Release Date: March 20, 2024
This release of Apryse for Android brings the core PDF functionality inline with version 10.8.0 of the Apryse cross-platform APIs. Most non-module related changes apply to Android.
new static final field: double CLOUD_CREATE_SCALE
new static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_PARENT_CAN_READ
new static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_PARENT_CAN_WRITE
new static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_PARENT_IS_DIRECTORY
removed static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_CAN_READ
removed static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_CAN_WRITE
removed static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_EXISTS
removed static final field: CustomKeys ACTION_DIR_IS_DIRECTORY
new static method: Rect getActualUnrotatedBBox(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)
new static method: boolean isAndroidS()
new method: void removeSpaceDecoration()
new constructor: TabActionButtonTheme(int, int, float, float, float, float)
new final field: float cornerRadius
new final field: float iconSize
new final field: float strokeWidth
new final field: float textSize
removed constructor: TabActionButtonTheme(int, int)
removed method: Drawable drawableShadow(int, float, float, float, int)
new method: boolean showCustomToolbarView()
new static method: Delegate create(FragmentActivity, boolean, boolean)
removed static method: Delegate create(FragmentActivity, boolean)
new static method: SpannableString appendFavoriteHeart(Context, String)
removed method: Drawable drawableShadow(int, float, float, float, int)
new method: boolean showCustomToolbarView()
new static method: Delegate create(FragmentActivity, boolean, boolean)
removed static method: Delegate create(FragmentActivity, boolean)
new static method: SpannableString appendFavoriteHeart(Context, String)
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