
Apryse SDK supports printing.

Printing a PDF document in Xamarin.Android

The library handles all the hard work, you simply have to tell it to show the system print dialog with a document. This can be done with Print.StartPrintJob. Here is how:


1void handlePrintJob(Activity activity, bool isRtl,
2 bool printDocument,
3 bool printDocumentWithAnnotations,
4 bool printDocumentWithAnnotationSummary)
6 var printContent = 0;
7 if (printDocument)
8 {
9 printContent |= Print.PrintContent.DocumentBit;
10 }
11 if (printDocumentWithAnnotations)
12 {
13 printContent |= Print.PrintContent.AnnotationBit;
14 }
15 if (printDocumentWithAnnotationSummary)
16 {
17 printContent |= Print.PrintContent.SummaryBit;
18 }
19 Print.StartPrintJob(activity, activity.GetString(Resource.String.app_name), mPdfDoc, (int)printContent, isRtl);

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