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Mac / FAQ / My version of Python is incompatible with the precompiled samples

My version of Python is incompatible with the precompiled samples

You can try to build your own wrappers, or run a compatible version of Python in its own environment.

Here are the steps for the virtual environment option using pyenv:

  1. Install pyenv and execute pyenv install 2.7.15. It may take a while to install.

  2. Navigate to your /PDFNetWrappers folder and execute these two lines:

    pyenv local 2.7.15
    source ~/.bash_profile

The precompiled samples will now use Python 2.7.15. You can now run some samples , or integrate our SDK into your own application . If you want to return to using your system version of Python for the samples, just run pyenv local system in /PDFNetWrappers.

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