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Command-Line Summary for PDF2Image

Usage: pdf2image [<options>] file...


  --file... arg              A list of folders and/or file names to process.

  -o [ --output ] arg        The output folder used to store rasterized files.
                             By default, the currently selected working folder
                             will be used to store converted image files.

  --prefix arg               The prefix for the output image file. The output
                             filename will be constructed by appending the
                             prefix string, the page number, and the
                             appropriate image extension (e.g. myprefix1.png,
                             myprefix2.png, etc). The prefix option should be
                             used only for conversion of individual documents.
                             By default, each input filename will be used as a

  --digits arg               The number of digits used in the page counter
                             portion of the output filename. By default, new
                             digits are added as needed; however this parameter
                             could be used to format the page counter field to
                             a uniform width (e.g. myfile0001.jpg,
                             myfile0002.jpg, etc).

  --subfolders               Process all sub-directory for every directory
                             specified in the argument list. By default,
                             sub-directories are not processed.

  -f [ --format ] arg (=png) Output image format. The following is a list of
                             supported export formats:
                               png8 (palettized png)
                               jpg (or jpeg)
                               tif (or tiff)
                               tif8 (palettized tiff)
                             The default output image format is PNG.

  --separations              Output separations separately (as distinct image
                             channels). In formats that support NChannel
                             output, the output will remain in one file.
                             Otherwise, each page will be rasterized into a
                             number of 1 channel images, one for each separate
                             ink present in the document. This option
                             automatically enables overprint preview mode.

  -d [ --dpi ] arg (=92)     The output resolution, from 1 to 1000, in Dots Per
                             Inch (DPI). The higher the DPI, the larger the
                             image. Resolutions larger than 1000 DPI can be
                             achieved by rendering image in tiles or stripes.
                             The default resolution is 92 DPI.

  --nocms                    Disable color management system. By default,
                             PDF2Image uses lcms

  --icc_rgb arg              Specifies RGB ICC profile.

  --icc_cmyk arg             Specifies CMYK ICC profile.

  --hres arg                 The width of the output image, in pixels.

  --vres arg                 The height of the output image, in pixels.

  -a [ --pages ] arg (=-)    Specifies the list of pages to convert. By
                             default, all pages are converted.

  -b [ --box ] arg (=crop)   Specifies the page box/region to rasterize.
                             Possible values are:
                             By default, page crop region will be rasterized.

  -c [ --clip ] arg          User definable clip box. By default, the clip
                             region is identical to current page 'box'.

  -r [ --rotate ] arg (=0)   Rotates all pages by a given number of degrees
                             counterclockwise. The allowed values are 0, 90,
                             180, and 270. The default value is 0.

  -g [ --gray ]              Render and export the image in grayscale mode.
                             Sets pixel format to 8 bits per pixel grayscale.
                             By default, the image is rendered and exported in
                             RGB color space.

  --mono                     Export the rendered image as 1 bit per pixel
                             (monochrome) image. If the output format is TIFF,
                             the image will be compressed using G4 CCITT
                             compression algorithm. By default, the image is
                             not dithered. To enable dithering use '--dither'

  -k [ --cmyk ]              Render and export the image in CMYK mode. To
                             export CMYK, the output image format must support
                             CMYK pixel format. An example of image format that
                             supports CMYK is TIFF (e.g. -f tif -k). By
                             default, the image is rendered and exported in RGB
                             color space.

  --config arg               Load xml file to configure font substitution for
                             missing fonts. By default, tries to load the file
                             "config.xml" in the current working directory.

  --dither                   Enables dithering when the image is exported in
                             palletized or monochrome mode (e.g. when export
                             format is tif8, png8 or --mono).

  --gamma arg (=0)           Sets the gamma factor used for anti-aliased
                             rendering. Typical values are in the range from
                             0.1 to 3. Gamma correction can be used to improve
                             the quality of anti-aliased image output and can
                             (to some extent) decrease the appearance common
                             anti-aliasing artifacts (such as pixel width lines
                             between polygons).

  -q [ --quality ] arg (=80) Compression quality is a number in the range from
                             1 to 100. Lower numbers usually result in better
                             compression at the expense of image quality. The
                             default setting is 80.

  -m [ --multipage ]         If the output image format supports multi-page or
                             multi-frame capability, store all output images in
                             one file instead of separate files. Currently,
                             this option is only relevant to TIFF output. By
                             default, images will be saved in separate files.

  --printmode                Renders annotations in the print mode. This option
                             can be used to render 'Print Only' annotations and
                             to hide 'Screen Only' annotations.

  --transparent_page         Sets the page color to transparent. By default,
                             PDF2Image assumes that the page is drawn directly
                             on an opaque white surface. Some applications may
                             need to draw the page on a different backdrop. In
                             this case any pixels that are not covered during
                             rendering will be transparent.

  --op arg (=pdfx)           Specifies if overprint simulation is used.
                             Overprint is a device dependent feature and the
                             results will vary depending on the output color
                             space and supported colorants (i.e. CMYK,
                             CMYK+spot, RGB, etc). Possible values are:
                               off, overprint is turned off
                               on, overprint is turned on
                               pdfx, overprint is turned on only for PDF/X
                             By default, pdfx is used.

  --noannots                 Disables drawing of annotations.

  --nosmooth                 Disables image smoothing.

  --noprompt                 Disables any user input. By default, the
                             application will ask for a valid password if the
                             password is incorrect.

  -p [ --pass ] arg          The password for secured PDF files. Not required
                             if the input document is not secured using the
                             'open' password.

  --extension arg (=.pdf)    The default file extension used to process PDF
                             documents. The default extension is ".pdf".

  --verb arg (=1)            Set the opt.m_verbosity level to 'arg' (0-2).

  -v [ --version ]           Print the version information.

  -h [ --help ]              Print a listing of available options.

  pdf2image -o test_out/ex1 test/tiger.pdf
  pdf2image -o test_out/ex2 --hres 100 --vres 100 --rotate 90 test/tiger.pdf
  pdf2image -o test_out/ex3 -f tif --multipage --gray -p secret --rotate 270 --verb 3 test/blue_secret.pdf
  pdf2image -o test_out/ex4 --dpi 3000 -f jpg -c 216,522,330,600 test/tiger.pdf
  pdf2image -o test_out/ex5 --dpi 200 -f tif --multipage --pass secret --verb 3 test
  pdf2image -o test_out/ex6 --hres 100 --format jpg --pass secret --subfolders --verb 3 test

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