CosEdit

Apryse’s CosEdit offers several customization options located in the Options/Customize menu.

Customize Streams Tab

If ‘Decode Streams’ is checked, associated decode filters will be applied (CosEdit allows you to extract data streams either by double clicking on –DATA- field or by selecting ‘Save Stream Data to File’ in the context menu of the stream object view).

If ‘Decode Streams’ is not checked, decode filters will not be applied. However, the stream will be decrypted if the document is encrypted.

For more information, see: How to extract stream data?

The ‘Customize Streams’ tab dialog also allows you to select a different viewer used to view or edit a document’s data streams.

For more information, see: How to select a different stream data viewer?

Save Options Tab

CosEdit allows you to save documents using custom header strings. By default, all documents saved using the full-save mode will have %PDF-1.4 as a header. You may want to use a different header in order to save the file in an older PDF version or as other document formats such as FDF, PJTF, etc.

For more information, see How to save a file with a header different from %PDF-1.4?

Note: New header will be saved only if documents are saved in full save mode.

In CosEdit, documents can be saved using full or incremental save mode. Full save mode is more time consuming, but may offer extra options such as unused object removal, serialization optimizations, etc. On the other hand, incremental save is fast and may allow persistent undo functionality.

For more information on incremental save, see What is incremental save?

‘Remove Unused Objects’ check option in full save mode allows you to get rid of all objects that are not referenced in a document. If ‘Remove Unused Objects’ is checked, the program will perform garbage collection of all unused objects resulting in a smaller file serialization.

Customize Editor Tab

If checked, ‘Deep Copy’ is enabled. This means that when an object is copied all objects referenced by that object are also copied. This rule applies to referenced objects recursively. Therefore, all objects referenced directly or indirectly will be copied.

If ‘Deep Copy’ is not checked, shallow copy will be performed. This means that only direct sub- objects will be copied, whereas indirect references will be replaced with Null objects.

Related topics: How to copy an object? / How to import objects from another document?

Object Loading is an advanced editor option that specifies how indirect objects are loaded when a document is opened.

A document will open fastest if the ‘On Demand’ radio button is selected. ‘On Demand’ will not load Cos objects when a document is opened, so there will be question mark (?) in the Type column of the cross reference table (xref) view. After the document is opened, objects will be loaded on demand (through mouse clicks or other means).

Object loading with ’Automatic’ option will load only Cos objects visible in the cross reference table (xref) view. When ‘Automatic’ option is selected, documents will be opened quickly and type information will be visible in the Type column of the Xref View. ‘Automatic’ is the default option.

‘Preload’ will load all Cos objects when a document is opened. This option will be slow for large documents.

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