PDF page labels
This example illustrates how to work with PDF page labels. PDF page labels can be used to describe a page.
PDF logical structure reader
This sample explores the structure and content of a tagged PDF document and dumps the structure information to the console window.
PDF image extraction
This sample illustrates couple of approaches to PDF image extraction.
Read elements across all PDF pages
Illustrates how to traverse page display list using ElementReader.
PDF data extraction (images, text, paths)
The sample shows how to use some of more advanced PDFNet features. The sample code illustrates how to extract text, paths, and images.
Please note that native code is being used in the following showcase app(s). Apryse SDK for Xamarin provides the same features but the source code for the showcase application(s) is only available in native languages.
Android showcase sample app
The showcase demonstrates some features of the SDK. To view the extraction demo, select any of the samples found under Parsing & Extraction
in the app such as:
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