Print a PDF to a printer on Server/Desktop

To print a PDF to a default printer, basics.

1PDFDoc pdfdoc = new PDFDoc(filename);
3// Setup PrinterMode options
4PrinterMode printerMode = new PrinterMode();
7printerMode.SetDPI(600); // regardless of ordering, an explicit DPI setting overrides the OutputQuality setting
10// Print the document on the default printer, name the print job the name of the
11// file, print to the printer not a file, and use printer options:
12Print.StartPrintJob(pdfdoc, "", pdfdoc.GetFileName(), "", null, printerMode, null);

Print a PDF file - Full Sample
Full sample code which illustrates how to print a PDF document using the currently selected default printer. Samples available in Python, C# (.Net), C++, Go, Java, PHP, Ruby, VB. To use this code, you'll need to download and get started with Server SDK.

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