You have a few options to open a document using Xamarin - Please choose one of Android, iOS and Forms to start with viewing a document
We can include the images from the basics open document overview here
Show document in an activity
You can open a document in a DocumentActivity with configurable preset UI
Show document in a fragment
You can open a document in a PdfViewTabHostFragment with a higher degree of customizability and interactive UI
Show document in a view
Start with PdfViewCtrl, the most basic viewing element and build the UI and functionality yourself
Show document in an ViewController
You can open a document in a DocumentViewController with configurable preset UI
Show document in a multi-tabbed ViewController
You can open a document in a DocumentTabbedViewController to be able to to switch between interacting with multiple files quickly
Show document in a view
Start with PTPPDFViewCtrl, the most basic viewing element and build the UI and functionality yourself
Show document in an Document Viewer
Open a document in a Document Viewer with annotation and other tools preset
Show document in a Basic Viewer
Ember the viewing component for Xamarin.Forms
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