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Android / Guides / UI icons

UI Icons for Android Viewer

Rectangle imageRectangleAdd a rectangle
Ellipse imageEllipseAdd an ellipse
Polyline imagePolylineAdd a polyline
Polygon imagePolygonAdd a polygon
Cloud imageCloudAdd a cloud
Line imageLineAdd a line
Arrow imageArrowAdd an arrow
Ruler imageRulerAdd a measurement ruler
Perimeter imagePerimeterAdd a measurement for perimeter
Area poly imagePolygon AreaAdd a measurement for polygon area
Area rect imageRectangular AreaAdd a measurement for rectangular area
Free text imageFree textType on the document
Callout imageCalloutFree text with arrows
Note imageNoteAdd a comment
Ink imageInkDraw on the document
Eraser imageEraserErase ink stroke
Signature imageSignatureAdd a signature
Stamp imageImage stampAdd an image stamp
Rubber stamp imageRubber stampAdd a rubber stamp
Search imageSearchSearch text on internet
Free highlighter imageFree highlighterHighlight anything
Highlight imageHighlightHighlight text
Underline imageUnderlineUnderline text
Squiggly imageSquigglyAdd a squiggly annotation
Strikeout imageStrikeoutStrike out text
Group select imageGroup selectSelects multiple annotations
Pan imagePanDefault pan tool

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