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Xamarin / Guides / Package samples

Run samples

There are several samples available for Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Forms which will allow you to test and experience the many features included in Apryse's library.

Xamarin.Android samples

Download the SDK

Apryse for Xamarin.Android ships with three sample projects each containing examples that you could use in your project. All samples are included in the download package under \samples folder. You can run any of the sample projects using Visual Studio.

  • Open \projectSrc\PDFNetAndroidXamarin\PDFNetAndroidXamarin.sln or the .csproj file for project of interest in latest version of Visual Studio.
  • Select the project of interest as the startup project.
  • Clean and build the project.
  • Choose a deploy target, either a device or an emulator, then deploy to device.

CompleteReader project

This sample shows how to use DocumentActivity, a document viewing and editing activity. In addition to PDF files, it also supports viewing of other file extensions such as .docx, .doc, .pptx, .xlsx, .md, .cbz and various image formats. It allows stream conversion of these non-pdf documents to PDF format so you can view the document while conversion happens. In this activity, you can read, annotate, sign, fill in PDF forms and more.

PDFNetAndroidXamarinSample project

This sample shows how to use PDFViewCtrl to make a universal viewer that supports PDF files as well as other file extensions such as .docx, .doc, .pptx, .xlsx, .md, .cbz and various image formats. It supports annotating on PDF files. It also has code snippets such as showing how to add a custom view on a PDF page, how to find text, how to hide tools from QuickMenu and AnnotationToolbarComponent, how to show reflow mode, night mode etc.

AndroidMiscellaneousSamples project

This app shows the functionalities of the Apryse SDK and includes the samples found in the sample code page. Inspect its source code to learn how to use some of the main classes and features of the SDK, or just run the sample and check the results.

This project shares all of its source code with iOSMiscellaneousSamples project.

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