Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Release Date: February 17, 2021
This release of Apryse's SDK for UWP adds Microsoft WinUI 2 library as a dependency of the UWP Tools SDK.
as a dependencyAnnotationCommandBar
default height changed from 48px to 40pxNote: when editing area or perimeter a feedback value is displayed while dragging a vertice
Note: Area Redaction allows to add an overlay text on the redacted region
Note: for more information on how to implement the Viewer Control please follow the guide here...
New class: PDFDocGenerator
static PDFDoc GenerateBlankPaperDoc(double, double, double, double, double)
static PDFDoc GenerateGridPaperDoc(double, double, double, double, double red, double, double, double, double, double)
static PDFDoc GenerateLinedPaperDoc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
static PDFDoc GenerateGraphPaperDoc(double, double, double, double, double, int, double, double, double, double, double, double)
static PDFDoc GenerateMusicPaperDoc(double, double, double, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
static PDFDoc GenerateDottedPaperDoc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
static PDFDoc GenerateIsometricDottedPaperDoc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
New class: OCRModule
void OCRModule.ApplyOCRJsonToPDF(PDFDoc, string)
void OCRModule.ApplyOCRXmlToPDF(PDFDoc, string)
New class: RectRedactionCreate
New class: TextRedactionCreate
New interface: IMeasure
New enum: PageUnit
New enum: MeasureInfoType
New class: MeasureInfo
New class: MeasureInfoGroup
New class: MeasureUtils
static void SetMeasurementInfo(IAnnot, IMeasure)
static void LoadMeasureInfoToObj(Obj, IMeasure)
static MeasureInfoGroup GetAnnotMeasureInfo(IAnnot)
static MeasureInfo GetMeasureIngo(Obj)
static bool IsRulerMeasure(IAnnot)
static bool IsAreaMeasure(IAnnot)
static bool IsPerimeterMeasure(IAnnot)
static string GetIT(IAnnot)
static string ConvertToFinalVal(double, string, string, string, string, string)
static double ConvScaleToPDFFactor(PageUnit, ToolType, string, string)
static double ConvStrToPDFPrecision(string)
static string ConvPDFPrecisionToStr(double)
static PageUnit GetPageUnitFromString(string)
static string FormatDecimals(double, string)
static double CalcPerimeter(List<Point>)
static double CalcArea(List<Point>)
static void UpdateAreaAnnot(Annots.Polygon)
static void UpdatePerimeterAnnot(Annots.PolyLine)
New class: RulerCreate
New class: AreaMeasureCreate
New class: PerimeterMeasureCreate
New class: AnnotEditAdvancedShape
New class: WindowsInfo
static WindowsInfo RetrieveApiInfo()
New enum: Build
New class: BooleanToBackgroundColorConverter
New class: BooleanToBrushConverter
New class: BooleanToMarginConverter
New class: BooleanToMaxLengthConverter
New class: BooleanToMaxWidthConverter
New class: BooleanToOpacityConverter
New class: BooleanToOpacityParamConverter
New class: BooleanToThicknessConverter
New class: DoubleToPointLabelConverter
New class: DoubleToThicknessConverter
New class: EmptyOrNullToVisibilityConverter
New class: EnumToBooleanConverter
New class: EnumToOpacityConverter
New class: IconToCustomUnicodeConverter
New class: IntEnumToBooleanConverter
New class: IntEnumToVisibilityConverter
New class: InverseBooleanToIntParameterConverter
New class: NotNullToBooleanConverter
New class: NotNullToVisibilityConverter
New class: RatioToPercentageConverter
New class: RatioToPercentageLabelConverter
New class: ReverseBooleanToBackgroundOpacityConverter
New class: ReverseBooleanToThicknessConverter
New class: ReverseSelectedToOpacityConverter
New class: SelectedIconToCustomUnicodeConverter
New class: SelectedToOpacityConverter
New class: StringToResourceConverter
New class: ThicknessToHalfPointConverter
New class: ToolTypeToBooleanConverter
New class: GreaterThanToOpacityConverter
New class: NumberToColumnNameConverter
New class: static DependencyObjectExtensions
New class: AsyncCommand
New class: AsyncCommandBase
New interface: IAsyncCommand
New class: NotifyTaskCompletion<TResult>
New class: RelayCommand<T>
New class: CheckedCommand
New class: CloseRequestedCommand
New class: FlyoutClosedCommand
New class: FlyoutOpenedCommand
New class: ItemClickCommand
New class: KeyDownCommand
New class: KeyUpCommand
New class: LoadedCommand
New class: LostFocusCommand
New class: PasswordChangedCommand
New class: PointerContactCommand
New class: PointerPressedCommand
New class: RightTappedCommand
New class: SelectionChangedCommand
New class: SizeChangedCommand
New class: TappedCommand
New class: TextChangedCommand
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