1Usage: pdfsecure [<options>] file...
5 --file... arg A list of folders and/or file names to process.
6 -o [ --output ] arg The output folder or file used to store modified
7 files. If this option is not specified, changes will
8 be applied to original files.
9 -s [ --secure ] arg Sets the security handler for the output file(s).
10 Valid options are:
11 40 - Use 40-bit RC4 encryption.
12 128 - Use 128-bit RC4 encryption. Supported in PDF
13 1.4 (Acrobat 5) and above.
14 AES - Use 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption
15 Standard); Supported in PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7) and
16 above.
17 R - Remove the encryption from the document.
18 S - Do not change the original security handler.
20 By default the security handler will be preserved
21 (s=S)
23 -p [ --pass ] arg The password for the input file. Not required if the
24 input document is not secured.
25 --noprompt Disables any user input. By default, the application
26 will ask for a valid password if the password is not
27 incorrect or for a permission to modify original
28 files.
29 -u [ --userpass ] arg The new user password. The password required to open
30 resulting documents.
31 -w [ --ownerpass ] arg The new owner/master password. This password is
32 required to adjust permissions settings on resulting
33 documents.
34 -d [ --disable ] arg Permissions are applied to the output PDF if the
35 output document is encrypted. This option accepts a
36 string of permissions flags that should be disabled.
37 The permission string may include the following
38 flags:
39 a - All permissions.
40 p - Printing.
41 m - Changing the document.
42 c - Content copying or extraction.
43 o - Commenting.
44 f - Filling of form fields.
45 x - Content extraction for accessibility.
46 s - Document assembly.
47 h - High quality printing.
49 -e [ --enable ] arg A string of permissions flags (see above) that can be
50 enabled. If there is a conflict with one of flags in
51 'disable' option the permission is not granted.
52 --title arg Sets document's 'Title' description.
53 --author arg Sets document's 'Author' description.
54 --subject arg Sets document's 'Subject' description.
55 --keywords arg Sets document's 'Keywords' description.
56 --creator arg Sets document's 'Creator' description.
57 --producer arg Sets document's 'Producer' description.
58 -l [ --linearize ] Linearize output files.
59 --subfolders Process all subfolders.
60 --extension arg (=.pdf) The default file extension used to process PDF
61 documents. The default extension is ".pdf".
62 --verb arg (=1) Set the verbosity level to 'arg' (0-2).
63 -v [ --version ] Print the version information.
64 -h [ --help ] Print a listing of available options.
68 pdfsecure -o test_out/ex1/blue_secret.pdf -s 128 -u secret test/blue.pdf
69 pdfsecure -o test_out/ex2 -s AES -u secret test
70 pdfsecure -o test_out/ex4 -s 128 -w foo -d mcofxs -e ph --subfolders test
71 pdfsecure -o test_out/ex5 -s R test test_out/ex4
72 pdfsecure -o test_out/ex6 --title "My Title" test
73 pdfsecure -o test_out/ex7 -l test_out/ex6
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