Version: 9.3.1
Release Date: September 7, 2022
This release of Apryse for Xamarin brings the core PDF functionality and iOS and Android Tools functionality inline with version 9.3.1 of the iOS and Android SDKs. More information can be found on What's New for iOS and What's New for Android.
- Added support to pass a custom class for GetThumnailViewerFragment()
- Added UsingFileExtension() method to ViewerBuilder
- Added option to remove "Reader Mode Settings" button
- Fixed issue where xod files did not retain page state
- Fixed issue where office files did not load last page
- Fixed issue where DS/DA property were not used before DR in FreeText annots
- Fixed issue were insert image from Camera was not rotated correctly
- Fixed issue with freetext preset labels with large accessibility fonts
- Fixed issue where quick menu may hide rotation handles
- Fixed issue where adding author name after updating annotation list causes the author id lookup to fail
- Fixed issue with no ripple effect on toolbar icons
- Fixed issue with back navigation after serach in outline / annotations list / user bookmarks search
- Fixed issue with share menu in overflow causing UI to push bottom sheet up
- Fixed elements in landscape mode being covered up by system navigation bar
- The eraser tool can now erase part of an ink annotation when tapping.
- It is now possible to create text markup annotations on tap.
- It is now possible to set and edit the text contents of the parent annotation from a
. - Added support for creating line annotations (line, arrow, polyline) with different line ending styles.
- Added a
instance method to commit pending annotation changes. - Adds a
property to control the presets view, as well as a PTToolGroupToolbar.PresetsEnabled
property to set both of the PresetsToolbarEnabled
and PresetsViewEnabled
properties at once.
- Fixed an issue preventing the generation of XFDF change information when the
instance property is set to false. - Fixes an issue with the display of the annotation style picker's preview.
- Fixes an issue with free text annotations where text styling (bold, italic) is not displayed after the annotation is edited.
- Fixes a crash for iOS versions < 14 when clicking on a free text annotation style preset.
- Fixes an issue when editing text form fields where tapping to dismiss the keyboard would incorrectly select another field.
- Fixes the appearance of callout annotations that have been copied and pasted.
- Fixes an issue with selecting annotations while the annotation list control is open in the side bar.
- Fixes an issue with combo-box form fields not showing the selected option.
- Fixes an issue with the size of free text annotations increasing when the annotation's text is edited for the first time.
- The
instance property now respects the PTToolManager.Readonly